New Neutral Minion - Sorcerous Substitute
Submitted 4 years, 5 months ago by
A new Common Neutral Minion, Sorcerous Substitute, has been revealed!
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A new Common Neutral Minion, Sorcerous Substitute, has been revealed!
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Yeah, have fun seeing this a lot in Mage. If you throw in Khadgar as well it's like Conjurer's Calling was never nerfed
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
Could be good in Spell Damage Shaman or Mage, but I'm not entirely confident in the archetype or card. Seems a bit slow, but 12/12 is a lot of stats, so who knows.
It's not bad, but needs spell damage support, if you don't have it on the field that means investing more mana and let's say you play a 2 mana spell power and this, then you could have just played Power of Creation
we saw if you have spell damage on board before.. Master of Ceremonies it's HARD to have a spell damage card on board.. they are always killed and understated.
sure the reward is strong but it's a slow reward, much slower than Master of Ceremonies which never was considered
Not very easy to get to activate, and 6 mana for nothing but stats is a little slow for any aggro decks.
I don't expect this to see a lot of play.
This post is discussing the wild format.
I reckon it'll probably be experimented with in SD Mage or Shaman, and then probably subsequently dropped by most of them. The payoff is pretty good and maybe easier to get off due to the new synergy, which is why it'll be experimented with. But then it might get dropped because this isn't the type of payoff the deck really wants.
Lol. Its a high powered card that will only realistically be seen in shaman and mage.
Is it strong? Yes, but then again, if there's spell damage on board wouldn't you rather, you know, cast spells?
So its a small niche for tempo mage, but potentially very strong. I personally dont think it'll ever see play, since its proven with cards like Animated Avalanche that any expensive card that doesnt affect board will likely just be too slow.
I think this is a sleeper card !
Does not look that good at first but i think we will see this card a lot because Mage has lots of potential to get the effect going. Like we've seen on the Reveal Stream he played it on 6 with a 0 Mana Spell damage guy!
Challenge me ... when you're ready to duel a god!
Yeah, this will see play for sure. Should be easy to activate in the upcoming meta.
"Be excellent to each other." -Bill and Ted
Shaman and mage spell damage synergies could make use of this, at some extend hunter too with Vereesa Windrunner.
I'm skeptical about this card. 6 mana 12/12 seems really good, but i feel like spell-damage/burn decks might not want such a late game minion. They probably want their opponents to have 0 hp by then. But hey 12/12 on turn 6 shouldn't be underestimated. My guess is that it will certainly see experimentation, but it will fall off quick.
RNG is only fun as long as there is a 50/50 chance of getting something really good or trash level of bad. If RNG always results in something good, then it's not fun.
6 mana for 2x6/6 is just GG on turn 6.
I guess the only "good" thing about this card is that it's not a mage minion (it would have been too obvious, right?!), so mage can't get it from the raven or the spell that gives you 3 mage minions if you have spells only deck.
“If you have an apple and I have an apple and we exchange these apples then you and I will still each have one apple. But if you have an idea and I have an idea and we exchange these ideas, then each of us will have two ideas.” ― George Bernard Shaw
EU Legend: S52 (ZooHeal Lock); S76 (Highlander Hunter);
Kinda slow imo
Good minion to pick from Power of Creation. This day it's too slow probably, but 6 mana for a 12/12 is quite interesting for a neutral card. Need some test to judge better this card
Unless you can reliably cast if for 2x 6/6, then it's good. Since you probably can't, I find it hard to fit in standard. In arena is almost an Ogre, thats enough usually.
Great spellburst card
Lemushki - The one and only since the 2006 rebranding.
This is an amazing swing card for Spell Damage decks that will give them some good board presence later in the game. I think this is a card people will have to think about when it is turn 5 and you have a spell damage minion on the field. And even just playing this on turn 7 with the new mage 1-drop isn't terrible.
Carrion, my wayward grub.
Seems solid but I'm not sure if it will make the card in spell damage lists.
*May* be good
Quest shaman are really Happy with that.
By The Holy Light!
