New Demon Hunter Spell - Fel Guardians
Submitted 4 years, 5 months ago by
A new Common Demon Hunter Spell, Fel Guardians, has been revealed!
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A new Common Demon Hunter Spell, Fel Guardians, has been revealed!
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The worm has returned...only it kinda sucks now.
JUst friendlies is a big downside and I have yet to see an actual gameplan for Token DH
If this was dual class card i would love it in Quest Hunter, but it's not so I'M sad
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
A nice effect, but if odd DH wanted this, they would already be running corridor creeper.
Interesting alongside demon hunter's suite of rush token generators, but probably not enough to create a more midrange-based strategy.
This post is discussing the wild format.
Really helps push token DH, even especially since if it tracks throughout the game and doesn't require being in your hand. It even continues supporting the archetype by supplying more fodder to proc other effects, which is nice.
Corridor Creeper was quite strong this summons 3 minions that feel other copies of this card, it's still a card even thought it was nerfed by 3 attack! still sees play in odd paladin.
this doesn't probably fit the normal DH but a token DH deck that was pushed but found inferior to tempo DH might want this.
I like that this can be a support card for Control DH, I know this doesn't exist but that hasn't stopped me for trying for both standard and wild.
So here we have Corridor Creeper reprinted as a DH card, with +1/+1 in stats & taunt. This helps token DH, but i feel like it is also good for control demon hunter. /+Mainly considering the fact that their multiple taunt minions. Maybe we will see control DH also use a token DH package as removal & in order to cast Fel Guardians for cheap?
RNG is only fun as long as there is a 50/50 chance of getting something really good or trash level of bad. If RNG always results in something good, then it's not fun.
This is so much weaker than the creeper. I wonder if this gets a spot in standard dh deck...
“If you have an apple and I have an apple and we exchange these apples then you and I will still each have one apple. But if you have an idea and I have an idea and we exchange these ideas, then each of us will have two ideas.” ― George Bernard Shaw
EU Legend: S52 (ZooHeal Lock); S76 (Highlander Hunter);
I like that they are continuing the "cares about friendly minions dying" stuff in this expansion :)
This card however looks a bit hard to use since it only checks friendly minions and you need to get it down to about 3 mana before it is good. I am not 100% sure about how easy that will be to achieve, Demon Hunters tend to run a lot of draw and small minions, so I guess it is okay? But if you topdeck this at the wrong time, it is just trash. Maybe it will be worth it, maybe not. Only time will tell.
*edit* I just noticed that this doesn't say "while this is in your hand". So as long as at least 7 friendly minions have died at any point during the game, this will cost 0. This card is actually a lot better than I initially thought.
Carrion, my wayward grub.
By the late game you probably wouldn’t want this and early game it would kind of suck to draw since it makes your hand a lot more awkward to play, so I don’t really see this working
Who needs consistency when you could have fun?
Very dependent on having a lot of tokens die. I can't tell if you need to have this card in your hand when they die for the effect to work or not.
Official Lorekeeper and Spinner of Tavern Tales
Could be pretty nice. It's more Stats than Corridor Creeper and they have Taunt, which could be relevant in Aggro Matches.
The earliest you could play this reliably is T4, I guess. T1, 1-Drop, T2 Umberwing, T3 Satyr Overseer (?).
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Ironically, on of the best ways to reduce Fel Guardians' cost is by playing another Fel Guardians. Token DH will love this, especially when considering that deck actually has fast tokens.
Rating cards on coolness factor rather than predicting power because I like screwing up rating averages (and because I suck at predicting real power levels, but we'll ignore that LUL)
Wins per class (2/6/22): DH-197; Druid-996; Hunter-91«60; Mage-1056; Paladin-1126; Priest-746; Rogue-961; Shaman-1095; Warlock-871; Warrior-906
If there was something like Southsea Captain for demons, this would be much better. No, I don't count Mal'Ganis cuz he's too expensive.
"Be excellent to each other." -Bill and Ted
7 mana is quite steep for a starting cost, and unlike Corridor Creeper, this only triggers off of friendly minions dying and not all minions. You'd need to get this to about 2 mana before it becomes "good". I'm not sure about this one.
The major problem here is that the tokens are only 1/2 bodies with taunt, meaning the are certainly value traded by just about any minion, easily swept by AoE, and can't hide behind a taunt. Its basically a useful anti aggro tool in most cases, and realistically will be 0 costed by turn 5 or so.
I dont think its good enough to be honest. The only application I can think of is to play this along with Wrathscale Naga with a simpering hope that the opponent got a stroke and blindly trade in without first destroying the naga. What made Corridor Creeper so strong (prenerf) was simply because its a 5/5 minion after a board trade or board wipe, which not only imposes pressure, is suitably resistant to removal and trades. This, unfortunately, is not.
