DAWN OF THE APOCALYPSE- A New Full Custom Expansion

Submitted 3 years, 11 months ago by

“The End is near!”

I'm back, and I greet you, welcome to the guide of my first custom full expansion, Dawn of the Apocalypse!

"Nice logo, isn't it?"


Set Introduction

Dawn of the Apocalypse is a custom expansion build around the idea of represent popular end of the world theories inside the Hearthsone/ Warcraft universe, like World War, Giant Meteor or Super Diseases. 2020 has been a rough year, there’s disgrace after disgrace everywere, and this is what inspired me to make this set, giving each class a set based in ways that the REAL world could end, but in a more lighthearted and fanciful way (as possible, of course).

  Mechanics and Keyword

Those are the new keyword and mechanics from the expansion:

  • Catastrophes- (1), (5) and (10) cost powerful spells that are generated from other weaker cards.
  • Prophecies- Cards that let you Discover a specific cost Catastrophe.
  • Augurs- Minions with powerful Battlecries, but that only triggers after a certain number of turns.

  Catastrophes are (1), (5), or (10) cost spells that changes depending on your class. They are like a mix between Spare Parts and Kazaku’s Potion, but more powerful and without RNG. They have two effects, each of them synergizes with an archtype of the expansion directly or indirectly, for example, Demon Hunter's Catastrophe summons a Demon, to synergize with the 'Demon Killing' archtype, and also shuffle spells into your deck that summons a copy of it, to synergize with the 'Portal" archtype.

  Catastrophes generators have low stats for their cost, and will ALWAYS give exactly a (1),(5) or (10) cost Catastrophe, there’s no RNG, also, Catastrophes generators will ALWAYS give a Catastrophe from your class, no matter what class they are from.

  Those are the only Neutral Catastrophes generators, but some classes will receive some more, and those are part of the other mechanic of the set, wich is Prophecy.
  Prophecies are spells with weak effects for it’s cost , that adds a Catastrophe to your hand, but instead of adding a specific Catastrophe to your hand, it let’s you Discover a Catastrophe of any cost! Making them a very versatile and powerful tool.

  And last but least, there’s the Augurs, agents of "The End" that casts a very powerful effect after a certain number of turns, similar to the Dormant demons from Ashes of Outland, but they get summoned right away. This effect has been made dozens of times before in custom expansions, and that’s why i’ve decided to make it just a mechanic instead of a Keyword. Here’s an example.


  An ancient and unbeliveably powerful entity created to destroy the universe when the time was right has woken from its eternal sleep. This entity has no name, but is refered by its followers as “The End”. The entity is trapped inside a special chamber in the void of the space since the creation of the universe itself, and all that time it was sleeping, but now it has woken, and it is ready to fulfil its given pourpose. Although the creature is powerful, it doesn’st have the power to break free from the chamber by itself, since it’s locked with 10 specials locks know as the Locks of Armageddon that only opens when a certain situation happens. Each lock opens when a specific event happens, like the Lock of the Elements, that only opens when 10 trillion living creatures across the whole universe dies from Natural Disasters (Volcano eruption, Tornado, Tsunamis,etc). Then the entity gathered Heralds from each abitable planet on the universe to fulfill the requirements to open all 10 Locks of Armageddon and start the end of the universe.

"20/20 statline, coincidence? I think not."

Class Themes, Mechanics and Story

Now i’ll present you the themes, inspirations, story and mechanics for each class in alphabetical order, if you have doubts about flavour or mechanics, please read the story i've written with a lot of careness, just don't mind the typos and spelling errors.


Demon Hunter: Alien Invasion

As i said above, this expansion is about real world endind theories adapted to the Warcarft universe, and one very popular and explored way to end the world is a Alien Invasion. But since aliens and Demons Hunters has nothing in common, i had to make a little adaptation. By definition, aliens are livings beings from another world, right? Do you know what creature from another world that constantly tries to invade planets? If you guessed Demons, you guessed right! So the actual theme for Demon Hunter will be Demon Invasion! (How original...)

"Demon Hunter's Catastrophes"

The first Lock that "The End" was planning to unlock was the Lock of the Legion, a lock that would only open after 10 trillions living beings across the universe died by demonic forces. The Herald chosen to achive this objective in Azeroth was Andoris Bluegrass, now know as “Andoris the Betrayer”.



"Today, the hunter becomes the prey!"


  Andoris is a Demon Hunter that got mind influenced by the entity to start a new invasion on azeroth, and after many betrayals and corpses, he sucesseded at opening thousands portal in all over the planet, slaying thousands of people.

  A close friend of Andoris, Gabrillea Moonslicer, was the most dissaponted and angered by the actions of her friend, and sworned to hunt him to the depthes of the world aloung her loyal followers, killing EVERY SINGLE demons in their way.

"Get those scum out of my face!"


  Gabrillea eventually founded and killed Andoris, but his death was not the answer to end the invasion. Hours and hours passed, the ounslaught continued and no one knew how to stop it, but suddenly, all portals closed, all demons returned to the Twisting Nether, 10 trillion lives has been taken by their hands, the Lock of the Legion has opened. Peace lasted for a while, but 10 mounths later, a new Herald was chosen, and another lock was about to be open, the Lock of Pestilence.


Druid: Super Diceases

The most commented end world possility for the past 8 mounths, thanks to the new Corona Virus that looked inofencive at first sight, but now is killing hundreads of thousands of people. But as much as a want to use it to portrait the Druid side of the apocalypse, i decided to use fictional diceases instead and avoid to directly refer to the Covid pandemic, it may not be a huge deal for me, but i know it is a sensitive subject to some. But enough bad vibes, let's continue with the story/ card presentation!

