Custom Class - Aisha, the Alraune (WIP)

Submitted 4 years, 3 months ago by

I didn't create this class for anything in particular; just had the idea and kept the ball rolling long enough to get something concrete made haha. Last time, I made Kel'Thuzad the Lich class...and got some flak for using an already-existing, popular character (because that could theoretically be seen as a means of gaining bonus points in the eyes of the voters). Well, that won't be a problem this time around, as my class is completely new and original. I am assuming this class existed from the start, so it will not follow the Demon Hunter model. So without any further ado:

Alraunes are beautiful plant-women, who often use said beauty to lure men to their deaths. I toned down the "sexiness" and made her an angry force of Nature: as an Alraune, you will control life itself, bringing to bear the plants and the trees of this world as you seek to reclaim Azeroth from the filthy humans and orcs who have done it harm. You will grow new forces from the earth, sweep across the land as a cleansing balm, and tear down the mammals' structures to make way for your new world. Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, and this woman is hell-a pissed.

Gameplay Summary

Aisha's gameplay reflects her status as a being of Nature. She can flood the board with new life, or empower her minions into superior constructs. She can poison her enemies, or wrap them up in vines. The possibilities seem endless when you can quite literally grow what you need to win the war against the mammals.

  • Growing new/better minions - Aisha uses her powers to cultivate life, enhancing minions with bonus stats and new abilities. The Druid likes minions that are big; the Alraune likes to make her minions big, or grow new ones.
  • Board control - Whether through her weapons, her minion effects, Poisonous, etc.; the Alraune is strong at contesting the board.
  • 1-Durability Weapons - Extensions of herself, Aisha's weapons come and go as quickly as she desires. In exchange for their lacking Durability, her weapons often come with powerful effects on them.
  • Seedlings - A mechanic unique to the Alraune, Seedlings function like a cross between Animal Companion and Nithogg's eggs. Summon a Seedling, defend it for a turn, and watch it grow into one of two kinds of plants.

However, all classes need a weakness. Aisha's power comes mainly through her physical attributes, and not from spells or clearing abilities. She needs a force she can nurture and grow; repeatedly destroy her plants, and the Alraune will become helpless.


As I alluded to above, Seedlings are the Alraune's special thing, like Totems (and Overload) for the Shaman. Many spells and minions come with an additional effect of summoning a Seedling, which are helpless 0/3 minions. However, if you can defend the Seedling, it will turn into either a 3/3 Thorn Spitter or a 3/3 Moon Blossom, both of which come with their own end-of-turn effect. You can tell what they'll turn into the moment the Seedling is summoned, so both players understand what's about to happen.

The Cards

Each of the sets can be found in their own spoilers below, with everything that doesn't have a home yet in "The Rest" section. Let me know what you think, and I'll keep workin' on it. Considering how early I am in the design process, keep in mind that everything here is up for debate balance-wise.







Journey to Un'Goro

In Journey to Un'Goro, Aisha seeks to claim another area for the Scourge the Swarm her garden. Her plants are hungry, ready to devour the poor Tortollans and anyone else who stands in her way. If they're not eaten, they might become infected instead; one way or another, this land and its creatures will come to serve their new queen.

  • The Quest requires that your minions survive damage, instilling a flavor of inevitability into the proceedings. Your minions are coming in like a wave; no one can stop you. Irlek hungers for more, and the doubled-Attack will help your minions destroy the opposition. Let the feast begin!
  • The giant Rakan watches over the jungle, and protects his own. But whose side is he really on? (Hint: it's yours.)


("Barkskins" are vanilla 3/3 tokens.)




Knights of the Frozen Throne

In Knights of the Frozen Throne, Aisha has been struck down by the Lich King, becoming a Death Knight. Having lost her connection to her plants, she has fallen into despair and become an instrument of desolation. If her fate was not to bring about a flora paradise, then that must mean her destiny is to simply destroy it all. If she can't have this planet, no one can!

