the level 50 reward - portraits
Submitted 4 years ago by
hi guys,
as my understanding goes, if one reaches level 50 in the rewards track, i get to choose one of the 10 hero portraits. will the others be available still next expansion or will they swap them each cycle?
do we have information about this?
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hi guys,
as my understanding goes, if one reaches level 50 in the rewards track, i get to choose one of the 10 hero portraits. will the others be available still next expansion or will they swap them each cycle?
do we have information about this?
While I've seen nothing about whether they'll swap them each cycle, I expect they'll have no reason to swap them for a while (since there are enough portraits to cover a couple of years for everyone). Perhaps they'll add some next year, but I wouldn't expect removals.
Most likely you will be able to get all of them eventually, picking up one each month expansion cycle. If they add new ones in the future, that is another question.
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Sorry if I have missed something, but doesn't the track last the entire expansion? So it isn't it only 3 skins per year (1 per expo)?
Yes, the track lasts per expansion, not per month.
Yes, my bad, i wrote each month, but i meant each expansion cycle 😅
This means they are set for at least 3 years in advance.
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Another Godawful Anduin to through on the dumpster fire that is priest hero portraits. Let me use the Arakkoa's already.
Tyrande is a thing and the ebst portiat priest ahs(and really only good one) and she has been releeased multiple time sfor free already
But speaking about portaits could mage get one that is a elf(you knwo the mage races) or just somethign else then a human or the like 6th Jaina.
I actually think this version of Anduin looks quite good, but yeah, Tyrande remains my priest(ess) of choice.
Malfurion will most likely be my first pick.
I sure hope the level 50 portraits will be made available in the upcoming expansions. It would suck to only be able to obtain 1 out of those 10, even though I don't really like most of them.
Right now, I'm torn between the Gul'dan and Valeera. I'm leaning towards Gul'dan even though I don't really play much Warlock because the portrait just looks so cool, while Valeera is an option simply because there's a scarcity of Rogue portraits.
It would really be a strange decision, if they didnt ride these portraits for a few years now, since 10 portraits covers at least 3 years worth of expansions, if you get one per.
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In my oppinion it would be very cool, if they would introduce new ones every cycle, so there would be a real diversity on the ladder. But they are not very consistent of keeping time-exclusive content time exclusive, so that argument doesn't seem right.