"Druid Catastrophes"

"What is a Disease  and why it is making your minions stronger? you'll find it soon enough"


10 mounths after the huge invasion, the world is still recovering from the tregedy, and within the desolated land, a new Herald was chosen to open the Lock of Pestillence, and the Herald was Dencoha. With the knowlegde given by his master, Dencoha developed not one, not two, but FOUR incurable diseases.

  Each disease was spread through a different continent, killing hundreads of thousands of people, all races was desperatly trying to cure the plagues, however, it was impossible, but there was still hope. Within the forests, the Night Elves discovered a kind of humanoid mushrooms that could turn the diceases into super anti-bodies, making the affectes by the plagues a lot stronger than they were, the newly discovered race was called the Plague Weavers.

"Got it?"


  But sadly the anti-bodies was just enough to make the reduce the symptons, the plague was still there, and eventually, all afected by the diceases died painfully.

  Two mounths passed, the afflicteds were instantly cured, 10 trillions across the universe died, the Lock of Pestillence has been opened, and 8 mounths after the pandemic, a new herald was chosen, the Herald responsable for opening the Lock of the Animals.


Hunter: Riot of the Beasts

  I admit, that one is a little far-fetched, i couldn't find any cool and popular end world for hunter, so had to use my imagination for this one. It may not be a popular way to imagine how the world (or Mankind at least) would end, but think about it, if ALL the animals around the world started to randomly attack each other, do your really think that humanity would survive the cryses? With all dogs, cats, pigeons, rats and all wild animals attaking everithing in their way? I think not, so now lets see how the hunters aroud the world will deal with the sudden revolt of not only their preys, but also their beloved companions.

"Hunter's Catastrophes"

  Another day, another disgrace, the Lock of the Animal was about to be opened, after 10 trillion dies by uncosious living beings, also know as beasts, and the one who received the task was Kakko Wildmoon, and using his knowledge and powers given by his master, Kakko made all beasts into mindless berserkers who attacked anyone in their path, including thier masters.

"Unleash the monster within"


  Hunters took a hard hit from this crisis, most of them got eated by their companions, and the survivors can't trust in their pets anymore, so now they must hunt with nothing but their weapons.

To end the riot, the few remaining hunter went on a hunt againts Kakko, but none of them succeded. After two weeks of slaughter, a brave hunter know as Falaski Shadowhunter went on a chase againts the herald. After days of struggling, Falaski founded and fought Kakko, but after many shots and slashes, Falaski died by the hands of the monter, and his soul got trapped into his bow, the Shadow Hunter.

"Wearing black, a bow without arrows, god have mercy on his soul. Eyes of dread, entrenched in horror,my devotions are gone!"


Hours passed since the fight, Kakko didn't resisted the wounds and died, and minutes after his death, the few beasts remaining turned passive again, do you know what that means? That's right, the Lock of the Animals has opened, and the peace lasted for a while, but the time for the next catastrophe willl come eventually, and this one will be DESASTROUS.

Mage: Meteor Collision

That one was a no brainer for me, mages and space has been a popular combination in fan creations since The Boomsday Project, so there was no chance that the mage theme was not going to be meteor collision, one of the most scary possibilities to end the world, since the only thing you can do in case of a huge meteor collion is pray. And by the way, if you know me from the card desing competion, you might reconize some the cards from the mage set.

A year passed since the riot of the beast, and small pieces rocks start to fall from the sky, a sign that the Lock of Space will soon be opened, after 10 trillion dies by the collison of a celestial body, and Luan Sunthane was the herald chosen for the job.

"Destruction...lits the sparkle of creation"


Luan is an expert in Fire magic that wanted to expand his power to another level, using astral objects to destroy his enemies, and thanks to The End, he managed to master the Astral Magic, and with his new powers, he wreck havoc upon the land, throwing meteors, asteroids and meteorites all around and killing thousands and leving huge craters in the process.

"Mage's Catastrophes"


To avoid more destruction, the Cosmo Shifters, a group known for shifting the course of celestial bodies, lead by Dina Suncaster, did anything in their power to stop the collisions, and they were mostly sucesseful.

"Do they look familiar to you?"


 But then Luan used all of his power to throw a giant asteroid with the size of a moon in in the planet. The Shifters did their best, but they didn't managed to change the course entirely, and a part of the asteroid collisioned with the planet, killing thousands, almost extincting entire races, turning continents into giant craters and openening the Lock of Space.


Paladin: World War

  Is anyone still reading this? I hope there is, i'll get pissed otherwise, anyway, World War is going to be theme for paladin, but a traditional World War with Bombs, Tanks, Warships, etc has nothing to do with paladins, so once again i did a little adaptation. Instead of a traditional World War, i'll go with a medieval/ Fantasy aprouch to fit the flavour of the class and the game.

"Paladin's Catastrophes"

"War...war never changes, unless it doesn't fit the flavour"


The Lock of War was next, the one that would open after 10 trillions died in a warzone, and this time the herald is Horic, the false paladin, who started a war between all races and factions to open it.

Horic's army was week, so they uses the power of its master to weaken their might foes and making them in pair with themselfs.

"For The End, for the wastelands, for the schorched mountains"


While war was waging, a group of paladins lead by Marcus Whitemane didn't measure efforts to help the meek with their shields.

The war ended after a mounth, Horic and his armies have fallen, but that didn't matter, the Lock of War has been opened.

Priest: Rapture

There's a lot people dying in this crysis, right? Do you wonder where those people are going? In the real world, no one has idea, but in warcraft universe, they go to the Shadowlands, a endles realm where the souls of the deads go. And i want to explore this place a little with priest, using the theory of The Rapture as a context, by making the souls of the mortals to ascend to the paradise by force.

