Creating Counter Decks to Troll Specific Decks
The last time I've seen people doing this on ladder was at the start of AoO when it was clear that dhunters were extremely broken and its cards were widely available to everyone. Play was around 70% of the meta then, I think
Otherwise, I can't see why anyone would do it. In most cases, even now, tier 1 decks probably only make up somewhere around 20 - 30% of meta. So if you, for example, put double Kobold Stickyfingers, Acidic Swamp Ooze, and Frozen Shadoweaver into your deck in anticipation of evolve shaman, what are you going to do about the games when its not evolve shaman? Its sort of like creating a deck that hard counters the current tier 1 deck whilst being hard countered by every other deck around it.
Sure its satisfying to beat the current top dog. Not so much when you're being beaten by the tiniest runt of the litter.
Edit: If anyone is wondering why my post is worded like this, its because its supposed to be a response to OP, who apparently have removed his post
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The last time I've seen people doing this on ladder was at the start of AoO when it was clear that dhunters were extremely broken and its cards were widely available to everyone. Play was around 70% of the meta then, I think
Otherwise, I can't see why anyone would do it. In most cases, even now, tier 1 decks probably only make up somewhere around 20 - 30% of meta. So if you, for example, put double Kobold Stickyfingers, Acidic Swamp Ooze, and Frozen Shadoweaver into your deck in anticipation of evolve shaman, what are you going to do about the games when its not evolve shaman? Its sort of like creating a deck that hard counters the current tier 1 deck whilst being hard countered by every other deck around it.
Sure its satisfying to beat the current top dog. Not so much when you're being beaten by the tiniest runt of the litter.
Edit: If anyone is wondering why my post is worded like this, its because its supposed to be a response to OP, who apparently have removed his post
And a new idea was born - creating threads to troll the people that reply, then removing them.
Well, not being able to see OP's post, i can only guess at the issue. But to address your post, Kobold Stickyfinger is being used in several control decks right now. It hurts everyone who uses a weapon and it actually hurts Bomb Warrior more than Evolve Shaman because Evolve Shaman has a few spells it can use besides the weapon. (Their weapon is preferred of course.)
I play competititve decks but now and then I love to relax and bring out Bomb Warrior for few games now and then during the month and it makes me very sad to see that card become so popular.
I've never really done this, but I can understand why People do that. It can be a way of venting out your frustrattion against a certain deck.
And I don't think that this has necessarily something to do with how those decks perform on ladder. If I remember correctly, Big Priest had for the most of the time a mediocre winrate, and yet it still managed to become one of the most hated archetypes of all time.
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His original post asks whether anyone have thought about putting every known counter card to a certain archetype for the sole purpose of 'trolling' that certain deck. I simply post an example, with reasons of why that's not a good idea.
I do agree with you over stickyfingers being jammed into every deck right now to counter shaman being indirectly harmful to other decks that uses weapons, which was why I thought it necessary to nerf shaman in the first place. We can only hope that team5 respond in kind, or that the midexpansion will do something about evolve shaman naturally so its not necessary to nerf them. Otherwise, there's a good deal of decks that simply cannot function because playing weapons in this meta is not possible.
Big priest has this sort nasty way of plastering an inevitability that makes it really annoying to deal with. Convincing Infiltrator on 5, vargoth on 4, or y'shaarj on 4-5. Just seeing one of these highrolls and not having a way to transform them and you know you're likely to be dead, its just a matter of time.
But it'll always be tied to performance. After all, if the deck sucks why'd anyone be afraid of it. The current big priest in standard is no less annoying, but hardly anyone is trying to counter it.
I'd say the reason why so many people play Big Priest is because how easy it is to pilot. (Do you know Dane? He tried to play that deck blindfolded on stream and actually got a win!)
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