Holding Out For A Hero - Card Design Competition Discussion Thread

Submitted 3 years, 11 months ago by

Competition Theme: Holding Out For A Hero

I need a Hero! It's gotta be strong, it's gotta be fast and it's gotta be... someone we haven't seen before.

  • You must create a Hero Card
    • Remember that all existing Hero Cards come with a change of Hero Power too!
  • You cannot create a Hero Card featuring a character that already has a Hero Card

FrostyFeet is in need of a saviour this week, so we'd better send in some Heroes to help!

As always, I can be reached through Discord or here on the site via PM if you have any issues to report.

Competition Phases

Here are the phases of this card design competition

  • Submission Phase: Starts on Mon, Nov 9 17:00 EST (GMT -0500). Runs until Sat, Nov 14 17:00 EST (GMT -0500)
  • Voting Phase: Starts on Sat, Nov 14 17:00 EST (GMT -0500). Runs until Sun, Nov 15 16:00 EST (GMT -0500)
  • Finalist Phase: Starts on Sun, Nov 15 17:00 EST (GMT -0500). Runs until Mon, Nov 16 17:00 EST (GMT -0500)
  • Winner Selected: After finalist voting concludes and we validate votes.

Discussion Thread Rules

No thread rules were added to this season. Please populate and manually edit this thread with them.

  • ShadowsOfSense's Avatar
    1500 1111 Posts Joined 10/23/2018
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    Competition Theme: Holding Out For A Hero

    I need a Hero! It's gotta be strong, it's gotta be fast and it's gotta be... someone we haven't seen before.

    • You must create a Hero Card
      • Remember that all existing Hero Cards come with a change of Hero Power too!
    • You cannot create a Hero Card featuring a character that already has a Hero Card

    FrostyFeet is in need of a saviour this week, so we'd better send in some Heroes to help!

    As always, I can be reached through Discord or here on the site via PM if you have any issues to report.

    Competition Phases

    Here are the phases of this card design competition

    • Submission Phase: Starts on Mon, Nov 9 17:00 EST (GMT -0500). Runs until Sat, Nov 14 17:00 EST (GMT -0500)
    • Voting Phase: Starts on Sat, Nov 14 17:00 EST (GMT -0500). Runs until Sun, Nov 15 16:00 EST (GMT -0500)
    • Finalist Phase: Starts on Sun, Nov 15 17:00 EST (GMT -0500). Runs until Mon, Nov 16 17:00 EST (GMT -0500)
    • Winner Selected: After finalist voting concludes and we validate votes.

    Discussion Thread Rules

    No thread rules were added to this season. Please populate and manually edit this thread with them.

    Welcome to the site!

  • linkblade91's Avatar
    Senior Writer Serra Angel 1710 2897 Posts Joined 02/09/2019
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    I have two already made from other comps and the like, but if you don't like them I'll think of something new:

    DK Morgl is there for Freeze Shaman, and DK Liadrin was my attempt to make Bolvar, Fireblood and Light's Sorrow better cards. Uther of the Ebon Blade didn't really do much for the rest of the Paladin's set, being its own win condition.

  • Demonxz95's Avatar
    Senior Writer 2245 2689 Posts Joined 03/19/2019
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    Hero cards are nearly impossible to balance, so this comp will be something else.

    Illidarminator Zaladris gives you a permanent ability to attack as much as you can every turn (although you can still only attack heroes once), but this comes with losing the ability to gain Attack on command with your Hero Power. You're now forced to use cards to gain Attack.

  • Wailor's Avatar
    Design Champion 640 708 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    I... ehem... Tried to go with Illidan as well. Not sure if the fact that it's a Demon Hunter card from before AoO will put some people off.

    EDIT: Reduced mana cost to 7 because it was incredibly overpriced at 9.

  • Demonxz95's Avatar
    Senior Writer 2245 2689 Posts Joined 03/19/2019
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago
    Quote From Wailor

    I... ehem... Tried to go with Illidan as well. Not sure if the fact that it's a Demon Hunter card from before AoO will put some people off.

    EDIT: Reduced mana cost to 7 because it was incredibly overpriced at 9.

    Rush didn't exist in Knights of the Frozen Throne either

  • TheHoax91's Avatar
    Eldritch Horror 230 50 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    How many images are allowed in this weeks submission? We definetly need the Hero card and the Hero Power, but some hero cards need more, like weapons or tokens or both... Think Uther of the Ebon Blade with a grand total of 7 images!

  • linkblade91's Avatar
    Senior Writer Serra Angel 1710 2897 Posts Joined 02/09/2019
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago
    Quote From TheHoax91

    How many images are allowed in this weeks submission? We definetly need the Hero card and the Hero Power, but some hero cards need more, like weapons or tokens or both... Think Uther of the Ebon Blade with a grand total of 7 images!

    I believe the amount we've provided - 4 images - is enough. Uther could be submitted with just the four; you don't need to submit each of his 2/2s, for example, because they all serve the same purpose.

  • TheHoax91's Avatar
    Eldritch Horror 230 50 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    I'm trying to make a hero card that's only active for a limited time, so I can make it extra OP and not feel bad about it. Haven't settled on a class or effect yet, but here is a first draft:


  • KANSAS's Avatar
    Old God Fanatic 1745 2912 Posts Joined 03/25/2019
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    Here is my first idea.

    I am aware of the incorrect watermark and I intend to fix that, I am also aware that "Hero Power" on the hero power should be in bold and I inted to fix that too. Ol' Faithful is the same one from Tombs of Terror.

    Carrion, my wayward grub.

  • fungusABao's Avatar
    Design Finalist 130 23 Posts Joined 10/30/2020
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    Some ideas here: 

    * Not sure what watermark should be for Cenarius, and Nerubian Guardian should have Frozen Thorne watermark.

    * Not the final Art/Name for them.

  • Wailor's Avatar
    Design Champion 640 708 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    New idea. Sorry for the lack of feedback, I will amend it this afternoon.

    I was planning on giving different keywords to each Fel Orc, but I couldn't think of anything beyond Taunt and Rush. So, I sticked with Taunt because it's more present in Warlock than Rush.

  • DavnanKillder's Avatar
    Design Finalist 435 58 Posts Joined 07/26/2019
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    Some initial ideas.

    Edited with the  corrections, thanks Wailor =D.




  • DavnanKillder's Avatar
    Design Finalist 435 58 Posts Joined 07/26/2019
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    Some feedback


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    Liked both ideals, but Liadrin, Fallen Lady works best for me. Maybe is possible reduce her cost a bit to 7 or 6 without making her broken, because she don't affect the board without a minion with Divine Shield in play or a minion being cast in the same turn. Anyway, solid card, I liked.


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    A permanent [Hearthstone Card (azzinoth warglaive) Not Found] effect with +6 Attack for 6 sounds a bit to much to me. Maybe change to +4 Attack or increase the cost to 8?


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    Liked both cards, but I prefer Mannaroth. The card look balanced to me and have sinergy with the self inflicted damage package of Warlock. Loved.


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    Interesting idea! The HP is very powerful, but if you think that the Hero will go away in some point, I think is ok.


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    The HP seens a little off and weak to me.


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    Really liked Cenarius, but Druid don't receive god AoE in a while, so thia parte can be a donwside.