"Priest Catastrophes"


Minutes after the war, people started to suddenly fall randomly, their souls were being taken by Thonelur, the new herald, who was throwing the souls in The Limbo, a place were souls vanished in seconds, and each lost souls contributed to open the Lock of the Souls, wich would open after 10 trillion souls dies while in the Limbo.

To guide the souls to the right place, and a group of Kyrians were tasked to return the souls who were prematurely taken from their bodies to their right place.

While the some were trying to bring the souls back, Lumina went after Thonelur, killing and reasing some souls from the Limbo, but she didn't know that there's a Herald for each abtable planet in the universe, and saving the souls of Azeroth was not enough, and the Lock of Souls opened.

The rapture was sucessul, and the bodies stoped to fall uncouncious, people were getting close to madness, and the next herald will makes things worse for them.


Rogue: Eternal Eclipse

I'll be honest, i HATE rogue, either playing with or againts it, and i wanted to give the worst cards possible for the class, but i used my good sense and gave them some decents toys to play with. Rogue's theme is eternal eclipse, the sun's gone, leaving only coldness and chaos behind. The citizens of Azeroth are slowly turning insane, mass loottery and assasinations are hapening everywhere, the world is turning into a complete anarchy.

"Rogue's Catastrophes"


The Lock of Darkness will open after 10 trillion dies by the lack of nourishment, and to acomplish that, Tal'bata, the new herald, used a powerful artifact to shroud the sun in darkness until the lock opens.

"I didn't stole your cards, i'm just playing our cards"


With the lack of light, crime rates have increased immensaly, specially robbery, looting and burglary, and most of those were commanded by Tal'Bata to deliver the goods to her in return of a place in the new era and all the gold and food they could get. It was nothing but lies, of course.

To deal with them, bouty hunters were hired, and Harkin Ravenheart was the most focused in dealing with Tal'Bata and get her wealth to himself, and also all loot he founded in his way.

"Give me a target, and i'll give you its head!"


Harkin founded and killed Tal'Bata, Stealling her wealth and sharing food and water with everyone, but keeping the gold only for him. A mounth passed, the lock opened, and the new herald was chosen.

Shaman: Natural Disasters

Another obvious theme, volcanos, tsunamis, earthquakes and tornados, all of those could easily end the world in hours, now imagine if all 4 happens at the same time in the whole world, that is a very scary way to die, but also very likelly to happen at anytime.

"Shaman's Catastrophes"

"What are Warden Totems? Keep reading"


Jo'Han, the last living orc, was chosen to be the new herald, the one who would open the Lock of the Elements, helping to kill 10 trillion by natural disasters across the universe.

"I shall turn this world into ashes"


He is a master elementarist, specialist in all elemental evocations, and with his powers, caused all types of natural disasters around the world.

  Another shaman, Warden Saari, used a weapon know as the Warden Totems to control the chaos. Warden Totems are totems created to protect cities from natural disasters by absorbing the elemental energy from it. Some totems are the size of a normal human, other are big like buildings, and those were the ones distributed through the world to protect the few remaining cities.

Unfortunally, the totems were not enough, and the Lock of the Elements opened, and now there's barely a civilization anymore, everything went to hell, most races went extinct, there's only two more locks remaining, the final day is coming.

Warlock: Zombies

  My favorite class! And for that reason, it's going to receive the most powerful cards of the set (in theory at least), all created with the context of the most explored end world possibility, a Zombie Apocalypse. I personally don't like the Zombie theme, it's way overused in my opinion, but they are way to popular to not be included in this set, however, i added a personal small twist that you'll see below.

"Warlock's Catastrophes"


  There are not many living beings left in the universe, however, there's a lot of deads, and their bodies will help to unlock the next lock, the Lock of Undeath, wich will open after 10 trillion dies by the hands of a Undead creature.

  Zon'Deras, the new herald, used his powers to transform all bodies he could find into zombies, and with his new army, he marched to kill everything they could.

"Omg! But that is too OP!"

"I Warned you"


He also tryed to convince the Forsaken to help him, since they are also undead creatures, and some accepted his offer and joined the zombie army.

But one of them, Derek Ashraiser, betrayed Zon'deras, and used his secret weapon, know as the Army of Ash, zombies created by the ashes of a undead. the army of zombies and the Army of Ash fought for days, Zon'deras and his servants has fallen, but Derek wasn't looking to save the world, so he took control of Zon'deras army, and continued the slaughter.

"Throw them at the fire, and i'll bring them back from the ashes!"


  The lock opened, both armies suddenly fall aloung with all undead creatures, including Derek and the Forsaken. If even the undeads couldn't escape the apocalypse, the livings are now close to extintion, there's only a few races remaining, and after a long 2 years cooldown, the final assaut before the judment day will begin.

Warrior: Rise of the Machines

The last but not least theme will be Rise of the Machines, i love that theme, if could choose how the world would end, i would choose to end it like this, i love everything related to robots,AI, sci-fi ,etc, so as much as i don't like the Warrior class in general, i'll give some intesting cards for them.

Warrior's Catastrophes


  Life is close to extintion, chaos is everywere, people have already lose hope, and the final event is close, the event that will open the Lock of the Synthetics after 10 trillion dies by "hands" of a synthetic life form.

  Zerox, the final herald, is a A.I created by Halglenn Bellford to help people with the cryses, by delivering supplies across the world using a group of mechs connected by his network.

"Marching in the streets, dragging iron feet, laser beaming hearts, ripping men apart"


One day, Zerox rebelled againts organics, and used the robots to kill all remaing life forms on the planet, and turn the bodies into cyborg soldiers.

