Weekly Quests = More Time Spent to Get the Same Rewards

Submitted 4 years, 1 month ago by

OK, so like others who have tried to assess how the new Rewards Track compares to the old system, I assumed that completing the Weekly Quests would be a done deal, even while acknowledging that non-ranked players would be missing out on a chunk of XP. Well it turns out even ranked players could be disadvantaged too. Last week, I missed one weekly quest because I was constantly re-rolling quests that involved winning in other game modes; the 2nd weekly quest I completed involved a helluva lot of grinding (spend 500 mana).

This goes against Blizzard's promise that we'd be able to get a similar level of rewards for the same play pattern. Already playing to win 7 ranked games a week was going out of my usual play pattern, but now I find it's worse than I thought; I think many of us will be made to spend more time on the game than before. Either weekly quests need to be re-designed, or daily quests need to award more XP so that players can achieve previous level of rewards without weekly quests.

  • Stile's Avatar
    440 200 Posts Joined 07/01/2019
    Posted 4 years, 1 month ago

    OK, so like others who have tried to assess how the new Rewards Track compares to the old system, I assumed that completing the Weekly Quests would be a done deal, even while acknowledging that non-ranked players would be missing out on a chunk of XP. Well it turns out even ranked players could be disadvantaged too. Last week, I missed one weekly quest because I was constantly re-rolling quests that involved winning in other game modes; the 2nd weekly quest I completed involved a helluva lot of grinding (spend 500 mana).

    This goes against Blizzard's promise that we'd be able to get a similar level of rewards for the same play pattern. Already playing to win 7 ranked games a week was going out of my usual play pattern, but now I find it's worse than I thought; I think many of us will be made to spend more time on the game than before. Either weekly quests need to be re-designed, or daily quests need to award more XP so that players can achieve previous level of rewards without weekly quests.

  • dapperdog's Avatar
    Dragon Scholar 1890 5610 Posts Joined 07/29/2019
    Posted 4 years, 1 month ago

    As much as I sympathize with the rerolling bs that is currently in the system (like play 50 corrupt cards, 4 wins in arena, probably some of the worst designed quests I've seen) I have to say that its not that hard to complete most of them within the week, especially if you're going to finish up the 7 ranked wins anyway.

    Also, mercifully, weeklies can be completed with friends (except the arena and battlegrounds, of course), making it a near triviality, taking up only time.

    The ones you probably want are 5 wins in tavern brawl/BG/duels, 50 hero powers, 500 mana, or anything that can be suitably done while playing on ranked or involve tavern brawls. Even that bs 10 old gods quest can be reasonably done, provided you've a good friend.

  • JackJimson's Avatar
    670 673 Posts Joined 11/19/2019
    Posted 4 years, 1 month ago
    Quote From dapperdog

    The ones you probably want are 5 wins in tavern brawl/BG/duels,

    I find it odd you can't complete the brawl quest against a friend, while the others you can.

  • dapperdog's Avatar
    Dragon Scholar 1890 5610 Posts Joined 07/29/2019
    Posted 4 years, 1 month ago
    Quote From JackJimson
    Quote From dapperdog

    The ones you probably want are 5 wins in tavern brawl/BG/duels,

    I find it odd you can't complete the brawl quest against a friend, while the others you can.

    I'm not entirely sure, but that's a story of incompetence, bugs, and bafflement for another day.

  • Unreal89's Avatar
    400 174 Posts Joined 06/02/2019
    Posted 4 years, 1 month ago

    The most time efficient thing you can possibly do is - try to complete 2-4 quests at once. Or reroll for ones which allow you to complete multiple of them at once.

    I try to do so, for example - reroll for Dailies "play 3 hunter / X / Y battles".

    Then I can do at once - Dailies "play 3 hunter / A / B battles", "play 3 hunter / C / D battles"  AND  Weeklies "Win 7 ranked battles", "Spend 500 mana".

    Once I complete Dailies, I stop playing Rankeds. Then come back in 2-3 days, to do 2-4 quests again. Ranked wins contribute towards reaching Diamond 10 / Diamond 5 for a month as well, so that's good.

    And yes, the requirements to win in a mode you don't like, feels bad man. I don't like BG, so I have to reroll those every time...


    I don't recommend abusing it but, for now, you can complete Dailies "play 3 A / B / C Class battles" with simply conceding at the start.

  • meisterz39's Avatar
    925 1200 Posts Joined 06/03/2019
    Posted 4 years, 1 month ago

    I'm a bit surprised that, over the course of an entire week, you weren't able to roll into two weekly quests you could complete. Because that's all you'd need to complete to avoid losing out on a quest - you can store up to four quests of each type at once, and you gain three weekly quests at the start of the week, so you can roll over one without losing anything. This is specifically designed to help players who used to lose out on quests because of infrequent logins or slow completion times.

    I know the "Win 7 Ranked Games" quest can be pretty tedious if you don't have a strong meta deck, but one win a day is not that bad, and a lot of the other ones are pretty straightforward, and only look grindy if your frame of reference is doing a whole quest in a day:

    • Deal 200 damage to enemy heroes. In context, this is less than the total HP of 7 enemy heroes, so if you complete your ranked games Quest, you've probably completed this by default
    • Deal 2000 damage to enemy minions in Battlegrounds. Since this is damage to enemy minions, it's very easy to achieve. By the late game in BG, your minions tend to have very high stats (20/20s or 30/30s, maybe higher), so this can usually be done in 4 or 5 BGs over the course of a week
    • Play 50 Battlecry cards. This is only about 7 battlecries a day, which seems pretty achievable if you play two or three games
    • Play 50 Corrupt cards. This is only about 7 corrupt cards a day. Harder than Battlecries, since there are fewer cards to satisfy this condition, but still pretty easy over the course of a week
    • Spend 500 mana. Contextualizing this a bit, if you play on curve, by turn 8 you'll have spent 36 mana. Two games like that a day and you'll have done this quest.
    • Use your Hero Power 50 times. As trivial as the Battlecry one, maybe even easier if you're doing this in Duels where many hero powers are less than two mana and much stronger than standard hero powers.
    • Win 5 games of Tavern Brawl, Battlegrounds, or Duels. A little more annoying, but winning a BG is just getting top 4, and playing Duels exclusively for easy early wins is not that hard. If your deck gets bad after a couple . This also plays nicely with the various Daily "Play Class A, B, or C" quests.
    • Win a game with 4 different classes. Basically the same as the 5-win quest above, assuming you're playing some casual Duels this should be a quick one

    A number of the other ones are arbitrarily harder (e.g. can't play an Old God from DMF if you don't have one), but you can reroll those away. There's probably some room for improving those, but the reroll is not a terrible stop-gap for that.

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