Yes, Blizzard pays people to gather information at sites like these.
Once again, I get hit for 14 extra* damage from an unfortunate last hit on a pirate ship, knocking me out of an otherwise good game. If the ship doesnt break it's dealing 6... if it's not your day the damn thing is going to blow up for up to 18 damage on you. Up to triple the damage. Rat Pack has been the classic culprit of this dealing 2-7 extra damage in a tragic last hit. The ship makes the rat pale in comparison.
This is not alright people. Sticky minions are already desirable for their power level- there is no reason to have that side benefit to them. It leads to games where you absolutely get deleted unjustly by a bad twist of fate. Is it your opponent having such a great board that you deserve to have the damage inflicted on you? Nope! The Sky Golem from their Ghastcoiler dropped a Megasaur...
Please reply to this post with the statement, "I support making spawns deal one or half damage" or something of the like if you agree with this idea.
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Yes, Blizzard pays people to gather information at sites like these.
Once again, I get hit for 14 extra* damage from an unfortunate last hit on a pirate ship, knocking me out of an otherwise good game. If the ship doesnt break it's dealing 6... if it's not your day the damn thing is going to blow up for up to 18 damage on you. Up to triple the damage. Rat Pack has been the classic culprit of this dealing 2-7 extra damage in a tragic last hit. The ship makes the rat pale in comparison.
This is not alright people. Sticky minions are already desirable for their power level- there is no reason to have that side benefit to them. It leads to games where you absolutely get deleted unjustly by a bad twist of fate. Is it your opponent having such a great board that you deserve to have the damage inflicted on you? Nope! The Sky Golem from their Ghastcoiler dropped a Megasaur...
Please reply to this post with the statement, "I support making spawns deal one or half damage" or something of the like if you agree with this idea.
The Only Constructed Deck Worth Playing:
Well this is a tenuous issue. By doing this you invalidate most Deathrattle spam warbands and make it basically impossible to kill anyone. If tokens dealt no damage, sure it would be nice, but then the game slows to a crawl and it basically turns into a Murloc fest for everyone.
You could argue a case for longer games means more chances for outplays or something, but I feel the negatives far outweigh the benefits, no matter how tilting it might be.
This ain't no place for a hero
Salt thread is here:
The nature of battlegrounds is its carefree, noncompetitive casualness. Unfortunately this means that a large part of the game itself is rng, with only limited amounts of control each player has over their game. Even your starting hero is essentially a coin toss. Its really not worth making a write up over it. That blizz even balances battlegrounds at all, its usually because the games are getting stale, like the amalgams early on and later the cobalt guardians, and rarely because of something being too 'unfair'
Your case example makes good video highlights. I can symphatize, but I suspect that was the whole point of battlegrounds for most people.
1. If you are on 14 hp or lower, you should at least consider the possibility of dying to bad RNG any moment.
2. Now, putting aside your salt OP, I do agree it would be more fair to have all the tokens (meaning minions that did not start on board) to deal 1 dmg. Thing is, BG is not fair and will never be. This is the most RNG based mode on HS, and if you find it too annoying (which I would perfectly understand) maybe you should try some other auto-battlers ?