  • Aisha's Hero card replaces her minions with Grave Shamblers, who benefit from seeing your weapon destroyed. This runs parallel to the theme of the set: benefiting from self-destruction.
  • An additional theme is the "next turn" cards, powerful effects that might need to be timed well.



("Conifer Whelp" is a vanilla 2/1 Dragon token.)


("Snow Elemental" is a vanilla 1/1 Elemental token.)


Kobolds and Catacombs

While Aisha is off terrorizing the world with her plans for global floral domination, her daughter Lucia has been left to wander. Much more sympathetic to the ways of the mammals, she travels around seeking adventure and knowledge. In Kobolds & Catacombs, she has discovered a group of dungeon-delvers in need of assistance, and has decided to aid them. Will her control of the catacomb's plants and the Staff of Life be enough to help them reach the bottom?

  • It's been a while since we've seen new Seedling cards (literally never, since I haven't done the pre-Un'Goro sets lol), so it's time for more! Lucia's gifts for tending to life come in the form of Seedlings, draws with special conditions, and buffs. As the team makes it way down into the dungeon depths, she can also call upon her Overgrown Bodyguard to aid her.





The Witchwood

In The Witchwood, Aisha has teamed up with Hagatha the Witch against the people of Gilneas! Commanding the swamp to come alive, the Alraune is a dire threat to the worgen and their brethren. She'll eventually betray Hagatha and take the land for herself, but Hagatha doesn't need to know that, now does she? 

  • Hearkening back to the roots of the class (roots, get it?), this set is all about going wide and/or going tall. Do you build out a large board of smaller minions, or do you make a few gigantic minions?
  • I noticed that most of my Seedling-producers in Classic are even-costed, so why not lean into that for an "Even Seedling" archetype? Hence: Seed Tender.





The Boomsday Project

Deep down in the Boom labs, Sera Bramblethorn is busy jamming to tunes in her workshop. Maybe not the safest thing to do when you're experimenting with deadly poisons and venoms, but being naturally immune certainly helps. Music, as you may know, helps plants grow, and this plant-lady is looking to grow into the best and brightest researcher in the Netherstorm!

  • Despite the above paragraph, there is nothing in the set related to sound/music. I thought about it, but couldn't find art I liked :/ Instead, we see the first appearance of Sera and her obesession with Poisonous things, as well as some light Seedling support.





Rastakhan's Rumble

Laugh all you want, patrons of the arena. Sophi doesn't heed your sneers. In Rastakhan's Rumble, the spirit dancer will show everyone that there's a beauty and grace to fighting, and the smallest hearts can hold the toughest champions. The very earth is her ally, and with the plants by her side she's going to win it all!

  • Hummingbirds are naturally associated with the plants they interact with, pollinating them as they seek the nectar in the flowers. Teek, the Hummingbird is the smallest Loa by far, but he is also the fastest, and the most beautiful. Use your team's disarming appearance to your advantage, and out-maneuver these bullies with proper technique, healing and speed.





Rise of Shadows

In Rise of Shadows, Sera Bramblethorn has taken a turn to the dark side! No longer content to experiment in solitude, she is joining E.V.I.L. alongside her boss Dr. Boom to further her own ends. Rafaam has given her a special task: to sow chaos in Dalaran's Runeweaver square, to draw the attention of the heroes while the others fulfill their tasks.

  • To maximize chaos, Sera's plan is to pile on the damage! Collect some Leaf Shots, then use the leaves to barrage your opponent. When you get them low enough, play Sister Acacia for a bunch of stats and finish them off!





Thorny Lackey courtesy of Demonxz95 :D

Saviors of Uldum

Under the harsh desert sun of Uldum, the forces of E.V.I.L. get ready to unleash madness and death. Sera Bramblethorn is right there with them, only she's prepping for the future: after the plagues drive the mammals from this land, it will be ripe for reclaiming for the plants. If they require an additional push to leave, Sera's forces are more than equipped to do it.

