New Mage & Rogue Spell - Potion of Illusion
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A new Epic Rogue/Mage Spell, Potion of Illusion, has been revealed!
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A new Epic Rogue/Mage Spell, Potion of Illusion, has been revealed!
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Not sure about that one. I don't realy see much use in mage except for the lategame you could copy stuff like Kalecgos.
But i think this will be more used in Rogue - in combination with some decent deathrattles this could work.
Challenge me ... when you're ready to duel a god!
This is just the right cost to prevent exodia mage from going off. Phew!
Or have I missed something?
There gotta be a combo someday with this though!
Winner winner chicken dinner
Fairly optimistic about this card. A lot better than echo of medivh, and it being in rogue probably enables something of note.
Likely to go into a whole slew of combo decks in both classes, but probably a little pricy for quest mage.
This post is discussing the wild format.
So, Echo of Medivh that's way better for battlecries (and arguably for deathrattles, since 1/1s die quickly). Seems great, at least as a one-of, for value generation. Imagine copying something like Dragonqueen Alexstrasza or Zephrys the Great, for instance, in Highlander decks.
Mmm, with Galakrond/Wand discounted minions, mmm. And some minions are not always 1/1s, mmm. A potential in this one, I see, mmm.
“If you have an apple and I have an apple and we exchange these apples then you and I will still each have one apple. But if you have an idea and I have an idea and we exchange these ideas, then each of us will have two ideas.” ― George Bernard Shaw
EU Legend: S52 (ZooHeal Lock); S76 (Highlander Hunter);
There just so many applications for cards like this. But does it merit an inclusion into rogue and mage, likely in rogue, not so much in mage.
Mage suffers from card draw, so any card that doesn't do anything on its own is not likely to be too impressive.
A combo and value card. At 4 mana it is a little hard to set up properly, so maybe only for dedicated deck.
Can this be drafted by Kabal Chemist? Probably not.
Getting huge 1 mana battlecry minions like Zephrys the Great,Dragonqueen Alexstrasza,Alexstrasza,Kalecgos,Heistbaron Togwaggle...
Really nice card.
By The Holy Light!
I fail to see any practical purpose for this other than getting it randomly.
I mean most valueable drops are above 6-mana so I don't see this being that useful
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
This is a good card, it's basicly powercreeped Echo of Medivh. Oh no i can see al the new/easyer mage OTKs coming already.
Mage: Great with [Hearthstone Card (Kalecos) Not Found]. Basicly gives you a free copy of it + whatever else you have on board. Very powerfull with highlander cards like [Hearthstone Card (Dragonqueen Alexstrazsa) Not Found] and [Hearthstone Card (Zephrys the Greath) Not Found].
OTK in STANDARD: you can OTK if you play Raid the Sky Temple in order to get a coin from Licensed Adventurer.
Step 1: play 2x Sorcerer's Apprentice + 1x Educated Elekk and use 1x Potion of Illusion.
Step 2: Kill Educated Elekk and find 2 copy's of Potion of Illusion. (the newly shuffled one + the 2nd one that's probably still in your deck)
Step 3: play 2x 1 mana Sorcerer's Apprentice + 1x Potion of Illusion. Play the 2 copied [Hearthstone Card (Sorcerer's Apprentise) Not Found] + another Potion of Illusion to get 4x 1 mana Sorcerer's Apprentice in hand.
Step 4: Play Archmage Antonidas + 3x 1 mana 1/1 Sorcerer's Apprentice + Coin out another Sorcerer's Apprentice.
Step 5: You now have the exodia combo on field. Enjoy Fireballing your opponents face.
For rogue: This is good to get copy's of cards like Edwin VanCleef, Kronx Dragonhoof, Highlander Cards & etc. Solid card and will see play probably in some kind of OTK deck as well.
RNG is only fun as long as there is a 50/50 chance of getting something really good or trash level of bad. If RNG always results in something good, then it's not fun.
OTK enabler -> need The Coin or any discount on a combo piece that is a minion or [Hearthstone Card (potion of illusions) Not Found]
there are 2 ways both require a set up turn and an execution turn.. in wild it's even easier cause of [Hearthstone Card (emperor thaurisan) Not Found]
6 cards OTK The Coin, Archmage Antonidas, 2 Sorcerer's Apprentice, 2 [Hearthstone Card (potion of illusions) Not Found].
In standard you can get the coin via Licensed Adventurer (just play Elemental Allies without elementals in your deck).