  • AnAngryBadger's Avatar
    645 216 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    Was also potentially thinking of having it buff the board instead when a friendly minion died but that seemed like it may be too strong

  • Hordaki's Avatar
    Dragon Scholar 655 264 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    Why should Warrior have all the fun with menagerie at the Darkmoon Faire? Xa'rax is meant to support N'Zoth, God of the Deep by giving Hunter draw for their three most utilized minion types. The hero power also really rewards you for filling your board with different minion types (although I'm still trying to figure out the balance on it).

    (I'll try to come back and give feedback today or tomorrow).

          -Hordaki (rhymes with Mordecai)

           Check out the Tactician custom class!

  • MenacingBagel's Avatar
    Zombie Chow 815 723 Posts Joined 09/24/2019
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    I decided to make one of my favorite Dalaran heist bosses as my card and attempted to make him balanced.

    Feedback soon probaley  

    Self proclaimed good at battlegrounds

  • BloodMefist's Avatar
    Old God Fanatic 850 804 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    I am the biggest Rafaam fan boy you will ever meet, so I had to take this opportunity to finally give him a hero portrait.  The 'powerful Artifacts' are the same ones from OG Rafaam, so Lantern of Power, Mirror of Doom, and Timepiece of Horror.  I wanted the hero power to somewhat synergize with Arch-Villain Rafaam without losing application to other cards. Works as a transition for Control Warlocks to get rid of their clunky cards, or as a way to push Control Disco-lock (another obsession of mine).  I thought about making the legendary cheaper by (1) than the discarded card, but thought I'd try this one first.

    Alternative idea has the same base hero but a radically different hero power that swaps after each use. The hero powers go in sequence of Explosions!, Vengeance!, Insight!, Loot!, back to Explosions!, etc. The hero powers represent each part of E.V.I.L and their corresponding members. I understand that there is a 4 image limit and I will probably just go with the original version, but I thought I'd throw the idea out there anyway.

    Will try to get to feedback tonight!

  • Wailor's Avatar
    Design Champion 640 708 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    As a general note, Hero Powers are always neutral, even when associated with certain classes (see Fireblast, Tank Up! or The Four Horsemen).

    That said, some more specific feedback:


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    I like how both cards convey their class expansion flavor much better than the actual DK we got, but unfortunately their Battlecries offer no tempo, which is a killer for expensive cards, especially Liadrin. If you manage to reduce their costs in a balanced way, both of them would be solid picks.


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    I think it's quite balanced, and it's also interesting. Control DH is an interesting concept that hasn't been yet explored.


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    I like the idea of a temporary transformation. The problem with your current iteration is that the condition seems more fitting for Warrior. Warlock would only have that card as an Armor generator.


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    I'm not a huge fan of how both the Battlecry and the HP have very similar effects (equiping weapons). Also, neither of them strikes me as particularly Hunter-esque. However, simply changing the HP could solve both issues quite nicely.


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    Overall, I'd say I prefer Anub'arak because the flavor is better, but Cenarius is not bad either. However, both cards have the same issue: one of their tokens don't fit their class.
    • Cenarius: the Wrath option doesn't fit Druid too much, since they're not supposed to have big AoE. About the watermark, you could use a custom one (like the Book, for instance) or Darkmoon Faire (because of Cenarion Ward exists, I think Cenarius himself would fit the expansion).
    • Anub'arak: albeit not as bad as Cenarius' Wrath, Web Spin feels a bit weird in Warrior. Also, I think the Battlecry should read "Summon two 4/4 Nerubian Guardians that attack random enemy minions."


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    They're both quite interesting. I'd say I prefer Aegwynn because Sargeras is a bit too one-dimensional.

    Plus, you should correct a couple style/grammar mistakes you have:

    • A bolded "Hero Power" must appear above your Hero Power. You'll probably have to shorten both HP texts so that they fit, since they're both quite wordy.
    • The Hero Power ribbon should be neutral-blue, not belonging to your class.
    • It's "Deal 5 damage", not "Deals 5 damage" or "Deals 5 damages".


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    I'd say it's a bit weak right now. 5 Illidari should be more balanced, IMO.

    You're also missing a couple capital letters: Rush (in Illidan's text) and Fuel (in the HP name)


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    Cool effect, although it doesn't strike me as particullarly Hunter-esque (beyond the minion types).


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    The HP right now is kinda confusing. My advice is to:
    • Word the HP as "Hero Power Summon a 1/10 Underbelly Rat."
    • Make a token called Underbelly Rat which has the same text as the token in the Heist boss fight.

    I'm not keen on it being a Neutral Hero card, either. Since it plays with Mana and its flavor is related to Beasts, I'd make it a Druid card.


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    The Battlecry is absolutely superb, but the HP is too wordy, unfortunately. Either shorten it or go with the swapping HP idea.

  • anchorm4n's Avatar
    Oasis Oracle 1905 2497 Posts Joined 03/13/2019
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    [Hearthstone Card (Malfurion the pestilant) Not Found] always seemed a bit odd for me in comparism to the other Deathknight cards. While the flavor was certainly there, it didn't fit as well into an existing Druid archetype as the others complimented their respective class archetypes. With my idea for this week, I'd like to try and fix this. The one Druid archetype that more or less transcends expansions is Token Druid. And since I've noticed most Token Druid players prefer Lunara as their Hero, I've gone with her:



    Please help me decide which version to go with. I'm leaning towards the second because its immediate impact is way better and the Hero Power of the first might be OP. I tried to balance the whole concept around Wisps of the Old Gods with the Armor gain and the constant availability of the Hero Power as the edge that makes this a legendary.



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    It's very flavorful and strong. I like both versions very much, but as you said the submission limit pushes you to the first one. I honestly can't find anything to criticize here, very well done! If by some chance you should be able to use the second version, maybe name it "Rafaam, Prime E.V.I.L."?


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    Surely an innovative idea. I especially like the Hero Power. On the downside, people might punish you for making a neutral hero. You also have to put some more work in the wording of the Hero Power. It should consist of two sentences, Underbelly Rat should be capitalized and I'm not sure if "when you die" is the right wording either. Finally, you should create a Token card for the Underbelly Rat. Nice work so far, keep it up!


    Show Spoiler
    Cool card, I like it a lot. Menagerie Hunter is actually something I'd like to try and your card compliments it very nicely. Please add some explanation to Xa'rax background to your submission for lore-noobs like me (what is his relation to N'Zoth?)!


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    It's not the most creative idea in this thread, but that doesn't have to mean it's bad. I'll concentrate on the hard facts: you should spell out "four" on the hero card and "Fuel" as well as "Hero Power" need to be capitalized.


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    Both of them look interesting to me. I guess with all the hate Secret Mage already gets, you're better of with the warlock card. On both cards, "Deal" needs to be spelled without the "s". Sargeras' Hero Power could also be shorter: "Deal 5 damage to all enemy minions and your hero." would be fine.


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    Hm… I think your idea has a lot of potential, but maybe you've put it into the wrong class. I get that self damage and buffing are Warlock things, but what if you made it a Warlock card and make it some kind of permanent Inner Rage effect? The reason why I'm suggesting this is because your Hero Power and the battlecry of the Hero card don't synergize very well atm. I think it would be easier to find something fitting in Warrior (you might even just keep the current version).