  • Grow an Oasis is all about Seedlings: summon them to acquire a new Hero Power, one that then doubles up on the effect of your Thorn Spitters and Moon Blossoms. When it comes to a Seedling-based deck, you're being rewarded for doing what you already planned on doing :D





Descent of Dragons






Kranak's weapon only has 1 Durability, like all Alraune weapons.

The Rest

Thank you very much for taking the time to read through all of this, and thanks in advance for leaving a comment :)

  • linkblade91's Avatar
    Senior Writer Serra Angel 1710 2897 Posts Joined 02/09/2019
    Posted 4 years, 3 months ago

    I didn't create this class for anything in particular; just had the idea and kept the ball rolling long enough to get something concrete made haha. Last time, I made Kel'Thuzad the Lich class...and got some flak for using an already-existing, popular character (because that could theoretically be seen as a means of gaining bonus points in the eyes of the voters). Well, that won't be a problem this time around, as my class is completely new and original. I am assuming this class existed from the start, so it will not follow the Demon Hunter model. So without any further ado:

    Alraunes are beautiful plant-women, who often use said beauty to lure men to their deaths. I toned down the "sexiness" and made her an angry force of Nature: as an Alraune, you will control life itself, bringing to bear the plants and the trees of this world as you seek to reclaim Azeroth from the filthy humans and orcs who have done it harm. You will grow new forces from the earth, sweep across the land as a cleansing balm, and tear down the mammals' structures to make way for your new world. Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, and this woman is hell-a pissed.

    Gameplay Summary

    Aisha's gameplay reflects her status as a being of Nature. She can flood the board with new life, or empower her minions into superior constructs. She can poison her enemies, or wrap them up in vines. The possibilities seem endless when you can quite literally grow what you need to win the war against the mammals.

    • Growing new/better minions - Aisha uses her powers to cultivate life, enhancing minions with bonus stats and new abilities. The Druid likes minions that are big; the Alraune likes to make her minions big, or grow new ones.
    • Board control - Whether through her weapons, her minion effects, Poisonous, etc.; the Alraune is strong at contesting the board.
    • 1-Durability Weapons - Extensions of herself, Aisha's weapons come and go as quickly as she desires. In exchange for their lacking Durability, her weapons often come with powerful effects on them.
    • Seedlings - A mechanic unique to the Alraune, Seedlings function like a cross between Animal Companion and Nithogg's eggs. Summon a Seedling, defend it for a turn, and watch it grow into one of two kinds of plants.

    However, all classes need a weakness. Aisha's power comes mainly through her physical attributes, and not from spells or clearing abilities. She needs a force she can nurture and grow; repeatedly destroy her plants, and the Alraune will become helpless.


    As I alluded to above, Seedlings are the Alraune's special thing, like Totems (and Overload) for the Shaman. Many spells and minions come with an additional effect of summoning a Seedling, which are helpless 0/3 minions. However, if you can defend the Seedling, it will turn into either a 3/3 Thorn Spitter or a 3/3 Moon Blossom, both of which come with their own end-of-turn effect. You can tell what they'll turn into the moment the Seedling is summoned, so both players understand what's about to happen.

    The Cards

    Each of the sets can be found in their own spoilers below, with everything that doesn't have a home yet in "The Rest" section. Let me know what you think, and I'll keep workin' on it. Considering how early I am in the design process, keep in mind that everything here is up for debate balance-wise.







    Journey to Un'Goro

    In Journey to Un'Goro, Aisha seeks to claim another area for the Scourge the Swarm her garden. Her plants are hungry, ready to devour the poor Tortollans and anyone else who stands in her way. If they're not eaten, they might become infected instead; one way or another, this land and its creatures will come to serve their new queen.

    • The Quest requires that your minions survive damage, instilling a flavor of inevitability into the proceedings. Your minions are coming in like a wave; no one can stop you. Irlek hungers for more, and the doubled-Attack will help your minions destroy the opposition. Let the feast begin!
    • The giant Rakan watches over the jungle, and protects his own. But whose side is he really on? (Hint: it's yours.)