So it's 8 slots in the deck to have the combo in your deck.
Path 1:
play Archmage Antonidas +The Coin + Potion of Illusion
play 2 Sorcerer's Apprentice (4 mana) + Potion of Illusion (2 mana) + 3 1 cost 1/1s (3 mana) in total 9 mana. then you should have 2 fireballs from last turn or any 4 or less cost spell and you spam fireballs.
Path 2:
play 2 Sorcerer's Apprentice (4 mana) and double Potion of Illusion (4 mana) = 8 mana
Execution(order is important if you don't have another 4 cost or less spell):
play Archmage Antonidas + The Coin + 4 1 cost Sorcerer's Apprentice, then blast away..
In conclusion:
HOF Sorcerer's Apprentice already.
NUTS! You can do a lot of stuff with this card, from preparing your combo to just getting more value, 5/5 stars card.
nope, just need one coin and it's there, and guess what? you can generate the coin with Licensed Adventurer, you don't even need to run the terrible quest just run side quests.
Excellent in theory, very hard to make good use of in reality. To slow and situational. Nevertheless, I like the idea and would like to experiment with it.
Sonya Shadowdancer as a one-time spell, but at least you don't have to wait for them to die first.
Official Lorekeeper and Spinner of Tavern Tales
I feel like unless you have a specific combo in mind, you wouldn't want to put this card in your deck. It is 4 mana, and it does nothing on it's own, which makes it feel really clunky to play.
Carrion, my wayward grub.
This is a very potent spell for two classes who know how to get value from very cheap minions with strong effects.
Rogue's have plenty of minions with combos and battlecries and even deathrattles that benefit from being played at 1 mana; deathrattle rogue when SoU came out used the Anubisath Warbringer and Anka, The Buried to increase the minions in Rogue's hand by +3/+3, being able to pull that effect off more than once could mean for MASSIVE cheap minions for rogue to play. Getting a cheaper Edwin Van Cleef for a later turn can also be huge as well. Rogue's Preparation will allow them to play this spell at 1 mana, allowing Rogue to use this pretty much on the same turn they play the minions.
Mage also has plenty of minions they don't mind playing for 1 mana - Luna's Pocket Galaxy saw some constructed play when it was buffed from 7 to 6 mana, allowing minions such as Archmage Antonidas to be played for 1 mana and then go off with fireballs. Mage can also discount spells, but not as fast as Rogue, they do have access to Incanter's Flow from AoO which discounts spells in deck by (1), and Sorcerer''s Apprentice which discounts spells in hand by (1). I believe the idea for this card with mage is to get these three minions on the board with a free potion of Illusion, and then if you're opponent removes your board you can repopulate it with your key pieces and go off with fireballs.
Mage also has received Ras FrostWhisper and Mozaki Master Duelist in this set, both have fantastic synergy with each other, and having them both cost (1) and being able to throw out a barrage of cheap spells to power Mozaki's spell damage can make Ras become a very powerful AOE that could put your opponent in lethal range, if not finish the game like Demon Hunters do with Altruis the Outcast
With the new Mage legendary, there are going to be some super degenerate OTK combos. Whether or not the combos are good enough to be meta remains to be seen, but this card spooks me for that reason. In Rogue it can get some good value, might help the carpet-deathrattle archetype by refreshing the reduced deathrattles.
while that sounds plausible you have to consider that:
a) Mage doesn't really draw as well as it once used to
b) any combo Mage is vulnerable to being bursted down since no more Ice Block (the main reason no real combo deck has been a thing for a while
c) you're talking about a 7-card combo that needs at least 2 turns of set up: one for the Adventurer (the easier one) and one for the Antonidas one, which is essentially skipping a turn and leaving yourself open (which is extremely hard to do in the current meta seeing how even slamming down Alexstrasza is a chore these days)
Also, I don't get why you think Sorcerer's Apprentice is the issue. Mage has always been about discounting spells and throwing out lots of them. Archmage Antonidas is the real culprit because he provides infinite damage. Rework Antonidas (or replace him like Velen) and you won't have to worry about Exodia MAge in Standard ever again.