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    I prefer Cenarius, but there are some minor issues: "Restore all Health…" needs to be fitted to HS wording, Wrath is already a card and therefore needs another name and the Hero Power has to be neutral.


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    First of all, I think it's a very good idea to make Brann a Hunter Hero card. You might want to adjust the text so that "Ol' Faithful" is in the same line, it looks a bit weird stretched over two. The main issue of your idea is the Hero Power imho. Equipping Ol' Faithful means you can't use your Hero Power for at least one turn. I'd try and look for another Battlecry or another Hero Power if I were you.


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    It's a very creative an interesting idea, I like it! I think your missing a comma after "destroyed", but everything else looks fine. It's a bit hard to evaluate its usefulness, but I think raising the Armor gain to 7 would not be OP and make it more playable. Well done!


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    Nice one all around! I have nothing to criticize and will proceed to entertain my neighbours with Iron Maiden.


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    Personally, I think Liadrin might be OP. I have also noticed that people seem to like Freeze Shaman support and combining it with Murloc synergy might finally make it playable. Morgl is a really nice idea, well done!

    I notice I am confused. Something I believe isn't true. How do I know what I think I know?
    Harry James Potter-Evans-Verres, hpmor.com

  • linkblade91's Avatar
    Senior Writer Serra Angel 1710 2897 Posts Joined 02/09/2019
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    Here is Liadrin, Fallen Lady at 6-mana: her inability to immediately affect the board should have been taken into consideration for the original cost, but I overestimated how much a "this game" effect would be worth.

    Some feedback:

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    anchorm4n - I think the second iteration would better fit a Token Druid, if that is what you're aiming for. The cost seems fine: 1-mana for the Armor (Iron Hide), 2-mana for the Hero Power (Dinomancy), and the rest for the Battlecry. Is +2/+2 worth 4-mana? Two Power of the Wilds say "Yes", but two Mark of the Lotuses say "No".

    BloodMefist - I don't like that you have to fit "Hero Power" on the same line as the following text, but I understand why you did that. I hate discarding with a passion so I can't really speak to the Hero Power's strength, but a random Legendary might not be worth it. Unfortunately, you cannot submit the League of EVIL Hero Powers because we did not provide enough card slots (four is the limit).

    MenacingBagel - There are a couple errors on your card: the Hero Power should say "Hero Power" on it, in bold, at the top of the box. "Underbelly Rat" should be capitalized, there should be a period after "Underbelly Rat", and then "When" should be capitalized as well. Beyond that, I'm worried that people won't like a Neutral Hero card.

    Hordaki - I really like this card. N'Zoth, God of the Deep is my favorite of the new-Gods, and this directly supports such a menagerie deck. I'm not in love with the Hero Power, but it's okay. Not sure what else it could be, really.

    AnAngryBadger - "Rush" and "Hero Power" should be capitalized. That being said, the Hero card doesn't really do enough to supplant base-Illidan in terms of creativity, in my opinion. You're not really changing his basic gameplay pattern: he's still going to throw minions to their death, and he's still going to build Attack. The synergy between them has increased, but the deck hasn't changed; the Hero card is universal enough that any archetype can just throw this in. Not sure I'm explaining myself well.

    DavnanKillder - I like the concept behind Aegwynn, but I think the numbers could be tweaked. I would reduce her Battlecry to 2-damage per Secret, or maybe even 1-per; Secret Mage will readily cast their Secrets and drive up the damage, but you don't want this to be super powerful in a universal way or else everyone will run it without question. Also 6 Armor instead of 5 seems random: Dr. Boom has 7 Armor because of his "Dr. 7" meme, but beyond that there doesn't seem to be a reason for this change to precedent. Lastly, I think 10 Armor on the Hero Power is way too high: you're already ahead with the 5 Secrets, so gaining that much Armor is a win-more situation that really puts the game out of reach. 4 or 5 Armor would be enough. Still, as I said, I like the card, so don't see this paragraph as being too down on it.

    Wailor - I like the Hero Power: pairs really well with what the Warlock does, but encourages you to go ham with it to drive up the score, as you will. Also indirectly encourages a token-based playstyle so you can have several minions built up. Overall flavor seems fitting, although the Orcs having Taunt might be weird; the Blood of Mannoroth drives people into a frenzy, not a defensive stance lol.

    fungusABao - Of the two, I guess I like Cenarius more. While I like Anub'arak the character, Hearthstone has deemed him a Rogue minion, so suddenly making him a Warrior Hero card is weird. I also think the card itself is rather disjointed. Cenarius, conversely, has a focused mindset: stall and stall and stall some more. Although, that being said, destroying all minions is definitely against the Druid's "class identity", as they're supposed to struggle with board clearing.

    KANSAS - Beyond the mistakes you already noted, I should mention that "Improvised" is misspelled :P Other than that, it just seems rather bland to me. Unless the Torch does something special, you're just equipping weapons; that might be enough if the card was paired with a Weapon Hunter archetype and supporting cards, but on the surface level the card doesn't offer much.

    TheHoax91 - Temporary Hero cards have done well in the past, IIRC, so this is an avenue worth exploring in my opinion. Certainly makes them interesting. I hate Discolock, though, so you won't find a friend in me on that front lol.

    Demonxz95 - As I noted in Discord, I think this takes away from Warglaives of Azzinoth, and I'm honestly of the impression that the Warglaives will become a Classic card when Blizzard gets around to making one for the DH. I personally don't think they would print such a Hero card when the Warglaives fulfill such a similar function, and that's before I mention how powerful I think Zaladris is.

  • Demonxz95's Avatar
    Senior Writer 2245 2689 Posts Joined 03/19/2019
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago


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    Linkblade91 - I will echo what I said about the KotFT watermark since one class will technically get two hero cards in that set, although I fully realize there isn't really anything that can be done about this. Out of your two, Liadrin is probably my favorite.

    Wailor - You shouldn't make Demon Hunter cards before AoO, and Rush also didn't exist in KotFT either. Gotta watch those watermarks! The art isn't the best (although finding good DK Illidan art is probably difficult, so this is understandable), and the Hero Power seems to rely too much on having board presence. As for Mannoroth, I will say that making an AoO hero card is a bit weird given that it might try to "upstage" Illidan being added to the game, although I wouldn't penalize you for it, and the card is otherwise pretty decent.

    TheHoax91 - A neat little diversion of the hero card mechanic and it doesn't seem too OP either. Overall, good one.

    KANSAS - Beyond the mistakes you points out, I'm afraid I will have to agree on some previous feedback that the card is simply not that interesting in my opinion, and the Hero Power somewhat conflicts the Battlecry since you won't want to equip a weapon while you still have Ol' Faithful.

    FungusABao - Cenarius is flavorful, although Druids are not supposed to have good board clears, so it seems a bit strange to give them a Twisting Nether that comes with these other advantages and effects. Anub'arak is kinda neat, although it's a bit weird for it to a Warrior card when Anub'arak already exists as a Rogue card. You also don't need "will" in there.

    DavnanKillder - Aegwynn isn't by any means badly designed or anything, but Secret Mage gets a lot of hate, which will most likely impact your score, so watch out! Sargeras has a really cool idea, but that Hero Power is scary as hell.