    ("Barkskins" are vanilla 3/3 tokens.)




    Knights of the Frozen Throne

    In Knights of the Frozen Throne, Aisha has been struck down by the Lich King, becoming a Death Knight. Having lost her connection to her plants, she has fallen into despair and become an instrument of desolation. If her fate was not to bring about a flora paradise, then that must mean her destiny is to simply destroy it all. If she can't have this planet, no one can!

    • Aisha's Hero card replaces her minions with Grave Shamblers, who benefit from seeing your weapon destroyed. This runs parallel to the theme of the set: benefiting from self-destruction.
    • An additional theme is the "next turn" cards, powerful effects that might need to be timed well.



    ("Conifer Whelp" is a vanilla 2/1 Dragon token.)


    ("Snow Elemental" is a vanilla 1/1 Elemental token.)


    Kobolds and Catacombs

    While Aisha is off terrorizing the world with her plans for global floral domination, her daughter Lucia has been left to wander. Much more sympathetic to the ways of the mammals, she travels around seeking adventure and knowledge. In Kobolds & Catacombs, she has discovered a group of dungeon-delvers in need of assistance, and has decided to aid them. Will her control of the catacomb's plants and the Staff of Life be enough to help them reach the bottom?

    • It's been a while since we've seen new Seedling cards (literally never, since I haven't done the pre-Un'Goro sets lol), so it's time for more! Lucia's gifts for tending to life come in the form of Seedlings, draws with special conditions, and buffs. As the team makes it way down into the dungeon depths, she can also call upon her Overgrown Bodyguard to aid her.





    The Witchwood

    In The Witchwood, Aisha has teamed up with Hagatha the Witch against the people of Gilneas! Commanding the swamp to come alive, the Alraune is a dire threat to the worgen and their brethren. She'll eventually betray Hagatha and take the land for herself, but Hagatha doesn't need to know that, now does she? 

    • Hearkening back to the roots of the class (roots, get it?), this set is all about going wide and/or going tall. Do you build out a large board of smaller minions, or do you make a few gigantic minions?
    • I noticed that most of my Seedling-producers in Classic are even-costed, so why not lean into that for an "Even Seedling" archetype? Hence: Seed Tender.





    The Boomsday Project

    Deep down in the Boom labs, Sera Bramblethorn is busy jamming to tunes in her workshop. Maybe not the safest thing to do when you're experimenting with deadly poisons and venoms, but being naturally immune certainly helps. Music, as you may know, helps plants grow, and this plant-lady is looking to grow into the best and brightest researcher in the Netherstorm!

    • Despite the above paragraph, there is nothing in the set related to sound/music. I thought about it, but couldn't find art I liked :/ Instead, we see the first appearance of Sera and her obesession with Poisonous things, as well as some light Seedling support.





    Rastakhan's Rumble

    Laugh all you want, patrons of the arena. Sophi doesn't heed your sneers. In Rastakhan's Rumble, the spirit dancer will show everyone that there's a beauty and grace to fighting, and the smallest hearts can hold the toughest champions. The very earth is her ally, and with the plants by her side she's going to win it all!

    • Hummingbirds are naturally associated with the plants they interact with, pollinating them as they seek the nectar in the flowers. Teek, the Hummingbird is the smallest Loa by far, but he is also the fastest, and the most beautiful. Use your team's disarming appearance to your advantage, and out-maneuver these bullies with proper technique, healing and speed.





    Rise of Shadows

    In Rise of Shadows, Sera Bramblethorn has taken a turn to the dark side! No longer content to experiment in solitude, she is joining E.V.I.L. alongside her boss Dr. Boom to further her own ends. Rafaam has given her a special task: to sow chaos in Dalaran's Runeweaver square, to draw the attention of the heroes while the others fulfill their tasks.