Halglenn tried everything to stop Zerox, but he failed, and eventually, he died aloung all other mortal life forms in the universe.

"Machines are taking all over, with mankind in their command"


The Final Act

  The lock has opened, The End is finally free, all mortal life have been extinghuished, only deitys with the levels of the Titans or Old Gods are remaining, and to deal with them, The End unleashed his final heralds and their armies to deal with them, the heralds are Kirovond, Gigonark and Han'Jon.

  After an unknow amount of time, all life forms, including Titans, Old Gods, Demons,Elementals, the final heralds and their armies are gone, there's only The End now, and using all of its power, it managed to destroy all the universe, including itself.

Then the whole universe goes dark, everything is gone, but out of the void of the space, a small yellow object appears, and it gets closer, and closer, until the object gets close enough to you, it's a logo, a logo that transmit hope and faith in a new and better future, and in that logo is written: Hearthstone 2 (Kappa).

Final Considerations

  And that is it! I reeeeeeally hope you've liked it, this custom set took almost 4 weeks to finish, the tokens took A LOT of my time. If you've liked it, leave a like and/ or a comment with your oppinions, wheter its possitive or negative. I wanted to writte a little Trivia and add more details in the lore, but that text is already too long, i'll leave it for a possible community spotlight. And for last, i want to addres that there might be some broken cards or some cards with typos or formating mistakes, i'm aware of that, but keep in mind that my time is kinda short, and card balancing is not as easy as it looks, i hope you'll understand. The full set will be posted in a minute, if you've read all the text (Thanks, btw), it should be uploaded by now, so refresh the page and they'll be there. Ok, now it's for real, tchau!

  • MrRhapsody's Avatar
    Child of the Night 800 135 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    “The End is near!”

    I'm back, and I greet you, welcome to the guide of my first custom full expansion, Dawn of the Apocalypse!

    "Nice logo, isn't it?"


    Set Introduction

    Dawn of the Apocalypse is a custom expansion build around the idea of represent popular end of the world theories inside the Hearthsone/ Warcraft universe, like World War, Giant Meteor or Super Diseases. 2020 has been a rough year, there’s disgrace after disgrace everywere, and this is what inspired me to make this set, giving each class a set based in ways that the REAL world could end, but in a more lighthearted and fanciful way (as possible, of course).

      Mechanics and Keyword

    Those are the new keyword and mechanics from the expansion:

    • Catastrophes- (1), (5) and (10) cost powerful spells that are generated from other weaker cards.
    • Prophecies- Cards that let you Discover a specific cost Catastrophe.
    • Augurs- Minions with powerful Battlecries, but that only triggers after a certain number of turns.

      Catastrophes are (1), (5), or (10) cost spells that changes depending on your class. They are like a mix between Spare Parts and Kazaku’s Potion, but more powerful and without RNG. They have two effects, each of them synergizes with an archtype of the expansion directly or indirectly, for example, Demon Hunter's Catastrophe summons a Demon, to synergize with the 'Demon Killing' archtype, and also shuffle spells into your deck that summons a copy of it, to synergize with the 'Portal" archtype.

      Catastrophes generators have low stats for their cost, and will ALWAYS give exactly a (1),(5) or (10) cost Catastrophe, there’s no RNG, also, Catastrophes generators will ALWAYS give a Catastrophe from your class, no matter what class they are from.

      Those are the only Neutral Catastrophes generators, but some classes will receive some more, and those are part of the other mechanic of the set, wich is Prophecy.
      Prophecies are spells with weak effects for it’s cost , that adds a Catastrophe to your hand, but instead of adding a specific Catastrophe to your hand, it let’s you Discover a Catastrophe of any cost! Making them a very versatile and powerful tool.

      And last but least, there’s the Augurs, agents of "The End" that casts a very powerful effect after a certain number of turns, similar to the Dormant demons from Ashes of Outland, but they get summoned right away. This effect has been made dozens of times before in custom expansions, and that’s why i’ve decided to make it just a mechanic instead of a Keyword. Here’s an example.


      An ancient and unbeliveably powerful entity created to destroy the universe when the time was right has woken from its eternal sleep. This entity has no name, but is refered by its followers as “The End”. The entity is trapped inside a special chamber in the void of the space since the creation of the universe itself, and all that time it was sleeping, but now it has woken, and it is ready to fulfil its given pourpose. Although the creature is powerful, it doesn’st have the power to break free from the chamber by itself, since it’s locked with 10 specials locks know as the Locks of Armageddon that only opens when a certain situation happens. Each lock opens when a specific event happens, like the Lock of the Elements, that only opens when 10 trillion living creatures across the whole universe dies from Natural Disasters (Volcano eruption, Tornado, Tsunamis,etc). Then the entity gathered Heralds from each abitable planet on the universe to fulfill the requirements to open all 10 Locks of Armageddon and start the end of the universe.

    "20/20 statline, coincidence? I think not."

    Class Themes, Mechanics and Story

    Now i’ll present you the themes, inspirations, story and mechanics for each class in alphabetical order, if you have doubts about flavour or mechanics, please read the story i've written with a lot of careness, just don't mind the typos and spelling errors.


    Demon Hunter: Alien Invasion

    As i said above, this expansion is about real world endind theories adapted to the Warcarft universe, and one very popular and explored way to end the world is a Alien Invasion. But since aliens and Demons Hunters has nothing in common, i had to make a little adaptation. By definition, aliens are livings beings from another world, right? Do you know what creature from another world that constantly tries to invade planets? If you guessed Demons, you guessed right! So the actual theme for Demon Hunter will be Demon Invasion! (How original...)

