Submitted 5 years, 5 months ago by
Just curious about this (to me) unknown interaction:
I just noticed that Shudderwock actually behaves like Yogg-Saron, Hope's End, in that it stops its battlecry to very moment he dies.
Was that always the case? I did not know this interaction!
The game situation in question:
The opponent had a Spider Bomb on board and it was killed by the fourth battlecry. There should've been at least a fifth one (Spellbreaker), although there were no minions on board left bar Shudderwock.
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Just curious about this (to me) unknown interaction:
I just noticed that Shudderwock actually behaves like Yogg-Saron, Hope's End, in that it stops its battlecry to very moment he dies.
Was that always the case? I did not know this interaction!
The game situation in question:
The opponent had a Spider Bomb on board and it was killed by the fourth battlecry. There should've been at least a fifth one (Spellbreaker), although there were no minions on board left bar Shudderwock.
He was nerfed to have a limited amount of battlecries, and I believe he would stop casting if he is removed/silenced/returned to hand/transformed. This nerf was also applied to Tess Greymane.
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True, but the nerf to Tess Greymane was reversed. She'll continue playing cards even after she dies.
Ok, then I actually missed the change.
Interestingly enough, there wasn't a refund back then. Otherwise I'd have know of this nerf. :D
Thank you for the clarification!
I knew about the former change but was unaware of the latter. When did that happen?
He always stopped upon death as this was made to be similar and consistent with Yogg. It’s typically not as noticeable as your battlecries don’t typically kill your Shudderwock. The only change ever made was to limit battlecries to 20, which can be extended with Brann or Murmuring Elemental to double the battlecries by triggering Shudderwock twice
Quick! Someone give me something clever to write here.
Shudder never got a dust refund cause it aint considered a nerf. all the combo stuff is available, i mean 20 battlecries are more than enough. Tess was never gonne live with her nerf i think
She was for a few day
Reno Jackson
My faves!
You can beat me but I will still yeet your skeet
I think he means "she was never gonne live" as in that's why her nerf reverted back to how it was originally. Because the community spoke up and Blizzard realized she wouldn't get played (as much) if they let the change stand, and she already wasn't seeing that much play.
No idea if she would have died or still saw play, but regardless, the nerf didn't stick.
Quick! Someone give me something clever to write here.