New Paladin Spell - Blessing of Authority
Submitted 4 years, 7 months ago by
A new Rare Paladin Spell, Blessing of Authority, has been revealed!
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A new Rare Paladin Spell, Blessing of Authority, has been revealed!
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Now THAT is some good stats for the cost. Might see play in a deck with Alura, but I don't see this fitting into any existing archetypes.
It's hard to tell if this would be good. Kinda like dinosize but not? all i know is if your paladin opponent goes out of their way to hero power on turn 4 you shouldn't just leave it around.
Living like that.
Just put some cheap taunt+this and laught.
By The Holy Light!
that's actually pretty damn strong. Wisp meta incoming?
Since it only specifies "this turn" the threat remains. It's just an awkward play if you're already ahead.
One of the few genuinely good Paladin cards in this set. Maybe Pure Librams will be good enough after all (also you can double the attack on the next turn if the guy sticks)
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
+8/+8 for 5 mana? and it only this turn they can't attack face? what? just totally destroy the enemy board this buff is just insanely good.
Is it just me or is this card insane? Not being able to go face with it is definitely a drawback, but if you put this on a unit that you just played that turn then it's sort of like a 5 Mana 8/8. Paying 1 more mana on Blessing of Kings for +4/+4 more seems worth not hitting face. You often use kings and then trade into a minion anyway.
It can't attack heroes the turn you buff it, fine. But it still has +8/+8, which is a big enough buff that you will probably be okay waiting an extra turn. And even if you never get the opportunity to hit face, it still isn't bad just because of how many trades you will be able to do.
Carrion, my wayward grub.
Let's me think about the card Dinosize. Blessing of Authority is cheaper and honestly pretty playable on just a Silver Hand Recruit just to act as hard removal. But we also got plenty of other cards like Subdue and Turalyon, the Tenured to do the exact same. Maybe it will be used in highlander Paladin, if it ever takes off?
In wild it's pretty decent in quest paladin. Gives Lynessa Sunsorrow +8/+8 and Lynessa Sunsorrow wasn't going face the same turn anyways.
RNG is only fun as long as there is a 50/50 chance of getting something really good or trash level of bad. If RNG always results in something good, then it's not fun.
If a midrange deck can consistently have a lifesteal minion in play that this can target, then this is a great anti-aggro tool.
The downside makes this card fairly poor against slower decks, where the buff is the same as developing a 5 mana 8/8. (Except that it and another minion can be killed by the same spell)
This post is discussing the wild format.
It's pretty good put on a minion with summoning sickness since it can't attack that turn anyway, although I'm not sure how often you put stat buffs on minions with summoning sicknesses.
Even though you can't use it for smork the stats makes it really good, and it's even better in minions that cannot attack that turn.
In paladin there's plenty of reasons why you'd not be going face after playing a buff. And this one generates a massive minion that needs to be dealt with after, presumably it takes a value trade.
I'd rate this high, but I can't seem to get it out of my mind that Blessing of Kings is just a better card because its one turn sooner.
The way I understand this is minion can still attack the turn before buffed by this?
For example,
5 mana 8/8 seems potent especially if you can attach it to a minion with taunt or lifesteal.
Also, additional value from Lady Liadrin.
I see this only as a defensive tool to buff up some Taunt or Lifesteal minion for the heal.
Nice card.
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Hmm.. it's BIG alright, but i can't see a time that pally can play this on a good minion.
So much powercreep compared to Dinosize. Yes - the old one was used as a finisher. But damn - this one cost only 5 mana, so you can even hero power + this on t7 and check if opponent has some silence/removal spell.
“If you have an apple and I have an apple and we exchange these apples then you and I will still each have one apple. But if you have an idea and I have an idea and we exchange these ideas, then each of us will have two ideas.” ― George Bernard Shaw
EU Legend: S52 (ZooHeal Lock); S76 (Highlander Hunter);
Hey guys, some minions have Lifesteal, just sayin'.
"Be excellent to each other." -Bill and Ted
Could work, maybe. Buffing sleeping minions isn't common practice, but there's also taunt and lifesteal synergy.