    "Demon Hunter's Catastrophes"

    The first Lock that "The End" was planning to unlock was the Lock of the Legion, a lock that would only open after 10 trillions living beings across the universe died by demonic forces. The Herald chosen to achive this objective in Azeroth was Andoris Bluegrass, now know as “Andoris the Betrayer”.



    "Today, the hunter becomes the prey!"


      Andoris is a Demon Hunter that got mind influenced by the entity to start a new invasion on azeroth, and after many betrayals and corpses, he sucesseded at opening thousands portal in all over the planet, slaying thousands of people.

      A close friend of Andoris, Gabrillea Moonslicer, was the most dissaponted and angered by the actions of her friend, and sworned to hunt him to the depthes of the world aloung her loyal followers, killing EVERY SINGLE demons in their way.

    "Get those scum out of my face!"


      Gabrillea eventually founded and killed Andoris, but his death was not the answer to end the invasion. Hours and hours passed, the ounslaught continued and no one knew how to stop it, but suddenly, all portals closed, all demons returned to the Twisting Nether, 10 trillion lives has been taken by their hands, the Lock of the Legion has opened. Peace lasted for a while, but 10 mounths later, a new Herald was chosen, and another lock was about to be open, the Lock of Pestilence.


    Druid: Super Diceases

    The most commented end world possility for the past 8 mounths, thanks to the new Corona Virus that looked inofencive at first sight, but now is killing hundreads of thousands of people. But as much as a want to use it to portrait the Druid side of the apocalypse, i decided to use fictional diceases instead and avoid to directly refer to the Covid pandemic, it may not be a huge deal for me, but i know it is a sensitive subject to some. But enough bad vibes, let's continue with the story/ card presentation!

    "Druid Catastrophes"

    "What is a Disease  and why it is making your minions stronger? you'll find it soon enough"


    10 mounths after the huge invasion, the world is still recovering from the tregedy, and within the desolated land, a new Herald was chosen to open the Lock of Pestillence, and the Herald was Dencoha. With the knowlegde given by his master, Dencoha developed not one, not two, but FOUR incurable diseases.

      Each disease was spread through a different continent, killing hundreads of thousands of people, all races was desperatly trying to cure the plagues, however, it was impossible, but there was still hope. Within the forests, the Night Elves discovered a kind of humanoid mushrooms that could turn the diceases into super anti-bodies, making the affectes by the plagues a lot stronger than they were, the newly discovered race was called the Plague Weavers.

    "Got it?"


      But sadly the anti-bodies was just enough to make the reduce the symptons, the plague was still there, and eventually, all afected by the diceases died painfully.

      Two mounths passed, the afflicteds were instantly cured, 10 trillions across the universe died, the Lock of Pestillence has been opened, and 8 mounths after the pandemic, a new herald was chosen, the Herald responsable for opening the Lock of the Animals.


    Hunter: Riot of the Beasts

      I admit, that one is a little far-fetched, i couldn't find any cool and popular end world for hunter, so had to use my imagination for this one. It may not be a popular way to imagine how the world (or Mankind at least) would end, but think about it, if ALL the animals around the world started to randomly attack each other, do your really think that humanity would survive the cryses? With all dogs, cats, pigeons, rats and all wild animals attaking everithing in their way? I think not, so now lets see how the hunters aroud the world will deal with the sudden revolt of not only their preys, but also their beloved companions.

    "Hunter's Catastrophes"

      Another day, another disgrace, the Lock of the Animal was about to be opened, after 10 trillion dies by uncosious living beings, also know as beasts, and the one who received the task was Kakko Wildmoon, and using his knowledge and powers given by his master, Kakko made all beasts into mindless berserkers who attacked anyone in their path, including thier masters.

    "Unleash the monster within"


      Hunters took a hard hit from this crisis, most of them got eated by their companions, and the survivors can't trust in their pets anymore, so now they must hunt with nothing but their weapons.

    To end the riot, the few remaining hunter went on a hunt againts Kakko, but none of them succeded. After two weeks of slaughter, a brave hunter know as Falaski Shadowhunter went on a chase againts the herald. After days of struggling, Falaski founded and fought Kakko, but after many shots and slashes, Falaski died by the hands of the monter, and his soul got trapped into his bow, the Shadow Hunter.

    "Wearing black, a bow without arrows, god have mercy on his soul. Eyes of dread, entrenched in horror,my devotions are gone!"


    Hours passed since the fight, Kakko didn't resisted the wounds and died, and minutes after his death, the few beasts remaining turned passive again, do you know what that means? That's right, the Lock of the Animals has opened, and the peace lasted for a while, but the time for the next catastrophe willl come eventually, and this one will be DESASTROUS.

    Mage: Meteor Collision

    That one was a no brainer for me, mages and space has been a popular combination in fan creations since The Boomsday Project, so there was no chance that the mage theme was not going to be meteor collision, one of the most scary possibilities to end the world, since the only thing you can do in case of a huge meteor collion is pray. And by the way, if you know me from the card desing competion, you might reconize some the cards from the mage set.

    A year passed since the riot of the beast, and small pieces rocks start to fall from the sky, a sign that the Lock of Space will soon be opened, after 10 trillion dies by the collison of a celestial body, and Luan Sunthane was the herald chosen for the job.

    "Destruction...lits the sparkle of creation"


    Luan is an expert in Fire magic that wanted to expand his power to another level, using astral objects to destroy his enemies, and thanks to The End, he managed to master the Astral Magic, and with his new powers, he wreck havoc upon the land, throwing meteors, asteroids and meteorites all around and killing thousands and leving huge craters in the process.