    • To maximize chaos, Sera's plan is to pile on the damage! Collect some Leaf Shots, then use the leaves to barrage your opponent. When you get them low enough, play Sister Acacia for a bunch of stats and finish them off!





    Thorny Lackey courtesy of Demonxz95 :D

    Saviors of Uldum

    Under the harsh desert sun of Uldum, the forces of E.V.I.L. get ready to unleash madness and death. Sera Bramblethorn is right there with them, only she's prepping for the future: after the plagues drive the mammals from this land, it will be ripe for reclaiming for the plants. If they require an additional push to leave, Sera's forces are more than equipped to do it.

    • Grow an Oasis is all about Seedlings: summon them to acquire a new Hero Power, one that then doubles up on the effect of your Thorn Spitters and Moon Blossoms. When it comes to a Seedling-based deck, you're being rewarded for doing what you already planned on doing :D





    Descent of Dragons






    Kranak's weapon only has 1 Durability, like all Alraune weapons.

    The Rest

    Thank you very much for taking the time to read through all of this, and thanks in advance for leaving a comment :)

  • anchorm4n's Avatar
    Oasis Oracle 1905 2498 Posts Joined 03/13/2019
    Posted 4 years, 3 months ago

    Wow! This is truly great work. Some feedback, as requested:

    The flavor is amazing! The coloring, the heroine, the card's, it all goes hand in hand and feels completely natural. Really impressive!

    What has me a bit worried is the poisonous theme. This effect is really powerful and you built in lots of synergistic cards for it. Some of them, or rather their combined power, look(s) very scary to me.

    I'm also wondering if cards that summon Seedlings shouldn't be worded "random" since that's actually what they're intended to do, isn't it?

    Overall a very impressive and beautiful set. Great work! 

    I notice I am confused. Something I believe isn't true. How do I know what I think I know?
    Harry James Potter-Evans-Verres,

  • linkblade91's Avatar
    Senior Writer Serra Angel 1710 2897 Posts Joined 02/09/2019
    Posted 4 years, 3 months ago
    Quote From anchorm4n

    What has me a bit worried is the poisonous theme. This effect is really powerful and you built in lots of synergistic cards for it. Some of them, or rather their combined power, look(s) very scary to me.

    Thanks for the kind words :)

    I don't know if I would be too worried about the Poisonous just yet, in-part because it only exists in two sets: Boomsday and Rise of Shadows. Those are the two sets where Sera appears, the Boomsday scientist/RoS "villain". I don't think there will be any more outside of those sets. Granted, there would be a time when both sets are in Standard simultaneously, and that could be a problem, but...I don't know, it's still really early lol.

    Something to keep in mind!

  • sinti's Avatar
    Senior Writer Chocolate Cake 2070 2787 Posts Joined 10/20/2018
    Posted 4 years, 3 months ago

    Very good overall flavor and class mechanics! Looking forward to more!

    • Sunlight - could probably be 2 mana
    • Poison Master Sera - haha, i tried to make this exact effect for rogue several times, it seems to fit well in your class
    • Grow an Oasis - love the overall flavor of this
    • Reclaim UnGoro - might be too easy of a requirement, hard to say without playtesting
    • Krank the Towering - i get why you made it, but it does not fit in your class imho, the effect that is
    • Galakrond's Patience - at first this is kinda underwhelming, but if the class would not have too much other healing cards, this could be an interesting way to focus on more control playstyle with your weapons, since you could just heal up whatever dmg you would take; esp. if you would combine stuff like Sera's Scheme with Man-Eater Tendril, that is a pretty juicy combo right there.

    ~ Have an idea? Found a bug? Let us know! ~
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  • linkblade91's Avatar
    Senior Writer Serra Angel 1710 2897 Posts Joined 02/09/2019
    Posted 4 years, 3 months ago

    Just finished the Basic set; not sure how I feel about some of them, so I'll leave it alone for now and review them later. Also added a couple new cards to the front-line Examples and "The Rest" section.

