New Warrior Weapon - Reaper Scythe
Submitted 4 years, 5 months ago by
A new Rare Warrior Weapon, Reaper Scythe, has been revealed!
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A new Rare Warrior Weapon, Reaper Scythe, has been revealed!
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very strong in any warrior deck.
Cleave is an incredibly powerful mechanic that usually ended up being very expensive. To have this for 4-mana (or I guess more with the spell) is huge.
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
Auto Include
Profile pic checks out (has Scourgelord Garrosh in case of pic change)
this is just that weapon but costs half as much.. for a meager cost of playing a spell.. (Upgrade!?)
Super good with all the attack and durability buffs Warrior has access too. Synergizes exceptionally well with Cutting Class and Doctor Krastinov, I expect all three to make some waves in Warrior deck lists.
I really like how they did spellburst here where you don't always want to trigger it right away. This card is incredible for controlling the board, and the base stats aren't even that bad. Death's Bite was played a lot, and sometimes still is in wild. You are losing the whirlwind effect for an extra 8 damage. Seems like a fair trade-off to me.
Carrion, my wayward grub.
4 mana 4/2 weapons have already seen play in warrior decks, and unlike death's bite, this one has an always beneficial effect in aggressive decks. I'm sure that this will see at least some play.
This post is discussing the wild format.
(Foe) Reaper's Scythe - You know they did on purpose (and it's fitting since a scythe is a farming tool).
The effect is quite strong though, and you can choose when it'll go off. It even has good synergy with the buffs in this set.
Does warrior actually need more AoE? I don't think this will be played taking in consideration the other cards warrior has.
Is the effect strong? Yes. Will it see inclusion? No.
Messes with your Corsair Cache is bad enough, it needs to be triggered to be good, will only work once, and there's already a huge amount of weapons that are currently filling up warrior's hands. Will this ever replace cards like Ancharrr, Livewire Lance, or even Wrenchcalibur? Not likely. And even in aggro warrior, face is the place, not minion trading.
Perhaps you'd think that you can leave it up and spellburst later? Well, if it doesn't get oozed, your opponent will play around it like crazy, and you will still need to contrive a spell to be played, so its not strictly good without any more resources spent.
This will be an auto include in every warrior deck! way to strong to not run this. But i also sure that almost every deck will Tech in Weapon Removal, because there are lots of Weapons around right now, and still will be in the upcoming meta!
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Good for control. You can save the spellburst effect to get the desired effect too since warrior don't like slinging spells.
Auto-include in any warrior deck. Also cleave is VERY STRONG. there is a reason we don't see that many cleave cards printed. Also this kinda effect is what control warrior really needed.
RNG is only fun as long as there is a 50/50 chance of getting something really good or trash level of bad. If RNG always results in something good, then it's not fun.
Super good. Even playable without the ability. Plus, since it's Spellburst and not Battlecry, you can cleave on the first swing or the second.
"Be excellent to each other." -Bill and Ted
1 attack and 1 durability shy of the legendary Shadowmourne from the DK. The effect should not be hard to activate and that cleave for 3x4 can mean a lot. And you can have 2 of them. Even Upgraded + Corsairs cache - that's some serious cleave.
“If you have an apple and I have an apple and we exchange these apples then you and I will still each have one apple. But if you have an idea and I have an idea and we exchange these ideas, then each of us will have two ideas.” ― George Bernard Shaw
EU Legend: S52 (ZooHeal Lock); S76 (Highlander Hunter);
Not that good in aggro warrior, but it's a heck of a card in control.
You can also mess with your opponent like Supercollider did.
4 mana 4/2 weapons with nice effects have historically seen play in Hearthstone - just look at TrueSilver Champion.
This weapons ability to damage adjacent minions is super important, as sometimes Warrior is facing an opponent who uses sticky death rattle minions to control the board, even if Warrior won the brawl.
This weapon will let you play brawl, and damage any adjacent minions that may have been summoned by death rattles such as the hyenas off of Savannah Highmane.
