Blizzard card reveal delay
Submitted 5 years, 5 months ago by
I don't understand why blizzard keeps doing it, revealing a few cards, then wait 2~1.5 weeks and then reveal the rest.. Why is that gap necessary? Why announce an expansion and then have 2 weeks of nothing?
Then have 40+ cards being dumped in the end...
It's 135 cards and there are 34 days till the expansion (but who is counting? ) I mean.. Even a card a day is not enough.
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I don't understand why blizzard keeps doing it, revealing a few cards, then wait 2~1.5 weeks and then reveal the rest.. Why is that gap necessary? Why announce an expansion and then have 2 weeks of nothing?
Then have 40+ cards being dumped in the end...
It's 135 cards and there are 34 days till the expansion (but who is counting? ) I mean.. Even a card a day is not enough.
It makes the time between 2 expansions feel shorter. Players can start speculate, they are just feeding us and it's cool.
Murlocs <3
So, yeah I think it can be frustrating too. But I think once it gets going the pacing is better. A while ago they used to have a longer reveal season, but with only one or two cards released a day with no schedule - but that too could be frustrating because you would be refreshing all day for not much return. Then they changed it to a set schedule over two weeks with two major reveal streams, and around 5-6 per day. Much more engaging and rewarding.
It also allows them longer to test and make final tweaks.
I'm addicted to card reveals and really wish they'd at least reveal one card everyday, starting 1 month prior to release like usual.
I also agree 1 month of reveals is better.
I don't like 2 weeks of intense revealing. At that point, i'd prefer no reveal at all. Blind release.
yeah blind release feels more exciting but bad for pre-orders. People wants to know if their money worth it or not.
Also with reveals, players can make some theorycrafting and decides wants to buy or not.
Blind release is good for me since i am a f2p player but bad thing for p2p players and blizzard itself.
Btw, I agree with other guys. I prefer 5-6 cards in a day more than 1 card per day. Most of the time there are surprise reveals with this way and we got 7-10 cards per day except weekends. I can wait til' first reveal stream rather than 1-2 cards per day.
Unpopular Opinion Incarnate
I'd imagine part of the reason being the simple fact that they aren't distributing card reveals too much/at all in advance to prevent any leaks and stuff. If they start scheduling multi-timezone reveals only after the announcement it's no wonder that it takes time. Naturally, it's not too fun for us who are eagerly awaiting the new cards.
The card dump is just plain stupid, that I do not understand. Even if they are mere pack fillers, they could easily reveal those in bigger chunks with some story-building blogs or similar. Of course the idea in not doing so is to prevent the hype from dying if the pack-filler cards are meh at best.
I also think that 4-6 cards a day for 2 weeks has a much better pacing.
What i can't understand is why Blizzard doesn't say the date that the reveals start. Waiting for the reveals wouldn't be so bad if we knew how much we have to wait. And like, how not saying the date is better for them? They already have a date for the release of the expansion.