New Priest Minion - Blood of G'huun
Submitted 4 years, 1 month ago by
A new Epic Priest Minion, Blood of G'huun, has been revealed!
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A new Epic Priest Minion, Blood of G'huun, has been revealed!
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I am going to play Control Shaman for the whole of this expansion. 2 copies of Devolving missiles, 2 copies of Revolve, 2 copies of Plague of Murlocs and 2 copies of Hex.
This ain't no place for a hero
The return of ress priest.. YAY.... yay.. *sob*
Rez Priest newest acquisition - its on the scary side of the spectrum - no gonna sugar coat it ...
Struggle with Heroic Galakrond's Awakening? I got your back :
I don't like this card. Res priest is already super annoying, and this card just gives it a little bit of an extra boost. I just don't know why they felt the need to make this card, it simply doesn't need to exist.
Really, I am just tired of priests and their shenanigans.
Carrion, my wayward grub.
why do preist and dh get good cards there the most annoying classes come expansion time
Remember Rez Priest and how many people loved it? Thankfully Mass Ressurection rotates next year, so maybe we won't have to deal with it in standard once that happens.
The ability is really good. 9 Mana to get 13/13 in stats that could result in more deathrattle minions that you opponent really doesn't want to deal with at all. It seems like a hard pull with the meta the way it is being so Aggro dominant, but with this set pushing more control, it may end up seeing more play.
Looks like a really strong addition to a Big/Rez Priest deck. I might get stoned here, but I kinda enjoyed that archetype a few expansions back, so I might play it again in the near future. This will be annoying to play against.
I don't get why this has a higher mana cost than [Hearthstone Card (Ghuun, the Blood God) Not Found] considering it supposedly came from that minion, but whatever.
Gross amounts of value for priest... 9 mana 13/13 with potential additional upside... when does it stop???
I am envoy from nowhere in nowhere. Nobody and nothing have sent me. And even though it is impossible I exist. ©Trimutius
I still play wall priest and I'm not sure I'd add this.
Will try for sure but 9 mana seems a lot and in my experience you just want taunt or inmediate healing.
This is just disgusting. In Wild, when you get this out on turn 5 with Coin into Shadow Essence, that's just game.
"Be excellent to each other." -Bill and Ted
Strong card. But will never see play outside of rez priest, and even that archetype may do without this.
Yes, the effect is strong. But its also a 9 cost card. Wouldn't you rather just play Mass Resurrection instead? On the slight off chance this thing actually pulls out another taunt, then its mildly great. Otherwise, its most likely going to get Sap and then you cry.
Aaaand Resurrect/Wall Priest might just be back in Standard. Could very well make its way to Big Priest in Wild as well.
This is terrifying considering all the resurrect effects in priest, this has to be transformed or it'll spiral out of control
TREMBLE before.... the most legendary dragon that ever existed!
Well i guess some sort of Rezz Priest is gonna make a return to Standard.
Good Card.
Challenge me ... when you're ready to duel a god!
Well time to play shaman with every transform effect in standard. WHY DID THEY BRING BACK THE WORST ARCHETYPE IN THE GAME?!?! Ress priest is super boring to play against AND play. But okay back to Blood of G'huun... Blood of G'huun is an elemental, meaning it gets ressed by N'Zoth, God of the Deep. It has good stats for it's cost and very powerfull effect. And we ALL know the 2 cards that are gonna get copied: Khartut Defender and Convincing Infiltrator.... wow so much fun....
Standard: Ress/N'Zoth, God of the Deep Priest.
Wild: ALL HAIL OUR BIG PRIEST OVERLORDS, Making Shaman for the first time in a long time by running almost every transform effect in the entire game. As if that deck wasn't tedious enough already. And it was never really "nerfed", considering that Barnes was the weakest card in that deck. I PRAY they will FINALLY introduce an graveyard system. (Graveyard system = You can only ress dead minions, ressed minions leave the graveyard.)
RNG is only fun as long as there is a 50/50 chance of getting something really good or trash level of bad. If RNG always results in something good, then it's not fun.
And there's a Res Priest buff.
Thanks Team 5 for the support. Res Priest is my favorite archetype in the game, and it really could've used this buff to push it into viability. I hope we see more of these cards in the future.
This minion can allow Rez Priests to run a more deathrattle heavy package outside of Convincing Infiltrator and Invalid Deck ID. I can honestly see the deck run Reliquary of Souls as an anti-fatigue tech and one copy of Scrapyard Colossus for extra value. Rez priest already did what Big Warrior can do but better, this is just extra.
Rating cards on coolness factor rather than predicting power because I like screwing up rating averages (and because I suck at predicting real power levels, but we'll ignore that LUL)
Wins per class (2/6/22): DH-197; Druid-996; Hunter-91«60; Mage-1056; Paladin-1126; Priest-746; Rogue-961; Shaman-1095; Warlock-871; Warrior-906
I kind of wish priests would stop getting meaty taunts with "at the end of your turn make some value" I expect to see this abomination a lot
Self proclaimed good at battlegrounds
Rez Priest strikes back!
Haters gonna hate with this card!
By The Holy Light!
I hate res priest. Any card with res priest support I hate so so much. Though fine I guess it's an interesting design.
"Some inspirational quote from some famous person" - Some famous person
Doubt the deck this wants to be played in has support in standard, but when it does it will be very annoying to play against.
While this looks good in Resurrect Priest, I think that archetype already has enough good resurrect targets, hence why we've seen the archetype in the past. The one thing the archetype really needs is more ways to resurrect cards, because Resurrect Priest can only create a couple of substantial boards before they are out of major threats. Overall, I don't think that Resurrect Priest suddenly becomes good just because of Blood of G'huun.
For glory, honor, and gold!
I hope this card is too slow to be played consistently. Does priest have any current means to cheat out copies of minions in standard? This seems like it could be a pain if it sticks more than one turn.
Unfortunately, common sense isn't as common as it should be.
Big Priest is going to make a comeback. I can already hear people re-crafting Barnes.
Wild ress priest must be fainting from all the good cards they are getting
All hail the banshee queen.
I love this card and can't wait to run two of them.
Yay, more Resurrect Priest cards! Yes, this card is for me specifically - I know many people hate it, and I just don't care because it is so much fun to play.
Welcome to the site!
This won't be annoying at all.
Chumbawumba is the worst band name.
Nasty card, it's getting blood everywhere! And it's in Priest, so they're also emoting at me the whole time!
Hey, you heard about that Mario guy?
One of the best cards in this expansion so far. It also give more fuel to rez priest.
Xbox gamertag - Psymonjet
Very strong card for ress Priest, as if they needed more options
This is the card the Resurrect Priest builds around. It's not terribly hard to kill, but if Rez Priest keeps bringing it back it will get very annoying very fast.
I don't want to cure cancer; I want to turn people into dinosaurs.
Resurrection / Big Priests again (Vietnam Flashbacks)
Very expensive, bit it gives 2 very good bodies to resurrect later on, and with some reducing cost tools that are on this set, maybe it can works