Warsong commander hinted reworked in the solo adventure?
Submitted 4 years, 5 months ago by
I saw her in the solo adventure so either they wanted to make this encounter extremely easy by giving him garbage cards (more likely) or will warsong commander get a rework or something to do with injured minions/weapon? maybe they left her as she made sense.
One can only hope for justice to the most obvious "we don't want to deal with this card so we deleted it but it's still there for people to wonder just why it exists" card.
also Malfurion has "Night elf tag" foreshadowing that night elves being a tribe?
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I saw her in the solo adventure so either they wanted to make this encounter extremely easy by giving him garbage cards (more likely) or will warsong commander get a rework or something to do with injured minions/weapon? maybe they left her as she made sense.
One can only hope for justice to the most obvious "we don't want to deal with this card so we deleted it but it's still there for people to wonder just why it exists" card.
also Malfurion has "Night elf tag" foreshadowing that night elves being a tribe?
Isn't it just because it's an orc?
Take my words with a grain of salt. I'm unranked and only play casuals lmao.
More than that, Grommash is leader of the Warsong clan, so the card is just being used for flavour reasons.
Even so, the card quite possibly will get a rework, but it's appearance in the adventure isn't saying much.
Re Night Elf tribe: this has apparently already been clarified as just a use of leftover code from way back (probably alpha or pre-alpha), as Regis mentions at the end of this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y35FqDVO0fk
I saw it after the kaelthas match which was actually challenging and then.. the rest were just "press the button lol" so I thought maybe there was a future rework that would make the inclusion of that card make sense.. guess got excited for nothing but at least they looked at the card and added it to a deck so maybe they are aware of it existing..