That Buff is pretty juicy!
But I think that it will suffer the same Fate as every other big Pally-Buff (well, except Spikeridged Steed). You put it on a Minion, the Opponent removes it and you feel dumb for putting that Card into your Deck.
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Interesting card! The effect is strong. but not op (since the minion can be removed by the opponent with another spell). The real deal is to abuse this effect with minion like Replicat-o-tron
Lovely card... I think it might be too slow
Al around incredible
Lemushki - The one and only since the 2006 rebranding.
Pseudo-removal leaving a huge body behind. Seems pretty good to me.
Double the Kings for almost the same price. Good even with the drawback.
That's a lot of stats, not sure the drawback truly matters either.
Nice cost for the effect and it can prepare easy otk's, Angry chickens ARISE!!
All hail the banshee queen.
It's pretty good, but the condition is really damning. Maybe on a stealth minion?
This is a very strong but also very fair buff spell.
For 1 mana more this is twice the power of Blessing of Kings with the caveat that your minion can't attack your opponent the turn this is cast.
for +8/+8 worth of stats this spell has obvious synergy with taunt, lifesteal and divine shield minions, all of which will benefit from the impressive stat increase or live long enough to benefit from the blessing
Seems good, and might be strong enough to make buff Paladin an archetype all on its own.
Minions will be a nightmare to remove after this, and putting this on a low cost rush minion will be horrifying to deal with.
Not to mention the synergy with High Abbess Alura.
Then get your minion silenced.
Roll up in a ball.
Struggle with Heroic Galakrond's Awakening? I got your back :
Cannot attack heroes but only this turn... You can play this on a recently played taunt minion and call it a day. Nice.
Very good effect if you can get this on a taunt or lifesteal card. The drawback isn’t even that bad to be fair.
This looks really good, because of how it can make any token into a big threat for relatively cheap. And who cares if you’re not able to push face damage that turn, a control deck wouldn’t care about that
Who needs consistency when you could have fun?
I think this is good.
Turn 4
and then Turn 5 this. The minion is protected while simultaneously setting up for a 11/11 on Turn 6.
This is going to be so good with new Paladin/Priest legendary. :D
Thanks to denial, I'm immortal.
It can be a great buff on any rush minion, just Blessing of Authority on a Silver Hand Recruit is a very good play
That was my very first thought too! On turn 5 when combined with Wisp this is a 5 mana 9/9 with no downside because it couldn't attack that turn anyway.
Quick! Someone give me something clever to write here.
In wild...Blessing of Authority + Zilliax, is the first thing I thought of, but there are so many good things...
No one plays silences nowadays, maybe some controlish DH.
By The Holy Light!
Save your extras for the nerf.
This ain't no place for a hero
Wow... I did a double-take when I saw (5). Double Blessing of Kings for one extra mana? The downside really isn't that bad because a minion that large, so early, is very likely to stick around and wreak havoc.
Started playing HS in May, 2015. The bad news: I missed the excitement of 'Naxx out?' and GvG. The good news: I never met an Undertaker.
Oh boy, the buffs are real this expansion. For 1 extra mana, you get double the effect of Blessing of Kings and the only downside if you can't go face for 1 turn
TREMBLE before.... the most legendary dragon that ever existed!
Buff spells have historically seen play as a way to develop stats for tempo while also pressuring the opponent by sending that damage face most of the time. This is like a 5 mana giant with rush that requires a minion on board, which I think the fact that Blessing of Authority can't go face makes the buff feel wasted if it's removed during your opponent's next turn. Also, since the buff requires a minion in play to have rush, the buff becomes less proactive. You can pull this with High Abbess Alura, but that isn't too consistent if you run Blessing of Authority just for that. Overall, I think the buff is too situational to be included in a deck.
For glory, honor, and gold!
This is an amazing spell! Wonderful cost for the stats, and the "can't attack heroes" doesn't even sound like it will be much of a problem if you are mainly using it to do things like buff up taunts.
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Insane card in theory, but hard to see how one can make the most out of it.
Forces removal or silence on the minion, this seems really good. Good enough to push Paladins away from Murlocs? We'll see.
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