Buffs Suggestion

Submitted 3 years, 10 months ago by

I'm suggesting the following changes to a few cards from this year, for classes that in my opinion could use a little help.

The aim of these buffs is to at least provide those classes with stronger options to consolidate some "non-oppressive" archetypes.

Do you think some other cards should be buffed ? Or do you think these buffs are exagerated ?

  • Cocoduf's Avatar
    350 81 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 3 years, 10 months ago

    I'm suggesting the following changes to a few cards from this year, for classes that in my opinion could use a little help.

    The aim of these buffs is to at least provide those classes with stronger options to consolidate some "non-oppressive" archetypes.

    Do you think some other cards should be buffed ? Or do you think these buffs are exagerated ?

  • meisterz39's Avatar
    925 1200 Posts Joined 06/03/2019
    Posted 3 years, 10 months ago

    Data is a bit limited at this point, but it doesn't seem like any of these classes need that much help. Zoo Warlock, Totem Shaman, Bomb Warrior, and Highlander Mage are all pretty good decks. These cards you're highlighting focus on archetypes that aren't very good, but that's not that important. Those archetypes can come back/be powerful with subsequent expansions or with rotation next year.

  • Iskar's Avatar
    165 6 Posts Joined 03/12/2020
    Posted 3 years, 10 months ago

    Aside from whether the changes are needed, let me comment on your proposed changes:

    Archwitch Willow - without the change, the card is much less consistent unless you build your deck around it. With your change, you would be able to create a massive power swing by summoning (potentially) two very powerful demons. Consider post-nerf Dragonqueen Alexstrasza - you can only play one of the dragons on the same turn (if you're at 10 mana), and they are random. Still, that is already one of the most OP effects in the game in my opinion. I think that your proposed change is even over this level - a tad too much. Perhaps keep it random, but summon copies of the demons?


    Tidal Wave - I think that card is good as it is, considering that shaman already has a strong turn 7 removal - Earthquake. And you can still combo Tidal Wave with spell damage totem or a card like Bloodmage Thalnos.


    Bonechewer Raider - I like this change. It's like rogue's Underbelly Fence, but with warrior flavour. Me likey.


    Wyrm Weaver - I thought this card would see more play. Mana reduction is ok, but I would also reduce health to 5 in this case.


    Quote From meisters39
    Those archetypes can come back/be powerful with subsequent expansions or with rotation next year.

    That's true, but, at least me personally, I'd like to see new cards make more impact in general when an expansion hits, instead of having to wait 2-3 expansions for them to be even slightly viable.

  • AngryShuckie's Avatar
    1705 1735 Posts Joined 06/03/2019
    Posted 3 years, 10 months ago
    Quote From Iskar 

    Quote From meisters39
    Those archetypes can come back/be powerful with subsequent expansions or with rotation next year.

    That's true, but, at least me personally, I'd like to see new cards make more impact in general when an expansion hits, instead of having to wait 2-3 expansions for them to be even slightly viable.

    That mentality is exactly what pushes power creep and is why I generally oppose buffs. Cards are in Standard for 16-24 months, and often find a home sooner or later. If you push everything to be viable in their own expansion then they are ridiculous when the decks that would have made use of them without needing buffs arrive. To deal with that while making all the new expansion's cards viable forces rampant power creep.

    The current pure/libram paladin is a good example of this: it was so important to people to make libram pally strong last expansion that now the deck has a win rate that would usually have people complaining that it needs a nerf.

  • dapperdog's Avatar
    Dragon Scholar 1890 5554 Posts Joined 07/29/2019
    Posted 3 years, 10 months ago

    Willow needs to be 8 mana. The body doesn't really matter. The main problem with her is there isn't really any demons you really want to pull out in standard at the moment aside from Enhanced Dreadlord, and that minion cost 8 mana. So why would anyone play this card when they can just play the dreadlord a turn earlier and not die in the process.

    Tidal Wave is outclassed by Earthquake at the moment, and if healing if your game you'll find Walking Fountain still does pretty well. To make this playable it has to be 6 mana, maybe deal 2 instead of 3.

    Wyrm Weaver is honestly very strong. But most people would rather just play mana giant as the big minion than this one. Dropping this to 4 would make this the next cancerous card in standard second only to Lightning Bloom. Might see play in standard at some point in its life, the effect just cant be ignored, so this doesn't really need buffs.


  • Iskar's Avatar
    165 6 Posts Joined 03/12/2020
    Posted 3 years, 10 months ago

    Quote From AngryShuckie
    That mentality is exactly what pushes power creep and is why I generally oppose buffs. Cards are in Standard for 16-24 months, and often find a home sooner or later. If you push everything to be viable in their own expansion then they are ridiculous when the decks that would have made use of them without needing buffs arrive. To deal with that while making all the new expansion's cards viable forces rampant power creep.

    I disagree - wanting the cards I buy to be of any relevance is not a mentality that hurts the game. I don't think the cards need to be outright busted. Rather, I would like to see changes to game modes, more ways to acquire cards etc. The main power creep reason, in my opinion, is to make people buy cards. But that's not really what this topic is about so let's leave it at this.

    Quote From dapperdog
    Tidal Wave is outclassed by Earthquake at the moment, and if healing if your game you'll find Walking Fountain still does pretty well. To make this playable it has to be 6 mana, maybe deal 2 instead of 3.

    I play shaman and Tidal Wave seems fine to me. You have Hagatha's Scheme on turn 5, Earthquake on 7. Tidal Wave at 6 dealing 2 damage to all minions wouldn't be good - 2 damage to all minions for 6 mana with no board development would leave you behind. At 7 it would compete with Earthquake. So, settling on 8 mana seems ok.

  • AngryShuckie's Avatar
    1705 1735 Posts Joined 06/03/2019
    Posted 3 years, 10 months ago
    Quote From Iskar

    Quote From AngryShuckie
    That mentality is exactly what pushes power creep and is why I generally oppose buffs. Cards are in Standard for 16-24 months, and often find a home sooner or later. If you push everything to be viable in their own expansion then they are ridiculous when the decks that would have made use of them without needing buffs arrive. To deal with that while making all the new expansion's cards viable forces rampant power creep.

    I disagree - wanting the cards I buy to be of any relevance is not a mentality that hurts the game. I don't think the cards need to be outright busted. Rather, I would like to see changes to game modes, more ways to acquire cards etc. The main power creep reason, in my opinion, is to make people buy cards. But that's not really what this topic is about so let's leave it at this.

    Buffs are the most direct form of power creep you can conceive of: they literally increase the power of cards. You cannot decouple the two things. That is not to say buffs will always have a detrimental effect on the meta in either the near or far future, but they absolutely can and we have already seen it happen where they need nerfing again. 

    While wanting every card to have some relevance sounds sensible, you have to be clear on what you mean by 'relevant'. Not all cards are designed with the constructed meta in mind, and even those that are won't suit everyone's play style. Cards like Tess Greymane are far more relevant to me than, say, Blazing Battlemage, even though it is much more relevant to the metagame than Tess ever was. 

    Before I am willing to support any buffs, I first need evidence that the cards in question aren't serving any purpose to anyone. There are some examples that I would absolutely support buffs for. E.g. Holomancer was awful for absolutely everyone. Even Treachery combos left you with a whopping 2 mana to work with! But buffing cards that are OK and already have potential either for the meta or for meming, is exactly the sort of thing that I personally want to avoid, especially when there is a growing trend of expansions being released with some seriously broken cards already, which mask how solid a lot of cards are.

    I'm certainly not arguing against changes to game modes and more ways to acquire cards, though that is genuinely off-topic in a buff suggestion thread...

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