    A shout-out to Demonxz95 and his guide for custom Basic sets. I used it as a means to double-check my work and make sure I was on the right track.

  • cydonianknight's Avatar
    515 89 Posts Joined 06/06/2019
    Posted 4 years, 3 months ago

    Absolutely love this. This is a brilliant theme for a class. My favourite thing you've included is the 1 durability weapons, for a minute I just thought these were gonna be substitutes for spells but the added weapon synergy of Sera's Scheme and Elderwood Shaper makes them feel different and exciting. I think there are probably a couple balance changes or tweaks to be made so far like lowering the mana cost of a couple cards and similar things like that. Otherwise you've made a brilliant start and I'm excited to see how you adapt your class theme for each of the sets. 

  • linkblade91's Avatar
    Senior Writer Serra Angel 1710 2897 Posts Joined 02/09/2019
    Posted 4 years, 3 months ago
    Quote From cydonianknight

    My favourite thing you've included is the 1 durability weapons, for a minute I just thought these were gonna be substitutes for spells but the added weapon synergy of Sera's Scheme and Elderwood Shaper makes them feel different and exciting.

    Thanks :) The 1-durability weapons are a thing I've wanted to do for a long while, even before I settled on the Alraune flavor - they were originally attached to a "Weaponmaster" class, but I found him to be too close to the Warrior and too dull overall. This is much more interesting :D

    In other news, the Classic set is "done." We'll see how I feel about it tomorrow, but for now it appears complete lol. I also added a couple more cards to The Rest section, and tweaked Biting Splinter to make the effect stand out more. Barring any changes to be made to the Basic and Classic sets, the next up will be Journey to Un'Goro. I find the later sets more interesting than the older ones, and this allows me to skip troublesome sets where I'd have to explain away some details (*cough* Mean Streets *cough* tri-class cards *cough*).

  • allthehype's Avatar
    Crossroads Historian 630 739 Posts Joined 07/26/2019
    Posted 4 years, 3 months ago

    Very impressive work, well done! Looks flavorful and fun to play, also with some new gameplay.

  • linkblade91's Avatar
    Senior Writer Serra Angel 1710 2897 Posts Joined 02/09/2019
    Posted 4 years, 3 months ago

    After a long conversation on Discord, I tweaked and/or reworked a bunch of cards. Thanks again, "LazyKid" et all!

  • linkblade91's Avatar
    Senior Writer Serra Angel 1710 2897 Posts Joined 02/09/2019
    Posted 4 years, 3 months ago

    Journey to Un'Goro is complete! I went through a lot of iterations with these cards, but I'm still not sure about them. Half of them I'm totally satisfied with both in flavor and gameplay, and yet the other half...I don't know. Surviving damage, restoring Health, shuffling new minions into your deck so they can benefit from Irlek; there's a lot going on here, gameplay-wise. Hopefully it's cohesive enough so-as-to not overwhelm the player with conflicting tools.

    Next would be Knights of the Frozen Throne, of course, with additional time spent on balancing/tweaking/reworking JtU.

    Edit (July 17, 2020): I reworked a bunch of cards from Un'Goro I wasn't satisfied with, and rearranged some as well. Also noticed that I had too many Epics; whoops.

  • linkblade91's Avatar
    Senior Writer Serra Angel 1710 2897 Posts Joined 02/09/2019
    Posted 4 years, 3 months ago

    Knights of the Frozen Throne is now complete! As with everything, the balance and whatnot is up for debate, and I'll come back and work on them some more after I take a day off; see how I feel about them.

    Next up is Kobolds & Catacombs...a set I haven't even begun to think about lol. Kind of like Rastakhan's Rumble; a hurdle I'll have to overcome eventually.

    Edit: July 18, 2020: Rearranged some stuff in KFT...and I officially give up on the set. I spent way too long trying to make Abominable Treeman unique *and* fit within a very narrow window of themes. We're movin' on!

