Burn Hunter Theorycraft

Submitted 4 years, 4 months ago by

Since I have most of the cards of this deck and you know, first days of expansion pasts with aggressive Hunters mostly as always (lol) and just because of that rather than rage against those hunters, I've decided to make a deck for first days of the Scholomance Academy.

Since I have all of the other cards except Scholomance Academy ones and they are just 4 copies as 2 Legendary and 2 Epics, it won't be a huge problem for me to craft this. Legendaries both are worthwhile in my opinion; Vectus and Lorekeeper Polkelt, Epics are 2x Trueaim Crescent and i'm not so sure about it but well, since it is a dual-class card, it might be worthwhile too.

Anyways, The deck is here;

Deck ID Not Found

I'm not master of aggressive decks such as burn, it is least played archetype by me so I want to ask for some help here. Are there any suggestions or replacements that you can advise ?

Thanks from now on. :)

  • Almaniarra's Avatar
    HearthStationeer 1000 1509 Posts Joined 03/21/2019
    Posted 4 years, 4 months ago

    Since I have most of the cards of this deck and you know, first days of expansion pasts with aggressive Hunters mostly as always (lol) and just because of that rather than rage against those hunters, I've decided to make a deck for first days of the Scholomance Academy.

    Since I have all of the other cards except Scholomance Academy ones and they are just 4 copies as 2 Legendary and 2 Epics, it won't be a huge problem for me to craft this. Legendaries both are worthwhile in my opinion; Vectus and Lorekeeper Polkelt, Epics are 2x Trueaim Crescent and i'm not so sure about it but well, since it is a dual-class card, it might be worthwhile too.

    Anyways, The deck is here;

    Deck ID Not Found

    I'm not master of aggressive decks such as burn, it is least played archetype by me so I want to ask for some help here. Are there any suggestions or replacements that you can advise ?

    Thanks from now on. :)

    Unpopular Opinion Incarnate

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