Alec Dawson confirmed on Twitter that the discounts only accrue while it's in your hand. Must have run out of space for the text.
Another token swarming synergy, hmm maybe somebody can make it work, doubt it though.
You know, up until writing this I thought it reduced cost wherever it is. And you know what? It didn't look that broken compared to other DH stuff.
This is really weak. Maybe if the class had AoE buffs, but it's not as if DH should get more strengths.
Looks like Token Demon Hunter will be a thing this meta - at least according to some cards. Could work if you have it early on otherwise i think it is to slow.
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This card reminds everyone of Corridor creeper, and it's easy to make the comparison - both are 7 mana that get discounted when minions die.
Unlike Creeper, this card only discounts FRIENDLY minions dying. Also while 3/6 worth of stats with taunt is better than 2/5 (WAS 5/5 until creeper was nerfed) its split up across 3 bodies.
You'll want to discount this card by at least (3) mana for it to be 4 mana 3/6 of stats (a stat line that's been pretty prominent in some legendaries this set). Fortunately for Demon Hunter that's not too difficult to accomplish, their spells Coordinated Strike and Command the Illidari summon 1/1 rush minions whose purpose is to trade into your opponents minions and clear the board or remove a dangerous threat.
If you're going to be using a deck that runs this spell you'll also be running the new Blood Herald minion, who also gains stat bonuses in hand for friendly minions that die, and Netherandamus, who doesn't see much play since he doesn't have the support needed for a control deck.
This card will probably see some experimentation, but I'm not certain if Control Demon Hunter will replace the efficient Tempo Demon Hunter just yet.
Token DH is in a bad spot because the pay-offs it currently has aren't game-winning as well as the fact that one of DH's established class weaknesses is that they can't buff wide boards. This isn't that game-winning payoff and it's a terrible top deck. At least with OG Corridor Creeper if you top-decked it in the mid-to-late game it was a sizable threat and could be discounted easier, making Fel Guardians so much worse in context.
For glory, honor, and gold!
I am not as excited by token DH as I may be for Big Demon DH ; either way, I intend to try
Struggle with Heroic Galakrond's Awakening? I got your back :
If the discount work only when you have this card in hand, this card is unplayeble. If not can see play if we can play it for 2 mana at turn 4 or 5 in a solid way
Not really liking it. Just 3 1/2s?
Might be too slow
Lemushki - The one and only since the 2006 rebranding.
Not bad, it might see alittle play one day.
Bad top deck card unless you are about to lose but great if in slow/midrange decks if you can get the mana reduc. pairs well with the "summon x 1/1 rush minions" cards
All hail the banshee queen.
It has to be in hand and you need to lose about four minions for this to work. I think DH can make it work, but it won't be better than what they already can do.
It's like Corridor Creeper, but worse. Token DH isn't good enough and this doesn't make it better.
I'm not sure if this is going to be a sleeper like Corridor Creeper or meh-to-bad like Jumbo Imp. I suspect it will be somewhere in-between because the effect is defensive in nature and doesn't have the evolve potential. I doubt this will see much play this expansion.
Better than [Hearthstone Card (Corridor Creeper) Not Found]. Looks awesome.
I can see the line they are going down and what deck(s) this would work in but it’s a it too slow to be holding on to for so long in your hand. Perhaps with more support it will fit well into a deck.
This card has the same requirement as Nethrandamus as in, it needs to be sitting in your hand for a long time to gain any value, so top decking this is automatically bad, but not as bad as the dragon, and the taunt will be welcomed if you taking heavy pressure
TREMBLE before.... the most legendary dragon that ever existed!
These "when friendly minions dies" needs to be understated to keep the cost fair. Problem is, too many times games are in topdeck mode and these cards suck hard. This is no exception.
I think that you don't need to sit the card on hand to discount it.
On reveal vídeo the card never gets his original cost and kripp asked for it.
By The Holy Light!
Many people say this card isn't good, and I say that every card for Demon Hunter doesn't have to be amazing. They are doing fine right now even after several nerfs.
Very weak card
I just don't see this being good at this point in time.
Thanks to denial, I'm immortal.
Before they confirm that this must be in your hand in order enable it's effect, I think that is just a pack filler
Could be okay in a control/midrange style that uses the 1/1 Illidari with rush to make trades... maybe.
Quick! Someone give me something clever to write here.
Token DH will be awful without more support.
Not the best of cards, as it takes quite a few minion deaths to make it worth the cost. By that time, it's likely the 1/2 minions won't make a difference.
Just friendly minions is a huge downgrade from something like Corridor Creeper. I don't think any Demon Hunter deck really cares about a card like this.
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