New Rogue Spell - Plagiarize
Submitted 4 years, 7 months ago by
A new Common Rogue Spell, Plagiarize, has been revealed!
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A new Common Rogue Spell, Plagiarize, has been revealed!
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"Just don't play anything lol"
Living like that.
that could be very relevant for Quest Rogue (and just in general of course).
Sure, you can't guarantee it will be useful, but if you get lucky (or accurately predict what your opponent is going to do) you can easily get massive progress on your quest with just one card (or just finish it entirely)
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
I play a trap card!
I hero power and EMOTE!
Happy to see that they are continuing Secret Rogue support and are willing to make guaranteed triggers like Competitive Spirit again. It's a bit too tricky to play since you're not always going to get something that you want, but it's an interesting tool to work around with.
I wish Rogue shares dual class with Hunter and gets a dual class secret but at least there is one secret for her isn't it ? :)
Unpopular Opinion Incarnate
Just to clarify, this does trigger if your opponent doesn't play any cards, right? I am not sure if that is inconsistent with other secrets or not because usually if the reward isn't able to trigger, the secret stays dormant.
Anyway I think this will see play in any rogue deck that needs some card advantage. The only problem is most rogue decks aren't looking for more card advantage. Maybe in a burgle rogue, but aside from that I don't think it is worth it.
Carrion, my wayward grub.
I think this won't trigger if your opponent doesn't play anything
My guess is it works like Competitive Spirit. The opponent would have to play at least play 1 card to activate it otherwise it seems useless. I'm not sure though.
You could use this in a togwaggle deck, but if your opponent knew what you were doing they would just wait a turn.
In most cases, this card's power will be inversely proportional to how popular it is.
As always, copying enemy cards is an unreliable strategy.
This post is discussing the wild format.
I was not expecting to get a Rogue Secret in this set, but it's actually really nice since it means they're willing to keep pushing Secret Rogue.
Logically, it should work like Competitive Spirit in that it won't trigger if your opponent doesn't play any cards (similar to how Competitive Spirit doesn't trigger if you control no minions at the start of your turn). In the event that they do play nothing to play around the Secret, then... they played nothing and basically skipped an opportunity to play any cards, which is good for you since that will put you ahead in the game.
If your opponent only plays 1 card, it's not too great. If they play more than 1 card though, then it's actually pretty good. It's also really difficult to play around since it's really hard to tell when it's actually out on the field. It might be good in Secret Rogue, although maybe they might just prefer Dirty Tricks instead. Solid 3 star card with potential to be better.
"He can't see us if we don't move" - Dr Grant.
This is perhaps the weirdest secret in hearthstone currently.
Its probably a discover spell rather than something you'd purposefully drop into your deck. The best classes that play more than 1 card per turn, of which rogue can find a use for, would be mage and ironically rogue itself.
Its weakness is that the cards you get doesn't get discounted so its like 2 mana resource, of which Dirty Tricks is very likely just better. Worse still, your opponent will have an option to mill your cards by playing a bunch of useless stuff, making it awkward to play both galakrond and togwaggle.
But since against both rogue and mage this card is excellent there might yet be a place for it somewhere down the line.
This is going to be an annoying secret to play around.
Only counter play is play a card that is relevant to you not your opponent.
Annoying to play around :)
Challenge me ... when you're ready to duel a god!
WOW, now this is a fun card! i like it. Good for quest rogue, and it makes the opponent afraid of playing anything. This secret is also really good on turns you can predict that your opponent is going to do a big swing turn, and if they still play it, you can take those cards and do a big swing turn of your own. This card will certainly see play in secret rogue. (or in secret rogue packages) And obviously quest rogue, and as someone who loves thief rogue: It will be awesome.
RNG is only fun as long as there is a 50/50 chance of getting something really good or trash level of bad. If RNG always results in something good, then it's not fun.
Oh, the mind games. At the right turn you can get the right card from your opponent. And it support burglar, too. I like it.
I love how tasty standard Rogue secrets are. Is like beneficing (and tricking) the turn of your opponent and how he played it giving you a huge tempo in comparison.
Xbox gamertag - Psymonjet
If that's how it works then it's a potential Time Warp. Take another turn.
Diluting the rogue secret pool makes it harder to play around. I would include 1 of this in a secret galakrond rogue for 1 of the 2x Dirty Tricks I currently have for example.
“If you have an apple and I have an apple and we exchange these apples then you and I will still each have one apple. But if you have an idea and I have an idea and we exchange these ideas, then each of us will have two ideas.” ― George Bernard Shaw
EU Legend: S52 (ZooHeal Lock); S76 (Highlander Hunter);
Wow, love this concept. Like most good cards, it can be great or terrible, depending on circumstances. But you better play it with other secrets, or it will be easy to play around!
