I fixed it everyone.
Submitted 4 years, 4 months ago by
I hate this card. I hate it more than anything ever printed. It is worse than kaelthas in my opinion, but it's okay i fixed it.
"But won't they just play obsidian statue instead?"
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I hate this card. I hate it more than anything ever printed. It is worse than kaelthas in my opinion, but it's okay i fixed it.
"But won't they just play obsidian statue instead?"
Living like that.
I like it. Blizzard please
Isn't the point of "fixing" cards to either make them playable or less oppressive?
Cause this doesn't accomplish the former and they are about as far away from the latter as could be.
You only delay the inevitable. Its easier for Aggro to steamroll them now, but the FelLow HuMans will still absolutely wreck control/big decks lol.
This ain't no place for a hero
That was kind of the point of it. The problem with the rez mechanic and the FeLlOw HuMaNs right now is that it forces you to deal with the minion every time, since they have taunt, but i believe removing taunt from the card would make it severely less oppressive. And yes it is substantially worse against aggro, but it's not like priest is a class that doesn't have a billion tools to combat aggro already as it is. And like you said it still is good against large minions or in a control v control matchup
Living like that.
"Fellow humans is literally unplayable."
Spoken like someone intentionally ignoring the the card is ran in literally every priest deck that has been made since it was released....
Living like that.
These are the current priest decks that see play in both formats.
Now would you kindly point out where I'm supposed to spot Convincing Infiltrator (which is the card I presume you're pointing out while simultaneously trying to ridicule it) in these lists?
"They used the word literally! I got them now!"
Living like that.
It would be terrible without Taunt. Against small minions does very little, and vs big minions it would ve a delayed and more expensive Deadly shot. Anyway, too slow.
The only thing that could be touched is maybe health, it could pass with 2/5 or even 2/4 as a good card, but that does not do enough. Not nerf-worthy.
And I hate that card too. On its own it wouldn't be so annoying, but it has such a good support for abuse.
Oh wait you're that person who posts le funny reaction images rather than actually providing facts or thought out arguments to defend their standpoint.
Why did I bother lmao
Convincing Infiltrator has taunt cause he isn't actually convincing and it's really obvious so when spotted you have to attack him.
Obsidian Statue is a guardian, guardians need to protect stuff so they will interfere with you attacking other targets.
removing taunt makes no sense.
Flavor is better than game balance that's why when you play deathwing it just bricks the game for you and your opponent and no one can play on that game board anymore because it has been destroyed.
Living like that.
So Battlecry: gain Taunt would solve your issue...
... would still kill the card I guess
It is by will alone I set my mind in motion.