The ability also allows you to ignore secrets like Noble Sacrifice and Pack Tactics, since the they'll damage both minions anyway.
It's a good weapon with a much needed control ability for a class that likes to dabble in control when Pirates aren't their best deck on the ladder.
Very strong in any deck and also can make a small cleave. Auto-include probabbly
I feel like this had way more potential. :/
Thanks to denial, I'm immortal.
DK 2.0
Lemushki - The one and only since the 2006 rebranding.
I like it, thought I don't think it will work that well
Looks very strong, but honestly warrior has better weapons right now.
... Until it rotates ; early rotation candidate along with the DH set? ^^
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to the rescue once again.
4 mana 4/2 is strong itself for Warrior. And it got a spellburst!
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"Who knows what secrets we'll uncover?"
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"The stars align!"
Crazy combo with the new 5 mana Cutting Class , because in turn 5 you spend just 1 mana for 4 dmg cleave and draw 2 cards. Win games vs aggro on its own. Even more crazier is turn 4 equip this, hit. Turn 5 play the 5 mana Doctor to buff to 5 attack then draw 2 cards, while have 5 cleave and 4/4 Rush body on board. Insane. Also with cheap spell like Sword and Board, Shieldslam still being played in all list, very easy to activate this weapon spell burst . Screw Skipper. Who need him when this weapon make you solo the board and draw cards like a boss. Save a lot of deckslot.
Very powerful with a cheap spell for a nice board swing. Definitely an exciting weapon, hopefully it finds a place in the meta.
One of the best weapons in the game.4 Mana 4/2 is enough to clear most early game minions and the "activateable" Flamereaper should win you the game against board based aggro/tempo decks like totem shaman (never thought this would be a real deck)
A good weapon with a very nice effect. Because Warrior just didn't have enough removal already.
I am dumb and I didn't read it's this turn only... still pretty good but not as insane as I thought it was.
Very strong board control tool, nice art, cool flavour, seems reasonably balanced. I like it.
Nice effect and average cost, still needs to spellburst
All hail the banshee queen.
The Spellburst is kinda meh, since probably will just go face 90% of the time.
Every warrior will get one of these.
I do love to see more Cleave effects. I think the ability is strong enough for this to definitely see play, though it's certainly a bit clunky - it's a bit of a double-edged sword to set this up on a previous turn, because from that point on you need to want to Cleave if you're casting a spell, otherwise the effect is wasted.
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Has a lot of potential, but I don't think this will actually see play for it's intended purpose.
I think it is more likely this sees play in aggro lists just because it is a 4/2 weapon.
Probably gonna see play, since you can choose when the cleave goes off.
Who needs consistency when you could have fun?
Good based on gameplay videos, with Matheridon
I hope they continue making more cleave cards. I am still waiting for Saurfang to make his appearance
I don't play a lot of warrior, but this seems like a good card. Extra removal is not a bad thing, to me at least.
I see this mainly in Pirate Warrior for standard. I think the power of this in that archetype is less about the spellburst and more about curving into Captain Greenskin or Doctor Krastinov with an aggressive 4 mana weapon, which would allow you to play Cutting Class for free on turn 5 as well. Bomb and Enrage Warriors have their own weapons they run already and Control Warrior doesn't have a competitive win condition. Maybe Big Warrior also runs this, but I think that deck will be too slow in standard.
For glory, honor, and gold!
Spellburst converting this weapon to Frostmourne for a turn. I approve!
Quick! Someone give me something clever to write here.
Fits in aggro decks and control decks. 5/5 card
By The Holy Light!
I see this weapon in a more, control style deck, especially when you replace other removal tools to add in more weapon synergy cards like Steeldancer. Good thing it's a 1 turn effect, or it'll be broken.
TREMBLE before.... the most legendary dragon that ever existed!
Just cast this with Heroic Strike and aim for a low-attack minion in between two high-attack ones. WHAMO!
Official Lorekeeper and Spinner of Tavern Tales
Great art, great effect, all around a really good card.