  • linkblade91's Avatar
    Senior Writer Serra Angel 1710 2897 Posts Joined 02/09/2019
    Posted 4 years, 3 months ago

    The Witchwood is now complete! That's right, I skipped Kobolds & Catacombs for the time being, because I'm not sure what I want to do with it still. I was halfway done with TWW already anyway, so I figured why not keep the momentum going?

    Usual disclaimer: everything is a first-draft in terms of balance, it might get overhauled by tomorrow's end for all I know, etc., etc.

  • StrangerX9's Avatar
    130 30 Posts Joined 06/21/2019
    Posted 4 years, 3 months ago

    Could fit really well with the Druid class!  A Poison Ivy looking hero would be really cool.

  • linkblade91's Avatar
    Senior Writer Serra Angel 1710 2897 Posts Joined 02/09/2019
    Posted 4 years, 3 months ago

    Inspiration hit me for what to do with Kobolds & Catacombs, so that set is now complete :D On to Boomsday!

  • sinti's Avatar
    Senior Writer Chocolate Cake 2070 2787 Posts Joined 10/20/2018
    Posted 4 years, 3 months ago

    KAC seems pretty good! Into the Depths should probably say "friendly characters" not "friendlies" :)

    I like the Staff of Life, tho i wonder if such a powerful effect could be abused.

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  • linkblade91's Avatar
    Senior Writer Serra Angel 1710 2897 Posts Joined 02/09/2019
    Posted 4 years, 3 months ago
    Quote From sinti

    KAC seems pretty good! Into the Depths should probably say "friendly characters" not "friendlies" :)

    Whoops! I fixed it :D

  • linkblade91's Avatar
    Senior Writer Serra Angel 1710 2897 Posts Joined 02/09/2019
    Posted 4 years, 3 months ago

    ...I skipped Boomsday for Rastakhan's Rumble, which is super surprising because I had no inspiration at all for RR until just a few hours ago. I'll turn around and do Boomday next, after I tweak RR some more.

  • sinti's Avatar
    Senior Writer Chocolate Cake 2070 2787 Posts Joined 10/20/2018
    Posted 4 years, 3 months ago

    Spontaneous Blooming - i like that one!

    Spirit Dancer Sophi - a bit ambiguous wording, or maybe not as ambiguous, but a tad too strong? Like there is a 50% chance that the attack will fizzle out? That is kinda insane combined with Elusive. And probably hella polarizing for both you and your opponent. It can just die from the 1st attack, or it might never die. Needing to be hit by a random effect removal. I dont like that very much. Maybe if the attacker attacked someone else instead, that would be better, or maybe just up the cost to 7 so it is more demanding to get this going.

    ~ Have an idea? Found a bug? Let us know! ~
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  • linkblade91's Avatar
    Senior Writer Serra Angel 1710 2897 Posts Joined 02/09/2019
    Posted 3 years, 10 months ago

    After leaving the project alone for 5 months, taking a break, I've come back to keep working on the Alraune! Today I reworked half of the Rastakhan's Rumble set, as well as created all of Rise of Shadows. RoS is my first attempt at creating a "combo" archetype, something I usually hate. Still haven't done The Boomsday Project, but it's hard to find science-y plant art. I'll get to it...eventually lol.

    As always, feedback would be very-much appreciated :)

  • linkblade91's Avatar
    Senior Writer Serra Angel 1710 2897 Posts Joined 02/09/2019
    Posted 3 years, 9 months ago

    The Boomsday Project is complete for now. That was a pain.

    On to Saviors of Ulduum...a set I have a good amount of art for. Yay! Edit: And now that's done too :D

  • linkblade91's Avatar
    Senior Writer Serra Angel 1710 2897 Posts Joined 02/09/2019
    Posted 3 years, 9 months ago

    Descent of Dragons is done, although I'm not super thrilled with my work lately if I'm being honest. Have to come back to it after I get some sleep.

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