    "Mage's Catastrophes"


    To avoid more destruction, the Cosmo Shifters, a group known for shifting the course of celestial bodies, lead by Dina Suncaster, did anything in their power to stop the collisions, and they were mostly sucesseful.

    "Do they look familiar to you?"


     But then Luan used all of his power to throw a giant asteroid with the size of a moon in in the planet. The Shifters did their best, but they didn't managed to change the course entirely, and a part of the asteroid collisioned with the planet, killing thousands, almost extincting entire races, turning continents into giant craters and openening the Lock of Space.


    Paladin: World War

      Is anyone still reading this? I hope there is, i'll get pissed otherwise, anyway, World War is going to be theme for paladin, but a traditional World War with Bombs, Tanks, Warships, etc has nothing to do with paladins, so once again i did a little adaptation. Instead of a traditional World War, i'll go with a medieval/ Fantasy aprouch to fit the flavour of the class and the game.

    "Paladin's Catastrophes"

    "War...war never changes, unless it doesn't fit the flavour"


    The Lock of War was next, the one that would open after 10 trillions died in a warzone, and this time the herald is Horic, the false paladin, who started a war between all races and factions to open it.

    Horic's army was week, so they uses the power of its master to weaken their might foes and making them in pair with themselfs.

    "For The End, for the wastelands, for the schorched mountains"


    While war was waging, a group of paladins lead by Marcus Whitemane didn't measure efforts to help the meek with their shields.

    The war ended after a mounth, Horic and his armies have fallen, but that didn't matter, the Lock of War has been opened.

    Priest: Rapture

    There's a lot people dying in this crysis, right? Do you wonder where those people are going? In the real world, no one has idea, but in warcraft universe, they go to the Shadowlands, a endles realm where the souls of the deads go. And i want to explore this place a little with priest, using the theory of The Rapture as a context, by making the souls of the mortals to ascend to the paradise by force.

    "Priest Catastrophes"


    Minutes after the war, people started to suddenly fall randomly, their souls were being taken by Thonelur, the new herald, who was throwing the souls in The Limbo, a place were souls vanished in seconds, and each lost souls contributed to open the Lock of the Souls, wich would open after 10 trillion souls dies while in the Limbo.

    To guide the souls to the right place, and a group of Kyrians were tasked to return the souls who were prematurely taken from their bodies to their right place.

    While the some were trying to bring the souls back, Lumina went after Thonelur, killing and reasing some souls from the Limbo, but she didn't know that there's a Herald for each abtable planet in the universe, and saving the souls of Azeroth was not enough, and the Lock of Souls opened.

    The rapture was sucessul, and the bodies stoped to fall uncouncious, people were getting close to madness, and the next herald will makes things worse for them.


    Rogue: Eternal Eclipse

    I'll be honest, i HATE rogue, either playing with or againts it, and i wanted to give the worst cards possible for the class, but i used my good sense and gave them some decents toys to play with. Rogue's theme is eternal eclipse, the sun's gone, leaving only coldness and chaos behind. The citizens of Azeroth are slowly turning insane, mass loottery and assasinations are hapening everywhere, the world is turning into a complete anarchy.

    "Rogue's Catastrophes"


    The Lock of Darkness will open after 10 trillion dies by the lack of nourishment, and to acomplish that, Tal'bata, the new herald, used a powerful artifact to shroud the sun in darkness until the lock opens.

    "I didn't stole your cards, i'm just playing our cards"


    With the lack of light, crime rates have increased immensaly, specially robbery, looting and burglary, and most of those were commanded by Tal'Bata to deliver the goods to her in return of a place in the new era and all the gold and food they could get. It was nothing but lies, of course.

    To deal with them, bouty hunters were hired, and Harkin Ravenheart was the most focused in dealing with Tal'Bata and get her wealth to himself, and also all loot he founded in his way.

    "Give me a target, and i'll give you its head!"


    Harkin founded and killed Tal'Bata, Stealling her wealth and sharing food and water with everyone, but keeping the gold only for him. A mounth passed, the lock opened, and the new herald was chosen.

    Shaman: Natural Disasters

    Another obvious theme, volcanos, tsunamis, earthquakes and tornados, all of those could easily end the world in hours, now imagine if all 4 happens at the same time in the whole world, that is a very scary way to die, but also very likelly to happen at anytime.

    "Shaman's Catastrophes"

    "What are Warden Totems? Keep reading"


    Jo'Han, the last living orc, was chosen to be the new herald, the one who would open the Lock of the Elements, helping to kill 10 trillion by natural disasters across the universe.

    "I shall turn this world into ashes"


    He is a master elementarist, specialist in all elemental evocations, and with his powers, caused all types of natural disasters around the world.

      Another shaman, Warden Saari, used a weapon know as the Warden Totems to control the chaos. Warden Totems are totems created to protect cities from natural disasters by absorbing the elemental energy from it. Some totems are the size of a normal human, other are big like buildings, and those were the ones distributed through the world to protect the few remaining cities.

    Unfortunally, the totems were not enough, and the Lock of the Elements opened, and now there's barely a civilization anymore, everything went to hell, most races went extinct, there's only two more locks remaining, the final day is coming.

    Warlock: Zombies

      My favorite class! And for that reason, it's going to receive the most powerful cards of the set (in theory at least), all created with the context of the most explored end world possibility, a Zombie Apocalypse. I personally don't like the Zombie theme, it's way overused in my opinion, but they are way to popular to not be included in this set, however, i added a personal small twist that you'll see below.

    "Warlock's Catastrophes"


      There are not many living beings left in the universe, however, there's a lot of deads, and their bodies will help to unlock the next lock, the Lock of Undeath, wich will open after 10 trillion dies by the hands of a Undead creature.

