New Rogue Minion - Foxy Fraud
Submitted 4 years, 1 month ago by
A new Common Rogue Minion, Foxy Fraud, has been revealed!
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A new Common Rogue Minion, Foxy Fraud, has been revealed!
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Is that the cuteness winner of the set?
As far as combo activators go this is the most combo activator you can be..
but it's basically a "0 mana 3/2" when you play a combo card.. I would say it's solid at least.
Combo discount with an aggressive statline.
Plus it's a furry-locator's tool - to some extend
Struggle with Heroic Galakrond's Awakening? I got your back :
It kind of reminds me of Sorcerer's Apprentice only less troublesome. It is a cheap card that helps you to chain off multiple cards in the same turn and ends up paying for itself. I see no reason why any tempo-based rogue deck wouldn't want this. Also, I feel sorry for that poor person who will have to face against a turn two Coin + Foxy Fraud + Edwin on turn 2.
Carrion, my wayward grub.
cuteness winner for year of the phoinex
If this is the cuteness winner, then Ring Toss got robbed. I hope Sorcerer's Apprentice gets reworked into something like this.
This is exactly the Rogue card I've always wanted.
Cost reduction is always good, and this can basically be a free 3/2 body with a Combo activator, so it'll definitely be good somewhere.
If you have Edwin VanCleef in hand and the ability to drop stupid things or Shadowstep quickly, I'd imagine it'd be good.... in the one scenario
Cute fox which is pretty much free if you hold a Combo card... best friend of Edwin VanCleef
I am envoy from nowhere in nowhere. Nobody and nothing have sent me. And even though it is impossible I exist. ©Trimutius
This is in-sane, enables the combo because you played the card and then reduces cost.
We gonna see some pretty big Edwins earlier than usual guys.
"Be excellent to each other." -Bill and Ted
In wild, this is an absolutely amazing support for Spectral Pillager decks. This and Tenwu of the Red Smoke just completely replaces the Galakrond package, allowing you to focus more on drawing cards. Also, rogue got Cloak of Shadows which really helps for survivability by a lot.
I eat your fast food spare changes when you sleep.
The shenanigans of this card is amazing. Its basically 0 mana most of the time, since playing combo pieces like EVIL Miscreant or edwin is pretty common early game. So here's something that activates your combo, puts up a decent body, and even on its own with Eviscerate, just swings board on 2.
What else is there to want out of a card?
I was a little meh on this card at first glance because I thought it cost 3 mana, but after seeing it again I have to say this is probably one of the strongest cards in the Darkmoon Faire set. Rogues will LOVE this, the shenanigans they can pull of with this as soon as turn 2 and 3 will be great. This + Shadowstep + Edwin VanCleef or EVIL Miscreant will be strong early game plays.
Seems good on paper, but what combo cards do you even want to run? Eh, it only really helps Miscreant and the new Draw 2 card, but is it really enough to justify its inclusion into a deck? We’ll have to see.
This ain't no place for a hero
Turn 2, play this + shadowstep + play this again + edwin = 10/10 + 3/2. And that's turn 2
And now your hand is empty, your opponent kills Van Cleef and then its game over. Anyway, this is a ludicrous highroll scenario, and while it could happen, I’m still quite skeptical about this card being included into a lot of decks overall because of how little good Combo cards there are
This ain't no place for a hero
There's wand thief, swindle, eviscerate, edwin, miscreant. That's 9 cards, and I would play them all in secret rogue right now if I can. Hell, I'd play them in galakrond rogue too.
And if I can chance a highroll edwin simply by adding a sometimes 0 mana 2 drop, why not?
Rogues just love these kinds of tempo plays, don't they? Excellent EVIL Miscreant activator, good with Swindle...fully expecting to see a lot of this.
I am absolutely excited for Darkmoon faire.
I eat your fast food spare changes when you sleep.
I expect to see this card in every rogue deck till it rotates out
TREMBLE before.... the most legendary dragon that ever existed!
Great with Edwin VanCleef and other combo cards. Rogue uses a big amount of combo cards, so i dont see why this wouldn't see play. Amazing card.
Standard: Pretty much every rogue deck with a bunch of combo cards will run it.
Wild: EVEN cost so i don't know what kind of rogue deck runs this.. I honestly don't see that much rogue action on ladder, so i honestly don't know...
RNG is only fun as long as there is a 50/50 chance of getting something really good or trash level of bad. If RNG always results in something good, then it's not fun.
Usefully useless? Good since it technically doesn't cost anything when playing combo cards but kinda iffy otherwise
Self proclaimed good at battlegrounds
Not only is this basically a free 3/2 minion, it also activates the combo card you discount. If I know anything about Rogue, they like free tempo and cheap powerful effects, both of which Foxy Fraud provides.
For glory, honor, and gold!
This is basically that free combo enabler reddit keeps asking for but better.
Living like that.
I think this is a nerf contender. very strong card that could be run everywhere in rouge. Plus premium stats for the cost. When will Blizz learn that (0) cost cards will always be too strong?
"Some inspirational quote from some famous person" - Some famous person
Nice, even bigger Edwins from now on... please NO :-(
This is a great card, staple for next year
Amazing! This will be in every Rogue deck until it rotates out
Preparation for combo cards on a body. Rogue got some really good toys this expansion.
Amazing card in general, combo cards are pretty common in any rogue decks
All hail the banshee queen.
The kind of card that every rogue needs in their decks. As everybody before me said it will give so much love to an early VanCleef
Xbox gamertag - Psymonjet
If you're playing Combo cards- Wait, you're a Rogue, you're putting 2 of these in your deck first and then wondering what 28 other cards to play.
Hey, you heard about that Mario guy?
Not bad at all. Rogue's haven't done too badly this set.
Looks great.
Chumbawumba is the worst band name.
This feels like we got the Prep back, kinda :)
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Another case of a free body if you were already planning on playing a Combo card, with I guess the added bonus that it itself could activate the Combo - for example, you could play this and SI:7 Agent on turn 3.
It's nothing special, but if you're running a decent number of Combo cards then maybe you run this too.
Welcome to the site!
Huge tempo play.
Now you can play Foxy Fraud + 4/4 Edwin VanCleef on t3.
By The Holy Light!
Amazing card, will be a staple in most Rogue decks for sure
I like it. Tihis is essentially a free combo activator that also summons a small body to accompany the card. This will be in any Rogue deck that runs combo cards.
Unfortunately, common sense isn't as common as it should be.
A 3/2 for 2 that cheaply activates Combo. Sounds good.
I don't want to cure cancer; I want to turn people into dinosaurs.
Very good stats and effect aaaaand cuteness