    AnAngryBadger - I see you've already submitted. One thing I'm not particularly a fan of is the fact that the Illidan in the card is exactly the same character as regular Illidan, and it's not like the DK cards which are alternate version or anything. So in essence, you're Illidan becoming… Illidan. There is also a grammar mistake on the card as "4" should be written out as a word when it's next to stat-points.

    Hordaki - The card doesn't feel that Hunter-y to me, but it's otherwise one of the better cards so far.

    MenacingBagel - Making a Neutral hero card is kinda cool, but it might be negatively received by some. The Hero Power though contains a LOT of grammar errors, and I'm not sure what the "Eldest Rat" is or how it translates to gameplay.

    BloodMefist - I think a Rafaam hero card to juxtapose The Amazing Reno. The Hero Power seems fun, although it seems to be a downside more often than an upside. I prefer the other idea of the 4 scrolling Hero Powers, although since the limit for tokens is 4, I think you'll have to scrap one.

    Anchorm4n - I prefer the first version from design as it at least always does something when you play it, although the second version seems stronger for Token Druid, so that might be the one to go with afterall. The card is quite good too. One major problem I see with the card though is that Lunara didn't exist when Knights of the Frozen Throne came out. She was added with The Witchwood.

    Hero cards are pretty much impossible to balance (especially without being able to playtest them), so this will be a very rough competition. As far as Illidarminator Zaladris goes, I think I'll most likely drop the Attack (and Armor) down to 5.

  • KANSAS's Avatar
    Old God Fanatic 1745 2912 Posts Joined 03/25/2019
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    Thank you everyone for your feedback, I have changed the hero power and fixed all of my other mistakes.

    I will get some feedback out later.

    Carrion, my wayward grub.

  • fungusABao's Avatar
    Design Finalist 130 23 Posts Joined 10/30/2020
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    According to those feedbacks, I made changes to both of heros, please tell me your thoughts with them:

    For Cenarius, I kept the first choice of him as a board clear but reduced the power of it, now, its a Flamestrike with 2 more mana. Although board clear should be a limit of Durid, but I think that don't mean we have to stop give them some board clear options, for example Durid have Starfall as one of its Classic card and also Zai, the Incredible as a DH Legendary while generate cards is one of a limit. Other than that, I changed some arts and the name for it.

    For Anub'Arak, I kept it as a Warrior card since for me this charater is a more closer to a Warrior than a Rougue, I think make it as a dual class hero would be a better solution that fits my oringinal idea, but it is not feasible in Hearthcards currently so :(  . I remade the first Hero Power, now, it can gives him a lot of Armor, but on the other hand, he has Taunt at enemy's turn (I am not sure if it is better than the oringial Web Spin, probably gonna change it one more time later). And I changed the art to make it fitts better.

    And here are some feedbacks:


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    Morgl is very interesting, it connects Murloc Shamans and Freez Shamans and allows the synergy between them, the Battlecry is powerful and the hero power is not bad, In my view, it is definitly a good and balanced design. For Liadrin, I think the her effect might be OP– even more for the 6 mana version, but still a good design. Probably you can add some board effect to her battlecry to make she not so awkward as a 8 mana hero card. : )


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    Zaladris is really powerful as a 6 mana card– better than [Hearthstone Card (Warglaves of Azzinoth) Not Found]. Moreover, it also offers more damage with the synergy between [Hearthstone Card (Ilyg'noth) Not Found] and Aldrachi Warblades, I suggest to increse his cost to make him less powerful. : )


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    Both of them are great. Illidan is interesting, this card can be a key in a control DH deck with those Illidari and soul spells but I am a little bit worried its synergy with Expendable Performers. Mannoroth is very intersting, this could be a late game finish for some Zoolocks, and the Hero Power is very flavorble for me. : )


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    Probably the coolest design here, powerful, but well limited. Other than a comma between Destoryed and transform, I think your are ready to go. : )


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    Interesting idea by bringing the card in Tomb of Terrors to the construct. But I think you should change the Hero Power since I don't think it equip a 2/2 weapon fits a Hunter hero well. : )


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    Both are good and powerfull heros, but I preffer the design of Aegwynn better. She gives a lot of values by gerenrate a secret every turn, This will also affect your opponent a lot, overall, she is a pretty good card. : )


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    Good design. Probably increase the number of illdari he summons so he won't be too awkward to play on turn 7? : )


    Show Spoiler
    Interesting design, offers more synergy for Hunters and N'Zoth, God of the Deep. Hero power is probably a bit OP if you fills your board with many differnt type of minions, but OK at most of time. : )


    Show Spoiler
    Very interesting idea as a Nuetral Hero, I love the design. But remenber capitallize the first letter of each word in "underbelly rat". : )


    Show Spoiler
    For me, I love the second design of his Hero Power better, but really regret since this idea is rejected just because it hits the limit. The current design for his Hero Power is too complex for me, probably have to shorten it or remade another Hero Power for him.( : )


    Show Spoiler
    Personally, I like the second design better. For me, second one is a great final push for Token Druids and stability in late game, but the first one is just a extra and more expensive [Hearthstone Card (Whispering Woods) Not Found] which Token Druids has a lot better choice in the part of a game you want to paly it. But both are pretty cool. : )

  • shaveyou's Avatar
    415 198 Posts Joined 06/08/2019
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    Just so happens I was working on a Hero Card for a project I've been working on, so at very least I can get some balance tips.

    Feedback coming!

    Show Spoiler
    fungusABao - Cenarius, The Wild God. I have a couple of issues here. Firstly, druid having a good board clear feels weird. It's always been one of their weaknesses, and honestly, they don't have many, so I feel like this one should stick around. The Tree of Life effect is fine though. I'd also reduce the Hero Power to 2 armor.

    fungusABao  - Anub'Arak, The Traitor King. Battlecry is fine, I feel 10 armor is overkill, even with the inability to hide behind taunts. That's still a game over for any aggro/burn deck. Odd Warrior is polarizing in wild as it is, this would be even more so imo.

    Kansas - Brann, Bold Explorer. Love that Hero Power. The Weapon doesn't feel overpowered for the cost, absolutely no complaints here.

    Linkblade91 - Liadrin, Fallen Lady - Restricting it to play, rather than summon was a good idea. Divine Shield seems to get forgotton about in paladin more than it should, and this could help boost the synergy, if they ever wanted to go down that route again.

    anch4rman - Swarmlord Lunara. I'll start with a minor gripe. Shouldn't it be Swarmqueen? I'd say stick with the first version. It does punish the opponent if they can't clear a board on 2/2s on T8. but druid should punish for not being able to clear minions. The second actually feels more OP, as it's one thing to clear a board of 2/2s, but it's another thing to clear 4 1/1s every single turn.

    Bloodmefist - Rafaam, Prime Evil. I think there's a limit on token submissions. You may want to check that before any further refining.

    That's all I've got time for at the moment, sorry if I missed you, I'll do another round of feedback tomorrow.

  • Demonxz95's Avatar
    Senior Writer 2245 2689 Posts Joined 03/19/2019
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    Off of feedback, here is a new version of Illidarminator Zaladris. Now costs 1 more and has 1 less Armor.

  • DavnanKillder's Avatar
    Design Finalist 435 58 Posts Joined 07/26/2019
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    After the spoilers and to have more options (to bad that Secret Mage have a bad reputation =() I thinked in a "Attack Shaman" Hero.