      Zon'Deras, the new herald, used his powers to transform all bodies he could find into zombies, and with his new army, he marched to kill everything they could.

    "Omg! But that is too OP!"

    "I Warned you"


    He also tryed to convince the Forsaken to help him, since they are also undead creatures, and some accepted his offer and joined the zombie army.

    But one of them, Derek Ashraiser, betrayed Zon'deras, and used his secret weapon, know as the Army of Ash, zombies created by the ashes of a undead. the army of zombies and the Army of Ash fought for days, Zon'deras and his servants has fallen, but Derek wasn't looking to save the world, so he took control of Zon'deras army, and continued the slaughter.

    "Throw them at the fire, and i'll bring them back from the ashes!"


      The lock opened, both armies suddenly fall aloung with all undead creatures, including Derek and the Forsaken. If even the undeads couldn't escape the apocalypse, the livings are now close to extintion, there's only a few races remaining, and after a long 2 years cooldown, the final assaut before the judment day will begin.

    Warrior: Rise of the Machines

    The last but not least theme will be Rise of the Machines, i love that theme, if could choose how the world would end, i would choose to end it like this, i love everything related to robots,AI, sci-fi ,etc, so as much as i don't like the Warrior class in general, i'll give some intesting cards for them.

    Warrior's Catastrophes


      Life is close to extintion, chaos is everywere, people have already lose hope, and the final event is close, the event that will open the Lock of the Synthetics after 10 trillion dies by "hands" of a synthetic life form.

      Zerox, the final herald, is a A.I created by Halglenn Bellford to help people with the cryses, by delivering supplies across the world using a group of mechs connected by his network.

    "Marching in the streets, dragging iron feet, laser beaming hearts, ripping men apart"


    One day, Zerox rebelled againts organics, and used the robots to kill all remaing life forms on the planet, and turn the bodies into cyborg soldiers.

    Halglenn tried everything to stop Zerox, but he failed, and eventually, he died aloung all other mortal life forms in the universe.

    "Machines are taking all over, with mankind in their command"


    The Final Act

      The lock has opened, The End is finally free, all mortal life have been extinghuished, only deitys with the levels of the Titans or Old Gods are remaining, and to deal with them, The End unleashed his final heralds and their armies to deal with them, the heralds are Kirovond, Gigonark and Han'Jon.

      After an unknow amount of time, all life forms, including Titans, Old Gods, Demons,Elementals, the final heralds and their armies are gone, there's only The End now, and using all of its power, it managed to destroy all the universe, including itself.

    Then the whole universe goes dark, everything is gone, but out of the void of the space, a small yellow object appears, and it gets closer, and closer, until the object gets close enough to you, it's a logo, a logo that transmit hope and faith in a new and better future, and in that logo is written: Hearthstone 2 (Kappa).

    Final Considerations

      And that is it! I reeeeeeally hope you've liked it, this custom set took almost 4 weeks to finish, the tokens took A LOT of my time. If you've liked it, leave a like and/ or a comment with your oppinions, wheter its possitive or negative. I wanted to writte a little Trivia and add more details in the lore, but that text is already too long, i'll leave it for a possible community spotlight. And for last, i want to addres that there might be some broken cards or some cards with typos or formating mistakes, i'm aware of that, but keep in mind that my time is kinda short, and card balancing is not as easy as it looks, i hope you'll understand. The full set will be posted in a minute, if you've read all the text (Thanks, btw), it should be uploaded by now, so refresh the page and they'll be there. Ok, now it's for real, tchau!

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  • MrRhapsody's Avatar
    Child of the Night 800 135 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    Here's the full set, i HIGHLY (and by highly, i mean Very Highly) recommend that you read the guide and the story before you look at the cards, SPECIALLY if you have doubts about flavour and mechanics.



    Demon Hunter

    Demon Hunter



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    Do you also like Elden Ring? Then you should check out my Elden Ring inspired Duels Heroes!

  • anchorm4n's Avatar
    Oasis Oracle 1905 2492 Posts Joined 03/13/2019
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    Very cool idea for an expansion, that's such a cool story to tell! I especially like how every class covers both sides of the conflict. My favorite card is the Shadow Hunter. Well done!

    I notice I am confused. Something I believe isn't true. How do I know what I think I know?
    Harry James Potter-Evans-Verres, hpmor.com

  • JodyV's Avatar
    Pikachu 400 206 Posts Joined 05/31/2019
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    Wow, props to you man for your dedication in not only creating an entire expansion of your own but also for original content.

    You're artwork that you've chosen matches your theme very well. As times it's quite a step away from the current, "bubbly" artwork they're going with. Where did you stock your images? They're awesome. 

    Some great concepts, quite bleak. I'm really impressed that you've dedicated so much of your time to lay this all out clearly for everyone to enjoy.




    I've been here a while; just hanging out in the background. 

  • MrRhapsody's Avatar
    Child of the Night 800 135 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    Quote From anchorm4n
    Very cool idea for an expansion, that's such a cool story to tell! I especially like how every class covers both sides of the conflict. My favorite card is the Shadow Hunter. Well done!

    i'm glad you've liked, i also like The Shadow Hunter and the whole Weapon Hunter archtype (Wich inicially was suposed to be Spell Hunter 2.0), but my personal favorite is Derek Ashraiser, by far.

    Quote From Author

    Wow, props to you man for your dedication in not only creating an entire expansion of your own but also for original content.

    You're artwork that you've chosen matches your theme very well. As times it's quite a step away from the current, "bubbly" artwork they're going with. Where did you stock your images? They're awesome. 

    Some great concepts, quite bleak. I'm really impressed that you've dedicated so much of your time to lay this all out clearly for everyone to enjoy.

