Standard #Tess Deck

Submitted 4 years, 11 months ago by

Hello everyone,

i made an Tess/Miracle Deck in Standard and I would like to improve this deck. Currently I play this deck on rank 7 it is good vs Control Decks, but it is an unfavoured matchup vs Aggro, esp. Tokendruid.

Here's my list:

Here some video samples from my stream: (Don't get confused. I started playing Hots first, just change the chapter to HS)

What do you think?

  • Yusuke's Avatar
    295 187 Posts Joined 06/02/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago

    Hello everyone,

    i made an Tess/Miracle Deck in Standard and I would like to improve this deck. Currently I play this deck on rank 7 it is good vs Control Decks, but it is an unfavoured matchup vs Aggro, esp. Tokendruid.

    Here's my list:

    Here some video samples from my stream: (Don't get confused. I started playing Hots first, just change the chapter to HS)

    What do you think?

  • MisterKnott's Avatar
    285 83 Posts Joined 06/04/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago

    I played a version of the same deck, before the nerfs to Prep/Raiding Party and when most people expected to see a different Rogue matchup. 


    In the current state of the meta, I wonder if the weapon package you’re running isn’t holding you back.

    2x Deadly Poison 

    1x Raiding Party

    and 1x Greenskin

    devotes 13% of the deck to buffing Spectral Cutlass, and if you’re unlucky enough to pull the Raiding Party when the Cutlasses have already been drawn, you’re wasting a draw that could have gone to value.


    Blink Fox feels like an obvious inclusion. Plus you don’t have any other 3 drops except for Fan, which might hurt your curve against non-token aggro.


    Tak Nozwhisker is unpopular-ish, but for an Academic Espionage deck that still runs Prep, you do have a chance to fill your hand with 1 cost cards for 9 mana, and to drop one of them on Turn 10 to avoid burn.


  • Yusuke's Avatar
    295 187 Posts Joined 06/02/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago

    Thanks for your reply, Knott.

    Quote From No Author Specified

    2x Deadly Poison

    1x Raiding Party

    and 1x Greenskin

    Deadly Poison is more flexible than you think, you don't always need to keep it up as dead card for Cutless, just use it if needed on Dagger Mastery. But it also important to combine it too draw with Auctioneer. If I remove the weapon package I am not sure, if it worth it too keep Auctioneer. Maybe swap to double Sprint instead?

    Quote From No Author Specified
    Blink Fox feels like an obvious inclusion.

    I had Blinkfox and SI:7 Agent earlier, but it didn't worked out for me, esp when your enemy is a rogue or hunter. So I want to build a more Miracle variant, because as u see I have 3 shuffle cards: 2 academic espionage and 1 shuffle card for Tess exlusively as the win condition of this deck.

    My guess The Vanish threatment  killed this deck for ladder, its too fragile to swarm decks.

    To: Tak Nozwhisker

    First I don't have him, because I disenchanted him earlier, because he felt too slow, even for Tess decks as 3-card combo. Maybe I craft him again and try it out. But I guess with him in deck I have to changet the whole deck, because in a miracle deck, your deck will be too clunky to get good value from him.

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