  • Dreams's Avatar
    Banned Pikachu 340 290 Posts Joined 11/05/2020
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    Here is my take on Yrel as a Paladin Hero. I think it is a good idea to introduce cards that use divine shield as a weapon. Looking for some feedback and hoping to win.

    Banned for spamming.

  • anchorm4n's Avatar
    Oasis Oracle 1905 2497 Posts Joined 03/13/2019
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    KANSAS: This is way better! Pseudo-draw which honors Hunter's traditional weakness in this area is a very nice idea! 

    Shaveyou: It's a really cool idea. The one issue I have with your card is that the second part of the battlecry of the Hero card is identical with the Hero Power.

    DavnanKillder: The idea is okay-is, but I think the Hero Power is too close to the new Shaman legendary.

    Dreams: Nice to have you here! I don't want to be too harsh, but this is the most OP card I've seen in a while. I'm fine with healing 10, but dealing 10 damage to all enemies is way too strong, just like the Hero Power. Tinkering with Divine Shield is a nice idea in general, but this is just too much. 

    I notice I am confused. Something I believe isn't true. How do I know what I think I know?
    Harry James Potter-Evans-Verres, hpmor.com

  • Dreams's Avatar
    Banned Pikachu 340 290 Posts Joined 11/05/2020
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago
    Quote From anchorm4n

    KANSAS: This is way better! Pseudo-draw which honors Hunter's traditional weakness in this area is a very nice idea! 

    Shaveyou: It's a really cool idea. The one issue I have with your card is that the second part of the battlecry of the Hero card is identical with the Hero Power.

    DavnanKillder: The idea is okay-is, but I think the Hero Power is too close to the new Shaman legendary.

    Dreams: Nice to have you here! I don't want to be too harsh, but this is the most OP card I've seen in a while. I'm fine with healing 10, but dealing 10 damage to all enemies is way too strong, just like the Hero Power. Tinkering with Divine Shield is a nice idea in general, but this is just too much. 

    Alright thanks I can definitely see how my card is way too busted as it is. I was just thinking it was fine since its a legendary that costed 10 mana.

    Changes I would make:

    Hero power: 

     After a friendly minion loses divine it explodes dealing 2 damage to the enemy hero

    Hero battlecry:

     Heal all friendly characters 10 and Silence all enemy minions. Even though silence isn't really a Paladin thing so maybe set all enemies to 1 attack and health instead of silence.

    But I'll take the damage off the battlecry


    Banned for spamming.

  • DavnanKillder's Avatar
    Design Finalist 435 58 Posts Joined 07/26/2019
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago
    Quote From anchorm4n

    KANSAS: This is way better! Pseudo-draw which honors Hunter's traditional weakness in this area is a very nice idea! 

    Shaveyou: It's a really cool idea. The one issue I have with your card is that the second part of the battlecry of the Hero card is identical with the Hero Power.

    DavnanKillder: The idea is okay-is, but I think the Hero Power is too close to the new Shaman legendary.

    Dreams: Nice to have you here! I don't want to be too harsh, but this is the most OP card I've seen in a while. I'm fine with healing 10, but dealing 10 damage to all enemies is way too strong, just like the Hero Power. Tinkering with Divine Shield is a nice idea in general, but this is just too much. 

    Yeah.... Blizzard destroyed the Score of  my Shaman Hero with the new legendaey hahahahha.

    Well, I think I will continue with the Aegwynn. Made some changes, the battlecry now deal 2 instead of 3 damage per Secret, has 5 armor and draw a card in the HP If the Secret cap is achieved (nowadays Mage thent to have less heal/armor gain and draw seemed better flavor to me) 


  • Lemushki's Avatar
    Squirtle 1120 1051 Posts Joined 03/22/2019
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    As rush did not exist you can always call it "Charge, but cant attack heroes this turn"

    Lemushki - The one and only since the 2006 rebranding.

  • MenacingBagel's Avatar
    Zombie Chow 815 723 Posts Joined 09/24/2019
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    Alright, I've fixed the wording (I think) changed the class and created a token I also changed the cost to fit the original. 

    Self proclaimed good at battlegrounds

  • KANSAS's Avatar
    Old God Fanatic 1745 2912 Posts Joined 03/25/2019
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago


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    Linkblade91, I don't really like Morgle since it seems really easy to just freeze your opponents board every turn, locking them out of the game. Liadrin is pretty cool, but I think it would be better if it was a bit cheaper and gave a smaller buff. *edit* I think it is good at 6 mana, but I still feel like the hero power provides too many stats in addition to the divine shield. Especially with Librams going around providing even more stats.

    Demonxz95, Unlimited attacks seems pretty good, even if you can't hit heroes. Warglaives of Azzinoth had to be nerfed. I think it would be better if you could attack twice, but only attack heroes once.

    Wailor, I like the hero damage synergy, but I am afraid that it will be too easy to trigger the hero power 2-4 times in a turn. A full +1/+1 buff to all of your minions can stack up a lot and become game ending. I really like the self damage trigger, but you should change the payoff to something a bit less powerful.

    TheHoax91, The transform ability is pretty cool, but with only 5 armor you probably won't last more than a turn or two. You should change the hero power to something that gives you armor in some way. That way the hero power and battlecry would synergize a bit more. Right they new feel pretty disconnected.

    AnAngryBadger, First off, I would change the "4" to the word "four" since it looks better next to the "1/1". Generally, I think this hero is very weal. 7 mana for four 1/1s is terrible. And the hero power seems really hard to get value out of except through cards like Command the Illidari. In general I think this hero is rather underwhelming.

    Hordaki, I really like it. Menagerie stuff is always fun to play around with, and I think this is a very good hero card to support that archetype. You should change the wording on your hero power, since right now it isn't terribly clear and also kind of wordy. Do you pick one minion, and it gets +1 attack for each tribe? Or does it pick a new random minion to get the extra attack for each minion type you have? If it just pick one then it should just say "Give a friendly minion +1 attack for each minion type among minions you control". If it picks a random minion each time then it should say random. Also, I think you could have a +1/+1 buff instead of just +1 attack.

    MenacingBagel, First off, I don't think you should make a neutral hero card. We don't have any of those in game, so people voting may not be supportive of it. Second, the hero power needs to say "Hero Power" at the top. Third, you need a period between the words "rat" and "when" in the hero power. Third, this card is pretty OP. The hero power basically lets you gain another 10 health. And a 1/10 minion for 2 mana every turn is a lot of stats. You will become virtually unkillable, especially when put into a deck that has a lot of heals and other defensive tools. And on top of all of that you get to refill 2 mana crystals which to be honest seems kind of random to me.

    BloodMefist, Personally, I like the swapping hero powers better. I think it is a really cool and flavorful way to represent Rafaam as the leader of the League of E.V.I.L. I also really like that you included the Powerful Artifacts from the original Rafaam. Your card is very flavorful and I love everything about it. Good job! *edit* It is sad you aren't able to fit all of the tokens, I really liked that last design. Out of the two Hero Powers, I think Gauntlet of Origination is better from a flavor perspective.

    anchrom4n, I prefer the battlecry that summons minions and the hero power that buffs them. This feels like a more natural order to take things in. I would also vouch to reduce the cost to 5 mana since at 6 it feels a bit slow for a token deck.

