New Warrior Minion - Tent Trasher
Submitted 4 years, 2 months ago by
A new Epic Warrior Minion, Tent Trasher, has been revealed!
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A new Epic Warrior Minion, Tent Trasher, has been revealed!
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can somebody clarify what does this mean?
I am 69 years old and still reach Legend
This is really good. Even worth summoning with N'Zoth, God of the Deep
I am envoy from nowhere in nowhere. Nobody and nothing have sent me. And even though it is impossible I exist. ©Trimutius
well say you have mech and pirate on board, it costs 3 now
If you have mech, pirate and beast, then 2...
I am envoy from nowhere in nowhere. Nobody and nothing have sent me. And even though it is impossible I exist. ©Trimutius
Interesting card. Probably will see play in this menagerie control warrior deck that is being pushed. If you have a bunch of cards with diferent tribes in the early game, you might even see this come out around turn 3. Pretty Strong card if you ask me.
Standard: This will see play in Menagerie control warrior, and perhaps in decks alongside E.T.C., God of Metal? (Depends how much you can discount your Tent Trashers.)
Wild: Probably won't see much play. It is ODD Costed, but ODD Warrior prefers cards that can clear multiple minions, like Dyn-o-matic.)
RNG is only fun as long as there is a 50/50 chance of getting something really good or trash level of bad. If RNG always results in something good, then it's not fun.
All it takes is one unique minion for it to be on-par/better than Nightshade Matron, which seems very easy to accomplish in a dedicated deck. Even as a 5 mana card this is still not terrible to play. What's more is that it gets substantially better with the new Warrior weapon that buffs it. I see two potential archetypes coming from these new cards, Mid-range Menagerie Galakrond Warrior that utilizes the cards without N'zoth to aggressively push board control via weapons and rush minions, and a more control-style Menagerie N'zoth deck that focuses on big base minions rather than buffed ones.
I love it. I have always wanted to build a menagerie deck, and I think with powerful cards like this and some of the others we are getting int his expansion, it will be possible.
Carrion, my wayward grub.
Oh yes, this is going in my Highlander Menagerie Warrior! Check it out:
"Be excellent to each other." -Bill and Ted
Shame that the wording is such that amalgam doesn't make this free.
This card is very dependant on the power of the menagerie archetype, which I'm not confident will be pushed enough to make it a competitive deck.
This post is discussing the wild format.
Without the effect a 5 mana 5/5 Rush is really ok.
If you can cheat It for 3 or 4 mana it's totally worth.
By The Holy Light!
Ah yes, a Tempo Warrior card. From what is revealed so far, I believe menagerie Warrior will be more tempo oriented rather than summoning a bunch of big guys with N'Zoth, God of the Deep. In fact, I believe N'Zoth, God of the Deep has enough value as a last ditch effort for more midrange-y tempo decks even when summoning a bunch of 3 to 5 drops.
Rating cards on coolness factor rather than predicting power because I like screwing up rating averages (and because I suck at predicting real power levels, but we'll ignore that LUL)
Wins per class (2/6/22): DH-197; Druid-996; Hunter-91«60; Mage-1056; Paladin-1126; Priest-746; Rogue-961; Shaman-1095; Warlock-871; Warrior-906
This is really good with N'Zoth, God of the Deep both to summon from N'Zoth himself (itself?) and to play from your hand after you play N'Zoth as it will cost 0. From N'Zoth, it's a consistent 5/5 Rusher. With just a single discount, it's a 4 mana 5/5 with Rush which is good. Worse case scenario, it's a 5 mana 5/5 Rush that also triggers your Dragons.
So this is definitely good in this Menagerie Warrior. The question is, will Menagerie Warrior be a good deck? If it is, then we will see plenty of this card. If it isn't though, then we won't.
Really good card. Even in pure Dragon decks it would be a 4-mana 5/5 with Rush most of the time, in menagerie it should be even better.
this multi-minion type thing is starting to look appealing
Support for the new N'zoth I guess.
I wonder if with all this different classes cards for Warrior if there is going to be a deck with a lot of this synergy, or just use a few of these for 1 or 2 class cards.
I can see this finding it's way into a Pirate build. Skybarge is a Mech, and Pirates are also cheap/ can be discounted.
I really struggle seeing this making a Menagerie style deck though, the dragon slot on the new N'Zoth feels like it should be a big body/active effect.
I guess something like Zoo warrior will exist on the next expansions. It will be playable at least?
Only time will tell
Looks pretty broken since almost any minion makes it 5/5 for 4.
But I wonder about the wording of the card, "friendly minon with a unique type", does that mean that minions with multiple types don't count or that you need to have only one minion of a given type to get a discount ? Example, if you only have 2 pirate on board, does it cost 4 or 5 ?
