At long last, someone finally found the secret interaction on the Scholomance Academy game board!
Thanks to u/berkay496, who datamined all the way to the answer. The following picture shows the steps you need to follow in order to get the secret interaction.
However, if you don't want to wait and try it yourselves, u/berkay496 also provided a quick and explanatory video. Enjoy!
i cant do it can someone pls explain it to me
Thanks Avalon for making this post and not spoiling the secret itself. Much appreciated :)
Pretty cool interaction. I mostly play on my mobile so I lose out on the ability to do a lot because of screen space, but things like this make me want to play desktop
I found this back in '06. You see, we used to be able to go to restaurants back then. So I tied an onion to my belt, which was the style at the time. We didn't have any red onions because of the war, so it was a big yellow onion.
This was known like 5 months ago, it was even a guy that does this kind of posts that posted it and a lot of people have seen it. It's just reddit making a fuss and people not double checking or doubting. It's not even hard to trigger.
I mean on the one hand, I feel like every board *should* have a secret interaction, but then at that point is it really a "secret" interaction if every board has it? My favorite is still Un'goro though. Saviors of Uldum is a close second though. God I really hope that the new "big change" coming to the next rotation is that old sets will rotate into standard periodically. I'd love to play with, ungoro cards and dalaran cards at the same time (as an example). Though I do fear certain things returning (like ungoro quest mage).
A whole bunch of this ^
Considering it's taken us 6 months to find this secret interaction, I'd say it's pretty well placed. Not to mention the combination/order of steps is easier to achieve than the piano toes on the SoU board
That's only a half of story.
Actual person that found it was me (u/PastorGL). I found this secret a day earlier (by random clicking), was unable to google anything about its trigger, and reported my discovery on Reddit. With enough details to begin a hunt, I hoped.
My posting convinced Berkay to debug Unity code for that board. He already wished to do that in some time, but my posting was a nudge in right direction.
So there we are.
Awesome! Makes me happy that it was found by random and the datamining process was just a confirmation. It felt a little cheap ๐
The interaction is cool nonetheless!
There were other Redditors who encountered it in the past, but no one bothered themselves to report it. Why? I don't know, perhaps people are just too lazy.
I saw that thread on reddit a few days ago and it must have been somewhat satisfying to a) get it checked out by someone who was happy to put in the time to check the code related to the board, b) help those that doubted your claim reevaluate :)
I'm a software engineer BTW, and I absolutely could have debugged anything myself, but... I do stuff like this too much as a part of my job. I then just decided to pass that tedious work to someone else. Also partly because I'm unfamiliar with Unity and don't want to taint my gaming rig with debugging tools.
It seems one always could find a willing volunteer on Reddit.
I've been curious as to how the heck Flux can figure out things like BoH release order, or upcoming quests from the game data, but I assumed it's a trade secret, so I never tried to ask. They're not in the strings files. I've tried a couple different Unity extractors, but there's just so much, and I don't know where to start. Maybe if I was familiar with Unity.
I have VS 2019 on my "gaming rig," but it's also the only Windows machine I have.
I don't want to bring anything from work home. Even these cursed days when "going to work" is more like "just turn on VPN and connect via RDP".
There I have VS 2019 too, among lots of other toys, but let them stay there %)
For sure, I always try to keep work and home separate (even while working from home lol). Also, your second point is so true, there's always someone willing to do it for free on Reddit.
Yay! I knew there was something in there but I couldn't figure it out. So cool!
Could it be that after Witchwood's Couldron fiasco we stopped looking for secret interactions? I feel this last few boards have been below my expectations, but I don't really know why.