    FungusABao, For Cenarius, you should change the armor to 5 to match all of the other hero cards. I would also reduce the armor from the Hero Power to 2 since it is really easy to cast multiple spells in a turn, especially in wild with Jade Idol and all of the draw. For Anub'Arak, you should also reduce the armor to 5. I would also adjust the wording in the Battlecry to say "they attack random enemies" instead of "that attacks random enemies". I am not sure if it matters, but I feel like this wording is better to imply that the battlecry is making them attack random enemies, and that the tokens themselves don't have any ability that makes them attack random enemies. I like the swapping hero powers, but I do feel like 10 armor is a bit much. I think you could change it to 5-6 armor and be okay. Especially since there are a lot of cases where the taunt option can be used as a plus.

    shaveyou, I really like the idea of a pirate based hero card, and I think Dreadsail Deckhand is a pretty cool token. But I do think you should reduce the durability of the weapon to either 2 or 3 since right now it has a lot of potential to deal a massive amount of damage over 4 punches.

    DavnanKillder, I think the card is mostly good, but you should adjust the Hero Power some. Balance wise I think it is fine, you could make it cost 3, but it is okay at 2 mana. You should change the wording though. You don't need to say Playable Secret since you can't play a secret you already have in play. So if you are discovering a secret and putting it directly into play, I imagine it simply wouldn't offer you secrets you already have. And in the second half, I think you should have the condition and then the payoff instead of the other way around. So instead of saying "draw a card if you have 5 secrets" say "if you have 5 secrets, draw a card".

    Dreams, First off, you shouldn't use the classic watermark. Some people don't care, but myself and others will give your card a penalty when rating if you use an inappropriate watermark. Also, "Passive Hero Power" needs to be on it's own line. About balance, the hero power is crazy OP. It costs the same as a pyroblast, but instead of hitting one target you are hitting every enemy. And on top of that you give yourself 15 life and refresh your whole board. I think you should have it deal 5 and heal 5, or have it deal even less damage and you can reduce the cost. The hero power seems a bit weird. If it said "After a friendly minion loses divine shield, it attacks the enemy hero" then it would feel a bit more natural and also be shorter. If you want the hero power to be a bit less aggressive then I think it is a good idea to have it deal a set damage. Though I wouldn't say "it explodes" because that implies the minion dies, which makes it a downside. Just have it say "After a friendly minion loses divine shield, deal 2 damage to the enemy hero.


    I didn't give feedback to everyone. I will edit this post later when I have time and get to everyone I missed. *edit* Here is the rest of the feedback.

    Carrion, my wayward grub.

  • anchorm4n's Avatar
    Oasis Oracle 1905 2497 Posts Joined 03/13/2019
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago
    Quote From Dreams

    Hero power: 

     After a friendly minion loses divine it explodes dealing 2 damage to the enemy hero

    I really don't want to be rude, but the thought of exploding Divine Shield minions had me laughing out loud at work this afternoon. If you really pull this one off, you'll get an extra star from me for that mechanic alone. 

    I notice I am confused. Something I believe isn't true. How do I know what I think I know?
    Harry James Potter-Evans-Verres, hpmor.com

  • Demonxz95's Avatar
    Senior Writer 2245 2689 Posts Joined 03/19/2019
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    Relentless Pursuit Card Image

    So this seems OP with Zaladris.


  • Wailor's Avatar
    Design Champion 640 708 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    New version of Mannoroth given some of the feedback I received. Rush reflects Mannoroth's blood rage more than Taunt, but it's even less of a Warlock thing (only two Warlock minions have this keyword). However, the fact that it summons tokens is a zoo effect, so that might make it Warlock-y enough.

    Let me know if you prefer this version or the previous one where the Orcs had Taunt. A third version could be one Orc with Taunt, another one with Rush and another one with Lifesteal, albeit I'd have to submit a token without the keywords (or a GIF featuring all three of them, if that's allowed).



    Show Spoiler
    Simple but effective. I think I prefer the first version's effect, although the image of the second HP is cooler.


    Show Spoiler
    The 6 mana Liadrin is much better. I'd say you're good to go.


    Show Spoiler
    The Hero Power doesn't look that much better than a basic one (it's basically very similar to Warlock), but I guess that's fine because Ol' Faithful is almost on par with 6 Mana weapons.

    Also, since the actual Ol' Faithful is a Warrior card, I'd make a custom version of it which is a Hunter card, while keeping the effect.


    Show Spoiler
    The current version of Cenarius fits Druid much better. I'd go with it, since Anub'arak not being a Rogue card is a bit weird, as other people pointed out.


    Show Spoiler
    I think I'd make it cost 6, because the weapon can hit face for 7 and the weapon itself has a lot of durability. I don't know, it's hard to tell without playtesting it, though.


    Show Spoiler
    Out of your cards, the last version of Aegwynn is definetly the best one.


    Show Spoiler
    The Hero Power is very interesting, although "Passive Hero Power" should be in a different line than the rest of the text.

    The Battlecry is incredibly OP, however. I think I'd reduce it to 5 damage/healing and only target minions.


    Show Spoiler
    The card looks much better now :)

    There are a couple of things you could improve: the Ribbon of the Hero Power should be Neutral (see The Four Horsemen and you should probably use the Rise of Shadows watermark for both the Hero and the token minion, instead of Classic/Blank as it currently is.

  • BloodMefist's Avatar
    Old God Fanatic 850 804 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    As much as I and others want to use the swapping E.V.I.L hero power, it's too many tokens to be submitted. I retooled the original hero power to be a bit better, either through discount or through discovery.  I also want to gauge people's feelings on flavor between the Gauntlet or Arch-Villainy. 


    Show Spoiler

    linkblade91: I think giving every minion for the rest of the game divine shield and then +2/+2 seems pretty strong, even for the lack of tempo on the card.  I think lowering the stat bonus of the hero power to +2/+1 at 6 cost seems good.

    Demonxz95: Yeah, it is unfortunate that Relentless Pursuit kind of screwed over your card :/ Maybe moving the passive over to the battlecry and getting a new passive? Maybe something like 'Your first attack each turn also damages an adjacent minion'?

    Wailor: Big fan of the Mannoroth card.  I personally don't think there needs any changes after the Rush version.  I think the art for Fel Orc art could be different and green to better convey corruption by Mannoroth's blood.

    The Hoax91: Seems a bit too weird to me. It almost behaves like a legendary spell rather than a hero card. I like the discard synergy, but I think it should be retooled a bit.

    KANSAS: I like the use of Ol'Faithful here.  I think the hero power is interesting, but feels weird flavor-wise to give up a card while youre treasure hunting.  I think it works well from a balance stand-point though, nice work!

    fungusABao: I really like the design for Anub'arak, but think that Anub'arak as a character should stay exclusive to Rogues.  I think you could port the effect over to a different character and it could work super well though, maybe Varok Sourfang? Not as huge on Cenarius. The play effect and hero power aren't as interesting as Anub'arak's design.

    DavnanKillder: RIP Rehgar, was digging his theme and think he would have worked better for the 'Gladiator Shaman' that they're pushing.  I like Aegwynn as a control take on secrets, but the hero power could use some rewording. Something like 'Discover a Secret and cast it. If you control five Secrets, draw a card instead.' 