Ridiculously strong tempo card on curve if you just happen to have some Spell Damage survive. It will be tried out for sure, but I wouldn't be certain that it will get included to the eventual refined lists.
can be really good, but it's really hard to stick a spell damage minion on the board
If you can reliably stick some spell damage by turn 5, this will be a great on-curve play.
An interesting card, might see some play.
Shaman has some ways to make this work. But will that be reliable enough?
I honestly think ppl will try out the spell damage decks purely due to this card. And also coz Blizz changed both Shaman and Mage deck recipes to be spell damage orientated xD
TREMBLE before.... the most legendary dragon that ever existed!
Like Animated Avalanche probably won't see play, but tbf elemental mage isn't great while SD shaman/mage could be.
Pretty easy to trigger with what we got so I think it'll see some play mostly In mage.
Self proclaimed good at battlegrounds
Great in any spell damage list, but won't carry them by itself. I can see Spell Damage Shaman being viable and I definitely think this will be in it.
6 mana 6/6 is acceptable stats for cost.
Having 12/12 for 6 is even better, but it comes with the prerequisite of having spell damage on the board for the battle cry to work.
Rise of Shadows saw a few minions that needed spell damage for their effects to work - Spellbook Binder and Arcane Watcher, Spellbook Binder saw NO play in standard, and Arcane Watcher I think only saw play in an early silence priest build that didn't run any spell damage minions.
The issue with this minion is that your opponent will go out of their way to remove any spell damage minion you have, unless they're absolute fools and don't think you have a board clear to back up the minion.
Now, Shaman can easily run this minion with their new Rune Dagger, which gives them spell damage after they attack, and Hunter's Legendary Veressa Windrunner gives them the weapon that also gives spell damage after attack, but that's less consistent than Shaman's daggers.
I think if anyone will run this minion it will be shaman, especially since they enjoy summoning tokens and then evolving them into larger minions.
In arena this minion will most likely just be a 6/6 on turn 6. Not terrible but not as good as a boulder fist Ogre, either
one of the best cards of spell dmg mage
All hail the banshee queen.
Very powerful card.
and this for 13/15 and Spell Damage Turn 7.
Just think, with a single shaman totem, this card can double its effectiveness.
Official Lorekeeper and Spinner of Tavern Tales
I am extremely excited for this card because I love making spell damage decks!
I want this to be good enough to bring spell damage decks into the meta, but it might be too slow to fit into spell damage decks (not too slow in that it doesn't have a big enough pay off, but too slow in the same way that Animated Avalanche is generally too slow).
Nevertheless, I am going to be playing with this card a lot throughout this expansion.
Dang .. that's a lot of stats for (6) mana ...
I"m kind of scared this will be a little too potent
Struggle with Heroic Galakrond's Awakening? I got your back :
By the time you can reliably combo this with a spell damage minion, it can also be cleared pretty reliably too
Who needs consistency when you could have fun?
Glad to see options for Spell Damage decks other than just Spell Damage minions.
Thanks to denial, I'm immortal.
New shaman weapon that gains 1 spell damage for that turn when you attack would go nicely with this minion.
Quick! Someone give me something clever to write here.
I have a feeling a lot of people will try to make this work and it very well might. I'm terrible at predicting what this community will do as a whole so there really no telling.
It seems to me that in order to have a full advantage of this card, you have to play the spell power minion on the same turn.
Sometimes it will be a dead card on your hand.
A powerful stat bomb on turn 6, but how often will you have spell damage lingering around from the previous turn? I'm leaning towards the answer of not likely as most spell damage minions don't have great stats. Mage has a powerful way of enabling this with Lab Partner and Primordial Studies, but that's a 3 card combo on turn 6 which is not likely to come together. Overall, Sorcerous Substitute is a powerful play which can turn into a win condition for spell damage decks, it's just somewhat difficult to get the battlecry effect.
For glory, honor, and gold!
Quite strong given all the new sources of Spell Damage this expansion. 6 mana with 12/12 worth is stats is definitely something to be taken into account.
I really like this - it feels like the perfect fit for a combo Battlecry/Spell Damage Shaman deck.
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