If you have nothing or a minion without a tag on board then Tent Trasher costs five. If you play, say, a pirate, this will cost one less because there's one tribe on your board. If you then play a mech, this will cost two less cause there's two tribes on your board. However, if the mech is for instance Tomb Warden so you have a pirate and two mechs, then Tent Trasher will still only cost two mana less because there's still only two tribes represented on your board.
Thank you for the clarification !
Not sold on this card to be honest. It needs to be better than Bloodboil Brute to begin with, and its a dragon, meaning you'd have to sacrifice that deathwing tutor slot. Maybe after rotation, when deathwing is gone. But that's still taking up a dragon tutor slot, and I don't think its worth it.
Seems very strong to me it's easily a 4 mana 5/5 and in the right deck very often a 3 mana 5/5 also this feeds into the managerie specially since the dragon slot was the most weird one since the only good early game dragon warrior had was the galakround one and we are past the galakround invoking meta (people still play galakround just not much invoking going around.)
I'm not so sure about this one. The card is very exciting to me. I think the effect and idea behind it are super cool and it has the potential to be pretty strong.
It also depends on how the early game for warrior shapes out. If warrior is going to be taking the board early with different tribal minions then this is insane. Warrior is great at using early pirates and there is a mech are too worth looking at. Skybarge is a mech that benefits from you playing pirates and there is the 2 drop pirate that comes from your hand for free so there may be some strong swing turn stuff here.
It's also worth mentioning that imprisoned vilefiend on curve will make this card at most 4 mana on turn 4 every time. Imprisoned Gan'arg (the 1 drop that gives firey war axe) may also make sense because these cards are both demons.
Is menagerie the new black?
The power level of this set is already beyond. I mean, it isn't the fairest comparison, but in a vanilla set you wouldn't even get a 5/5 for (5), let alone with rush and a possible way to cheat it out a few turns sooner - think this is pretty good.
Getting excited for some menagerie Warrior's list
Struggle with Heroic Galakrond's Awakening? I got your back :
Yay! :D always love me some dragons! Awesome artwork too, but why epic rarity? Regardless, decent dragon that may see play in the new menagerie/N'Zoth archetypes
TREMBLE before.... the most legendary dragon that ever existed!
very nice - looks like menagerie warrior will be a thing!
Challenge me ... when you're ready to duel a god!
menagerie warrior
I suppose menagerie warrior might work a little after all with this you can typically get it reduced easily with ring leader guy. How does it work with the ALL type minions?
Self proclaimed good at battlegrounds
Nice card in combination with the new amalgam.
I think that the discount is hard to achieve considering how difficult it is for a bunch of specific, unique tribal minions to stay on your board. Also, Warrior has other considerable dragons with Deathwing, Mad Aspect and Evasive Wyrm, the latter of which is like a Tent Trasher, but can keep the body while trading better.
For glory, honor, and gold!
Solid card, even before menagerie shenanigans. Will be a staple if Menagerie Warrior becomes a thing
This looks very strong. Most of the time 4 or less mana for a 5/5 rush, and it can get tutored easily.
Reminds me of the card to draw a pirate dragon and whatever, they really trying to push multi type warrior decks
All hail the banshee queen.
You want a bigger dragon out of your N'Zoth. Though, it does have rush, giving N'Zoth something to do the turn you play it. Would have been better serviced as a beast or a Murloc, especially for warrior.
"Some inspirational quote from some famous person" - Some famous person
Warrior menagerie seems to be a solid archetype. Mixing the best of dragon warrior, mech warrior and pirate warrior sounds pretty interesting on paper.
Xbox gamertag - Psymonjet
Might see play in some Tempo Menagerie Warrior deck. Beyond that, the cost reduction is a bit awkward, but 4 mana 5/5 Rush is still good.
Hey, you heard about that Mario guy?
This gets run regardless of whether or not the Whatley thing takes off. It's almost always at least a 4 mana 5/5 Rush with how many incidental Tribes you could be running, and when it gets even lower its pretty damn good.
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Quite good, and another tool for a menagerie Warrior deck
I think this will be a commonly included card. There are enough minion types that you will almost certainly be able to proc this with at least one mana discount. The legendary that draws and the weapon that buffs the menagerie do target dragons, so it will be even easier to get in hand.
Unfortunately, common sense isn't as common as it should be.
It's a pretty powerful Rush minion, and makes your life a lot easier in Menagerie Warrior. The cheaper it gets, the better. However, is this really any better than Bloodboil Brute? It only costs two less, and it's probably cheaper to discount the Brute than this card.
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