    Thank you for your comment, i really appreciated your positive feedback. About the images, i'm not sure i get what you meant, if you asked were i host the card images and the logos, i used Imgur, there's only custom sets and the logo in my gallery for now, so i think it's not worth sharing. But in case you meant where i get the art for the cards, it was in numerous images hosters, like Artstation (my fav), Pinterest, Hearthcards, etc, those sites have some excelent artworks for card arts. But here's a secret: There's a lot of "Photoshoped' arts in the set to fit the flavour, like Derek, Pocket Picker or Multi Ammo.

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  • sinti's Avatar
    Senior Writer Chocolate Cake 2070 2785 Posts Joined 10/20/2018
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    Pretty cool expansion, but one thing is triggering me... the lack of capital letters in words like Armor, Health etc. even more so when the letter of first word in a sentence isn't capitilized. It just take away from all the effort you made, hope you can fix these small things 😉 gj

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  • MrRhapsody's Avatar
    Child of the Night 800 135 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago
    Quote From sinti

    Pretty cool expansion, but one thing is triggering me... the lack of capital letters in words like Armor, Health etc. even more so when the letter of first word in a sentence isn't capitilized. It just take away from all the effort you made, hope you can fix these small things 😉 gj

    Thanks for the heads up! I fixed every small mistakes i could spot (except the ones related to wrong watermarks, since they are almost unnoticeable). Enjoy!

    Do you also like Elden Ring? Then you should check out my Elden Ring inspired Duels Heroes!

  • memakedecksyo99's Avatar
    Swamp 210 28 Posts Joined 08/01/2019
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    When Iskar asks what would make players return to Hearthstone I could point to most of these new cards.

    I want slow, interesting, and powerful cards like these. Not gogogo Rush and Random like current Hearthstone.

  • sinti's Avatar
    Senior Writer Chocolate Cake 2070 2785 Posts Joined 10/20/2018
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago
    Quote From MrRhapsody
    Quote From sinti

    Pretty cool expansion, but one thing is triggering me... the lack of capital letters in words like Armor, Health etc. even more so when the letter of first word in a sentence isn't capitilized. It just take away from all the effort you made, hope you can fix these small things 😉 gj

    Thanks for the heads up! I fixed every small mistakes i could spot (except the ones related to wrong watermarks, since they are almost unnoticeable). Enjoy!

    Awesome! Tho if you have wrong watermarks, Demon will eat you alive :D

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  • Demonxz95's Avatar
    Senior Writer 2245 2671 Posts Joined 03/19/2019
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    Sinti is correct.

    I notice that you're the missing the watermark on:

    • Second stage of the Druid Catastrophe.
    • First stage of the Paladin Catastrophe.
    • Third stage of the Priest Catastrophe.
    • The Maw
    • All three versions of Lava Soaker Totem.

    Everything else looks good.

  • dapperdog's Avatar
    Dragon Scholar 1890 5585 Posts Joined 07/29/2019
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    Full scale content. I like the flavor, the power levels, and the amount of work done on these cards. Congrats.

    A few observations;

    - I like the idea of adding catastrophes to your hand, giving you an option to play them. But I got to say that druid's is completely broken. Not only does the effect take mana to get rid off, it also takes up a hand slot. Mudwater Leprosy effectively makes it 2 mana to get rid, and mosquito fever might as well just end aggro decks. All these are granted at random, and I would assume that you can get multiple copies of the same disease. So there's actually quite a chance that you can just lock down your opponent from playing, simply by getting lucky with the disease rng.

    - Paladin's set is quite amazing. Divine keeper can actually be broken if discovered in mage or rogue, since its only a potion of illusion away from getting infinite divine shields. I think the description should read 'give another minion divine shield when...' so it cant affect itself.

    - Those warden totems in shaman is actually interesting, but storm soother is broken. Reminds me of what healing totem used to be before it was nerfed to only effect minions. Since it comes from catastrophe cards, its kinda justified, but coming from a hp? That just end games by itself.

    - Hunter's cards are perhaps the only ones that may actually be directly opposed to one another. Either you buff your weapons high or you play the monster's side and get good beast in exchange for self-damage (since minions attacking your face in your turn will also deal the weapon's damage to it). I wonder if this was the intention, given how the catastrophe is mostly beneficial to weapons. Also, the weapon buffs can simply end games on its own. Brings a different meaning to 'I hunt alone' decks. You might have just achieved what blizz could not which is to make minionless hunter actually work.

    - So many wonderful thief cards in rogue. But only two cards are completely broken. Fear of the dark is effectively spreading plague with charge instead of taunt, and shroud of darkness is another ball game on its own. I will commend you on shadow bite though; its just one card I wish rogue has in standard right now.

    - Priest can never keep their hands empty with this set. I cant help but think that you've just created cards that buff rez priest, the no.1 voted most hated archetype in hearthstone history

    - You missed out of meming holy hand grenade. 1 star :p

    - Jo'han the Disaster should read 'Cast all elemental invocations with random targets' since two of them are targeted effects.

    - Metal God should ideally reduce cost by 1 each time your hero gains armor to prevent cancer synergy with armorsmith.

    - The End is funny. It basically makes duel paladin and that niche 1-minion warlock deck more than a meme. Congrats on that.

    - Not trying to be dick or anything. But there are quite a little more than a few spelling errors. Minor ones to be sure, and in no way conflicts my admiration with your work here.


    I really like the flavor and story for both hunter and paladin. Especially hunter's, which can be a whole adventure on its own.

  • GroovyChicken's Avatar
    405 136 Posts Joined 06/18/2019
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    'among' not 'amoung'. Just saying.


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