    Hordaki: Really dig the design of this hero, pushing a Menagerie archetype in Hunter feels more natural and better than Warrior. Flavor feels a bit strange with Old God forces pushing Menagerie, but N'zoth did it first so I can't fault you for that. Great job!

    MenacingBagel: I like the idea of porting a boss over in an actual card, but summoning a 1/10 every turn seems potentially dangerous for Token Druids.  It's definitely a cool idea, but the stats still scare me.

    shaveyou: Would the Dreadsail Deckhand be a 2/2 since it sounds like it counts itself? Also Ghostly Blade is a gnarly weapon to get for 5 mana. I think the cost could be nerfed to 6 given Rogue's ability to easily generate cheap pirates.

    Dreams: First version of this was giga busted, but it sounds like you're on the right track. I like the idea of setting all enemy minion to 1 health and attack as a battlecry. I also like the idea of turning divine shield into a weapon, but it seems late for this effect to activate considering you might have burned through your divine shield minions. Not sure what you should change it to though.

  • grumpymonk's Avatar
    360 137 Posts Joined 04/02/2020
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    Gee, making hero cards is hard! I have two, one a bit more conventional and one that's a little out there.  Feedback would be greatly appreciated.

    Alexstraza, Life-Binder is pretty straightforward - good for spell druid, both tempo and big, as well as some heal druid support.  The battlecry is very powerful, so it might have to go down to 2 spells, even if the hero power is not so strong.

    I'm not sure about this one balance wise, but I like the idea and flavor.  I wanted to try some more risky designs since I feel like I've been playing it safe a little this season.  Cursed! already exists, while the other two are new. I like how the hero power accumulates value over time, giving your opponent a choice between losing tempo or becoming overwhelmed after a few turns.

    Edit: Looks like its 4 cards total, not 4 extra cards allowed.  I'll probably drop Hexed! if I go with Cho'gall.


    Show Spoiler

    BloodMefist - I like the gauntlet with the Arch-Villainy ability from an art and gameplay perspective.  On second thought, wouldn't it be better to transform/discard the lowest cost card instead of the highest?  Unless you're running a discard-specific build, you would just be as likely to lose value as gaining it.  Maybe that's the point, which is why the hero power is so cheap.

    Wailor - Could the tokens have both taunt and rush?  It might have to make the cost bumped to 8.  Not really a fan of the three tokens with three different abilities to be honest.

    MenacingBagel - There's some missing capitalization: health, mana, and crystals are all capitalized, and I don't understand why this didn't cost 3 mana instead of 6 and refreshing 3 mana crystals.  I like how well the card fits with the boss encounter and that it's niche enough so that only certain decks would want to run it, which helps with the potential problem of a neutral hero card homogenizing decks.  I really don't think a neutral hero card is much of a leap. [Hearthstone Card (Majaordomo Executus) Not Found] already exists and is basically a neutral hero card.

    DavnanKillder - I like it.  Not sure is playable in necessary in the hero power text, as the game is set up not to offer secrets that you already have on the battlefield.

    Dreams - The changes you offered seem pretty cool.  Given that there aren't that many divine shield minons in the game, I think the hero power could be more impactful towards the battlefield instead of the enemy hero.  May I suggest some sort of AOE effect? How about "after a friendly minion loses divine shield, deal 1 (or 2) damage to all enemies (or enemy minions).

    Demonxz95 - The best I could think of for the hero power is "After your hero first attacks a minion each turn, it may attack again."  Essentially two attacks per turn, but only the hero once.  It might be a little too weak though.

    shaveyou - The weapon might be a little too strong, but I like the idea and pirate support.

    fungusABao - I like both of them, but the warrior would work better if was repesented by a different character.  Grace of the God  should say 'characters' instead of 'character' and 'your' in the Howling hero power should be capitialized.

    KANSAS - I really like it. No issues from me.

    linkblade91 - I agree with BloodMefist that +2/+1 would be better, as it would affect every minion you play for the rest of the game.

    TheHoax91 - Very creative and interesting!  I can't speak for balance, but I like it how it helps the discard warlock archetype by allowing it to include minions normally be there because of the potential value lost. 

  • Hordaki's Avatar
    Dragon Scholar 655 264 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    Feedback for page 2:

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    grumpymonk: I think Cho'gall is the more interesting of the two (if you go with Alex definitely drop the Battlecry to 2), but just remember that you can only submit 4 cards in an entry so you'd have to ditch one of the afflictions. I'd say just link to Cursed! in the description since it's already in the game.

    BloodMefist: I'd go with Arch-Villainy out of the two

    Wailor: Rush makes more sense than Taunt, but you could always ditch the keyword and summon four vanilla 3/3s.

    MenacingBagel: You might want to change it so you can only have 1 underbelly rat on board at a time, being able to build up a bunch of 1/10's that make you immortal seems pretty broken.

    DavnanKillder: I like the idea, but you could probably simplify the Hero Power down to just "Discover and Cast a Secret". I doubt you'd go too long with 5 secrets.

    Dreams: The battlecry is way too powerful, and seems like more of a Priest effect than Paladin. Maybe it could give your minions Divine Shield (which would synergize better with the Hero Power) and perhaps a buff like +2/+2.

    Demonxz95: I'd give you feedback but it sounds like you're going back to the drawing board anyway.

    shaveyou: Simple, but effective. Not much to say here.

    fungusABao: For Cenarius, drop the Hero Power down to 2 Armor, I think you could get pretty out of control with 3 Armor per spell. Anub'Arak is pretty weird, but interesting. also switch Attacks to attack.

    KANSAS: I like it, but I'm not sure if 2 Mana for swapping a card is really worth it, I think you could drop it down to 1 (or maybe even 0) Mana.

          -Hordaki (rhymes with Mordecai)

           Check out the Tactician custom class!

  • Dreams's Avatar
    Banned Pikachu 340 290 Posts Joined 11/05/2020
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago
    Quote From grumpymonk

    Gee, making hero cards is hard! I have two, one a bit more conventional and one that's a little out there.  Feedback would be greatly appreciated.

    Alexstraza, Life-Binder is pretty straightforward - good for spell druid, both tempo and big, as well as some heal druid support.  The battlecry is very powerful, so it might have to go down to 2 spells, even if the hero power is not so strong.

    I'm not sure about this one balance wise, but I like the idea and flavor.  I wanted to try some more risky designs since I feel like I've been playing it safe a little this season.  Cursed! already exists, while the other two are new. I like how the hero power accumulates value over time, giving your opponent a choice between losing tempo or becoming overwhelmed after a few turns.

    Edit: Looks like its 4 cards total, not 4 extra cards allowed.  I'll probably drop Hexed! if I go with Cho'gall.


    Show Spoiler

    BloodMefist - I like the gauntlet with the Arch-Villainy ability from an art and gameplay perspective.  On second thought, wouldn't it be better to transform/discard the lowest cost card instead of the highest?  Unless you're running a discard-specific build, you would just be as likely to lose value as gaining it.  Maybe that's the point, which is why the hero power is so cheap.

    Wailor - Could the tokens have both taunt and rush?  It might have to make the cost bumped to 8.  Not really a fan of the three tokens with three different abilities to be honest.