"Be excellent to each other." -Bill and Ted
So does this mean secrets will become rogue's identity now? Fun fact - early in hearthstone's design, rogues were intended to have secrets, but instead they were given to paladin because it "lacked a class identity". Seven years later, the problem is still here.
Due to the short pool of secrets for Rogue in standard, it's easy to play around them to reduce their effectiveness.
Unless you destroy this secret, there is no way to play around it, however, but that doesn't make it the most powerful secret, but a secret you have to plan ahead when to play it.
Because you'll want to maximize the value of this card, you'll need to consider the deck your opponents playing.
If they're playing control, they might only play one powerful card per turn. If playing miracle they may play several cards in a turn. You'll need to decide if you want that one powerful card or if your hand size is small enough to take the combo they just played from them.
In the Quest rogue this card can be used as an additional means to accomplish the quest. Against Galakrond Rogue if can be used to get their Galakrond and any of the 1 mana cards they've played that turn.
It's a strong secret but it requires a lot of decision making on the players part to maximize it's potential. Strong, but not broken.
Strong effect but enemy can play around it. The positive note is that Plagiarize can force a bad turn for the opponent.
Really great for your Opponents Swing/Combo.
„Hey pretty neat Kael'thas Turn! Let me try it!"
Also, I like how Rogue Secrets play little Mindgames. Imagine your Opponent checks forDirty Tricks and Ambush, and is afraid to trade into your Minion because of Bamboozle, just to find out that they played suboptimaly and give you Cards.
ArtStation | Twitter
Favorite Secret to date. :D
Thanks to denial, I'm immortal.
FUN card, not that good I think
Lemushki - The one and only since the 2006 rebranding.
I love this secret and the power it will bring
Love the flavor, seems decent looking to play around with.
I like this. I need to brush up on what secret techs are available in standard at the moment.
too meta ?
Struggle with Heroic Galakrond's Awakening? I got your back :
Looks like a great secret and it can be used if you know the opponent will have to play something you want next turn
All hail the banshee queen.
Looks like a good secret, glad they keep supporting Rogue secrets.
This has potential to be amazing, but it can also highroll real bad. I think it might replace a Dirty Tricks in secret rogue.
This card seems absurdly strong...
At a low level, this won't seem too strong because when it's played matters a lot. I expect the pros will use this as a counter win condition tool, especially against combo/control oriented decks.
Regardless, I expect this to see play everywhere, and it should be interesting where it ends up seeing the most play.
In any aggro or quest rogue, this is a great card. If you play fast and dirty, and run out of cards (which does happen for anyrogue not running Togwaggle or Galakrond) this is mostly a guaranteed refill- at worst, you get one expensive card, at best you get a lot of cheap spells which you can also use. This seems strictly better than Clever Disguise. Most random class cards are worse than the cards your opponent includes in their deck. This could work wonders in a fast quest rogue, especially too encourage bad play, or get a cheap refill.
Hard to play around while trying to play around other secrets. OP card for low ranks.
Warlock can have fun with
Nice against cassino Mage. But then again, by the time you get all those sweet spells, you're dead or very close to. And no [Hearthstone Card (Sorcere's Apprentice) Not Found] to you, filthy Rogue! Unless you copy one too...
Very easy to play around when they know what it is, but if they try a minion and a spell for the other two rogue secrets then you get at least two cards from this.
I think this will mostly feel worse than Dirty Tricks as you'd rather have 2 cards from your deck that fit your game plan instead of cards that your opponent plays in which they control what they are and how many you get. This does work well with Bazaar Burglary and is probably the only deck this will be effective in.
For glory, honor, and gold!
Seems decent, though it’s not as strong as it could be given that decks have moved away from being just strong cards and are more synergistic than in the past. There’s always that chance you’ll get a card useless to your class (though if enough cards like this are printed I guess that doesn’t really matter does it)
Who needs consistency when you could have fun?
At least they added a secret for Rogue
Murozond is that you?
I like the idea of more than just three Rogue secrets being in Standard at one time. I kind of want to see them do one oin the next expansion as well. Then no more for another year or two. But this one here is great!
Quick! Someone give me something clever to write here.
Fun and original card. I love it. But i think that doesn't fits in constructed decks.
By The Holy Light!
Your opponent needs to play something eventually or they just lose. At least you're guaranteed 1 card, at most, you get a bunch of aggro cards you just got from your opponent
TREMBLE before.... the most legendary dragon that ever existed!
I'm gonna be honest, I wasn't expecting a new Secret for Rogue. I love that they've decided to keep adding them - perhaps a hint to a rework of their Classic set in the future? Maybe Paladin can drop their Secrets too?
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I don't know how useful this will be for ranked, but I love playing thief rogue for fun and this looks to be a great way to merge it with secret synergy.
Official Lorekeeper and Spinner of Tavern Tales
Good secret, will at least force your opponent to slow down to play around it.
This can be insane in the late game, and it's quite hard to play around.