New Warrior Weapon - Spiked Wheel
Submitted 3 years, 11 months ago by
A new Common Warrior Weapon, Spiked Wheel, has been revealed!
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A new Common Warrior Weapon, Spiked Wheel, has been revealed!
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Effectively is a 3 mana 3/2 weapon. Not horrible, and allows armor gains from elsewhere but not really that overpowered.
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Easy to buff with cards like that new corrupt spell. Also warrior has plenty of weapon buffs like Upgrade!. Maybe Steeldancer might finally be usable because of this new cheap weapon? Also i just checked, and turns out Spiked Wheel is the CHEAPEST warrior weapon with NO DOWNSIDE in the game so far! that's pretty exciting! (besides N'Zoth's First Mate, but that's a weapon gained from a minion.)
Standard: Maybe Weapon Warrior will finally take off? And hey maybe QUEST WARRIOR will finally be playable thanks to an early weapon? That Quest really needed a way to get it activated early. (Still has the card draw problem though. Maybe the Armorsmith combo can help with that & as armor gain for survival?)
Wild: I can hear Bladed Gauntlet crying in a corner, because it wishes it was Spiked Wheel. (Which it's luckely not) But honestly i'm not sure in what deck it would fit in wild. I don't think Pirate warrior want's this, because of N'Zoth's First Mate. Yeh i'm not sure in what deck Spiked Wheel even belongs in wild....
RNG is only fun as long as there is a 50/50 chance of getting something really good or trash level of bad. If RNG always results in something good, then it's not fun.
Love the card, you can place it turn one and just swing next turn with armor.
Just in cae, love it for control decks, not aggro decks.
Its a bizarre card to say the least. You equip this turn 1, and then turn 2 hp into swing, and then if you trade with a minion, you need to hp again on turn 3 (or play something like sheild block) to swing again. Conditions after conditions, and this only hits for 6 damage.
Plus, there's the fact that better weapons currently exist, like Ancharrr and Wrenchcalibur, so until those rotate away, I just dont think its going to go anywhere.
A 3/2 weapon on turn two ... brings back Fiery memories
Struggle with Heroic Galakrond's Awakening? I got your back :
How hard is it for Warrior to gain armor?
This seems pretty good, but not hugely powerful. Aggro decks would love a cheap 3/2, but aggro decks don't care to gain much armor, so that 2 mana cna be much better spent elsewhere. Control decks could get some work out of it, but is it better than other weapons? You can get a 3/2 sword for free with Sword Eater.
"Be excellent to each other." -Bill and Ted
Super strong early removal tool for Odd Warri. Will see play for sure.
I see you!
Not sure, odd warrior doesnt need this weapon agisnt aggro at all and doesnt help its worst matchups at all.
For aggro the new 1drop with armor,rover,sword and board etc are just better.
Fiery Wheel Axe
It's cute, and really liking these synergistic cards with armor which is warrior's thing
TREMBLE before.... the most legendary dragon that ever existed!
This is proably a card that will surface in later decks once the rotation happens. I don't think it replaces any of the current weapons that warrior has access to right now.
Unfortunately, common sense isn't as common as it should be.