    MenacingBagel - There's some missing capitalization: health, mana, and crystals are all capitalized, and I don't understand why this didn't cost 3 mana instead of 6 and refreshing 3 mana crystals.  I like how well the card fits with the boss encounter and that it's niche enough so that only certain decks would want to run it, which helps with the potential problem of a neutral hero card homogenizing decks.  I really don't think a neutral hero card is much of a leap. [Hearthstone Card (Majaordomo Executus) Not Found] already exists and is basically a neutral hero card.

    DavnanKillder - I like it.  Not sure is playable in necessary in the hero power text, as the game is set up not to offer secrets that you already have on the battlefield.

    Dreams - The changes you offered seem pretty cool.  Given that there aren't that many divine shield minons in the game, I think the hero power could be more impactful towards the battlefield instead of the enemy hero.  May I suggest some sort of AOE effect? How about "after a friendly minion loses divine shield, deal 1 (or 2) damage to all enemies (or enemy minions).

    Demonxz95 - The best I could think of for the hero power is "After your hero first attacks a minion each turn, it may attack again."  Essentially two attacks per turn, but only the hero once.  It might be a little too weak though.

    shaveyou - The weapon might be a little too strong, but I like the idea and pirate support.

    fungusABao - I like both of them, but the warrior would work better if was repesented by a different character.  Grace of the God  should say 'characters' instead of 'character' and 'your' in the Howling hero power should be capitialized.

    KANSAS - I really like it. No issues from me.

    linkblade91 - I agree with BloodMefist that +2/+1 would be better, as it would affect every minion you play for the rest of the game.

    TheHoax91 - Very creative and interesting!  I can't speak for balance, but I like it how it helps the discard warlock archetype by allowing it to include minions normally be there because of the potential value lost. 

    Alexstraza is a great hero card probably my favorite here so far hope you win because I give up on this lol

    Banned for spamming.

  • fungusABao's Avatar
    Design Finalist 130 23 Posts Joined 10/30/2020
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    Some change to both of my cards. I reduced the Armor its Hero Power provided and fixed some wording problems. I fell like Cenarius is  soilid but the design of Anub'Arak's Hero Power was also interesting, but people are have negative feedbacks to the charater, so I changed it to Varok Saurfang -- a real Warrior:


    Feedback for both cards are still welcomed, I will do some feedback later today.

    *I did it, and it disapeared, I will do it again tomorrow : ( *

    *wait, when I check it today, it shows up again lol*

  • Demonxz95's Avatar
    Senior Writer 2245 2689 Posts Joined 03/19/2019
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    Well, Relentless Pursuit kinda screwed me over, so here's attempt number 2.

    Gives Rogue some form of AoE without completely nullifying it as a weakness as it is difficult to achieve effectively.

  • fungusABao's Avatar
    Design Finalist 130 23 Posts Joined 10/30/2020
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    Late feedbacks:


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    The current version of Brann works pretty well, I really like this new Hero Power, it is very well flavored and also balanced. I think you are good to go : )


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    Current version is cool enough, but probably change the ability of Dreadsail Deckhand to "has +1/+1 for each other pirate you control" is more balanced? : )


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    Battlecry for Aegwynn now is pretty good. But the Hero Power is too good, for Mage, is 2 mana for a 3 mana card every turn, probably increase the cost to 3 : )


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    First, the Hero Power should be in Neutral class other than Paladin. The fixed Version for Her is much better than the original one. The Hero power is flavoerable but probably a bit complex. Interesting overall : )


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    The current version for the Rat King is great, just fix the watermark and you are ready to go : )


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    Obiviously, Zaladris isn't going to be a well balanced card now with the synergy with [Hearthstone Card (Relentless Presuit) Not Found]. Vanessa seem to be a good design, it is a AoE for Rougue, but not that effective in certain situation, and that should be what we want for a card that breaks a bit of the limitation. The hero power is probably too good with Self-Sharpening Sword, but in an acceptable range. Overall, it is a pretty cool idea : )


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    For me, the Taunt version seems better. And also, make some change to the art of Fel Orc is going to make it better, since the current version doesn't really feel like "Fel" : )


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    I preffer the Gauntlet one, Transform other than Discard looks more like Rafaam and flavored better. : )


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    Alexstraza is pretty solid drop for Spiteful Summoner Druids in lategame as another way to end the game. Feels good, I like it, but I think the desidn of Cho'gall is better. Cho'gall is very interesting, it allow you to disturb your oppent by "Curse" them, I think you should go with it, and just drop the Cursed! and submmit all other since it already exsits. : )

  • Wailor's Avatar
    Design Champion 640 708 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    I've received a couple comments (out of 4 since I posted the token) that said the token isn't really a Fel Orc, which is weird, since... Well, it's the first image that shows up after googling "Fel Orc".

    Back when I played Warcraft 3, Orcs were green until they drank Mannoroth's blood, when they became red.

    I know that in Warlords of Draenor, orcs were originally brown, but became green after drinking Mannoroth's blood...

    As far as I know, green and red are different stages of corruption, but after reading this comments, I wonder if red orcs stopped being canon or something. Can someone confirm, please?

  • fungusABao's Avatar
    Design Finalist 130 23 Posts Joined 10/30/2020
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago
    Quote From Wailor

    Back when I played Warcraft 3, Orcs were green until they drank Mannoroth's blood, when they became red.

    I know that in Warlords of Draenor, orcs were originally brown, but became green after drinking Mannoroth's blood...

    As far as I know, green and red are different stages of corruption, but after reading this comments, I wonder if red orcs stopped being canon or something. Can someone confirm, please?

    I've checked again and I think you are right. Oringinally, Orcs were mostly in Brown, White or Black, after the first time they drink the blood or effected by Fels, they become Green, if they drink the blood again, they become red-- which should be the final stage of Corruption. I think I just messd them up when I was doing the feedback since it was really late night. Sorry for the confusion, I think you are ready to go with this art. =D

  • KANSAS's Avatar
    Old God Fanatic 1745 2912 Posts Joined 03/25/2019
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    People seem to like my new design, but I do think that overall the card is a bit underwhelming for it's cost. I am thinking of either changing the cost of the hero down to 5, or the cost of the hero power down to 1. What do you think? Should I change the cost of either the hero or the power? Or should I keep it as it is?

    Someone also said I should change Ol' Faithfuls border since the Monster Hunt treasure has the warrior border, so here is Ol' Faithful with the hunter border.


    Carrion, my wayward grub.

  • MenacingBagel's Avatar
    Zombie Chow 815 723 Posts Joined 09/24/2019
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    Alright fixed the watermarks fixed the wording (I think) and made a minor change so that it just summons the rat instead of refilling the mana

    Self proclaimed good at battlegrounds

  • linkblade91's Avatar
    Senior Writer Serra Angel 1710 2897 Posts Joined 02/09/2019
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    Good luck to our finalists

  • linkblade91's Avatar
    Senior Writer Serra Angel 1710 2897 Posts Joined 02/09/2019
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    Congratulations to BloodMefist!

  • Wailor's Avatar
    Design Champion 640 708 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    Dang, so close.

    Congrats, Mefist!

  • anchorm4n's Avatar
    Oasis Oracle 1905 2497 Posts Joined 03/13/2019
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    Congrats BloodMefist! 

    I notice I am confused. Something I believe isn't true. How do I know what I think I know?
    Harry James Potter-Evans-Verres, hpmor.com

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