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
Well this is probably gonna let some annoying combo go off eventually. Beyond that, decent value generator, but Rogue’s never really been that great at taking advantage of that kind of stuff
Who needs consistency when you could have fun?
a) they added a new draw card last expansion, they still can draw from other sources.. mage has decent draw options.. yeah I know Acolyte of Pain is gone.
b) still have a lot of freeze.. that's why combo decks normally have 45% average win rate..
c) the secound path (the one with the apprentices.. let's you cast Frost Nova and some other cheap spells while setting up so that way you don't skip your turn as much.
discounts are the problem not antonidas whenever a class is problematic mana cheating are the problem.
antonidas is a balanced card without the ability to discount spells.
This was my thought too. This is WAY better than Echo in most cases (though I remember Echo being used to cheese out giants way back when).
"Be excellent to each other." -Bill and Ted
Medivh cries somewhere in echoes ..!
It is oozing power - I like and fear it already
Struggle with Heroic Galakrond's Awakening? I got your back :
but that's what I mean. Antonidas by himself would be balanced...but so would Apprentice without Antonidas.
It's very clear that spell discounting is a huge part of Mage's identity and gameplan and they have no intentions of changing it. So either they never print any combo support or they just remove Antonidas, because his only purpose is to pop up whenever another degenerate combo rears its head.
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
Even if it doesn't see play right now, we all know that at some point later down the line, this will be used for some type of combo that everyone despises. Double the chances since it appears in both classes.
This is a problematic card. Someone have already theorized the new Exodia mage. Rouge can abuse more thanks Prep and a lot of strong battlecry minion that use right now for exemple with a Heistbaron Togwaggle or Kronx Dragonhoof
I know I'm going to hate this in wild/exodias
Just excelente card, I am almost sure it will see play.
Lemushki - The one and only since the 2006 rebranding.
Exodia Mage has returned! Even decent for HL Mage as well.
I don't think Exodia mage is going to work out.
Nice Highlander support. Too bad they nerfed it.
Looks amazing for combos or effect cards but you will need to have them in play beforehand
All hail the banshee queen.
Amazing combo card, 5* for the potential memes alone.
Exodia Mage is back, and in Standard nonetheless!
This card is the ultimate shenanigans enabler, so it should be interesting to see what nonsense combos people come up with using this card.
Maybe it's time to try out Mogu Cultist again...
Edit: I just saw a Archmage Vargoth+Spell Damage+Sinister Strike combo, and I'm excited to see how long this card stays un-nerfed!
This will single handadly fling Sorcerer's Apprentice into HoF. Huge mistake IMHO.
EXODIA, OBLITERATE! This enables the classic Exodia Mage archetype. The Mage has a lot draw and stall to enable it right now in standard. The only potential problem is that the combo requires you to commit 8 mana during a prior turn, giving you only 2 mana to do anything reactive to prevent yourself from dying for one turn. The real question about Exodia Mage's viability is will they have the time to have that turn? Maybe two halves of a Ray of Frost are enough to stall during the setup turn?
In Rogue, you have better ways to generate value with lackeys and Galakrond, so I don't think Rogue runs it.
For glory, honor, and gold!
I really hope this doesn't incite more delinquent obnoxious otk combos for mage.
This card is like giving a dog the end of the car: it doesn't know what minions to use once he catches it.
Maybe a Reborn, Deathrattle, Archmage, Khadgar...
I'm waiting for some crazy Malygos.
By The Holy Light!
Combo deck enabler
OTK Mage is 100% back.
Thanks to denial, I'm immortal.
Strong combo and otk enabler
So, broken combos.... erm.
Rogue has no survival tools at the moment to support a combo deck. If they did, then the Galakrond/Malygos ttk would have plagued the meta until the Galakrond nerf. As for Mage, I'm not immediately thinking of any terrifying options in standard, and in wild, I think Open the Waygate + Giants has surpassed any Antonidas shenanigans.
At best this is a value tool, allowing you to replay strong battlecries, grab cheap deathrattles and cheese spell damage off cheap copies of Azure Explorer. I can't see it in meta decks, but could make for some fun off-meta options.
This card is very good and mage and rogue will make great use of it, I'm quite sure lol.
Potential for big battlecry effects, or even a potential new Exodia combo (with a Coin in hand or Manasaber on board).
Quick! Someone give me something clever to write here.
Might bring back Malygos rogue or exodia mage, just might.
TREMBLE before.... the most legendary dragon that ever existed!
Combo, COMBO, COMBO! I mean, I'm not going to be coming up with it myself, but I eagerly await whatever silly tricks this card can pull. Whatever they are, I'm sure Wild has more broken things, so hopefully Standard has the tools it needs.
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Seems quite strong, specially if used for some OTK strategies such as Malygos.