Can Wild players craft the original classic dragon aspects for "free"?
Submitted 3 years, 10 months ago by
Sorry if this has been said elsewhere, but I wasn't able to find confirmation. Will there be full dust refunds for the original classic dragon aspects that are rotating to wild similar to HoF rotations in the past? As someone who plays mostly Wild, I always look forward to the HoF rotation as a chance to craft all the cards in there gold version for "free".
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Sorry if this has been said elsewhere, but I wasn't able to find confirmation. Will there be full dust refunds for the original classic dragon aspects that are rotating to wild similar to HoF rotations in the past? As someone who plays mostly Wild, I always look forward to the HoF rotation as a chance to craft all the cards in there gold version for "free".
I could be wrong but I believe it was said in an interview that these rotations won't be giving any dust refunds.
I remember the same being mentioned, no dust this time.
No, Hall of Fame is not existing anymore. Classic set is rotating as all sets rotate, so no dust refund. Sorry
U should be able to dust ur golden dupes of basic cards but i can be wrong. Are basic rotating too?
Yes, some basics are rotating. Check the Core Set 2021 Guide page for which card isn't rotating so you can find out which one is.
I can give some examples; Arcane Explosion, Timber Wolf, Moonfire, Cleave etc.
And That's right. Even if there is no refunds this time, Golden copies of Basic cards can be the source of some extra dust this time around but I advise you to spend them wisely or never do it because it is just one time deal and i really don't know if they are acquirable again from packs. I mean, if you want golden copies of them again in future, you might have to craft them with dust. Not %100 sure tho.
And If anyone can say that what will happen the Classic Packs and will they offer Basic cards, I will be appreciated as well.
Unpopular Opinion Incarnate
That is actually a very good question. They will technically become Wild packs, eh?:D To be honest, i think they will stay without change, they will still reward Classic cards and thats it. At best they might throw in Basic cards, but im not too sure about that.
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what my thought is; if level progression of classes will give core set cards through level 10, i can think of that after level 10 they will continue to give basic + golden cards but can't be so sure of it as well.
Wild packs sounds bad actually. :D
Unpopular Opinion Incarnate
Thanks for the clarification, though I'm a bit bummed I won't get to craft gold copies of all the dragon aspects since those are some of my favorite cards. Seems a strange distinction since even though HoF doesn't exist in Year of the Gryphon, all "classic" versions of the Dragon Aspects will never (I assume...) rotate into the Core Set again since they've been replaced by completely different versions.
It says on the HS website, in the article introducing the Core set, that as long as you have Wild unlocked when the rotation happens you will get all the Basic cards you don't have already, both regular and golden
Quick! Someone give me something clever to write here.
Nope! Everyone gets the basic cards, regular and golden, free if they just have Wild unlocked at rotation.
Second paragraph of the "Introducing the Legacy Set" section.
Quick! Someone give me something clever to write here.
Keep in mind that the Core cards and the Legacy cards are technically separate copies. So that means that even the Basic cards in the Core set are still considered to be rotating to Wild, since they are part of the Legacy set. You should be able to DE the golden Basic cards and still keep the regular copies if you want them for playing Wild. Since they mentioned golden Core cards will come from completing achievements, and because the Legacy cards are technically not tied to Core cards, I doubt having a Legacy card in golden will give you a Core card in golden. But I could be wrong!
And since everyone with Wild unlocked will automatically get all regular and golden Basic cards at rotation (info here, Introducing the Legacy Set section), that's 14,300 dust from just the golden Basic cards, which is 100 dust short of being able to craft 9 legendary cards.
Quick! Someone give me something clever to write here.
Thanks for the link, but i have still some questions.
It says that Classic packs will continue to give classic cards, but the 2014 versions. For example, We can't open Brightwing from them. And my question is that new classic cards which is in core set 2021aren't collectible ? I mean, Won't None of the existing packs give Alexstrasza the Life-Binder for example ? If it is like that, What will happen in 2022 ? Can't we play those cards in wild if they don't decide to put them Core set 2022 ?
Damn Blizzard, When you made some changes, there are never enough infos !
Unpopular Opinion Incarnate
luckly for you i am a info maniac with answers XD. yes the new cards wont be in packs but dean said in a QeA that if the new cards rotate they will probably go to legacy, and them be craftable but still not in classics packs because classic packs will not change moving foward ( no removed or added cards just original classic cards).
I feel like those cards should be openable somewhere, but really... I guess I’m not likely to buy more Legacy packs, so what makes me think I’ll want to buy Legacy Core packs?
Maybe if we all complain they’ll offer a bundle for gold or money that gives you permanent Wild copies of the new cards when they leave Core? But really how many will be impactful in a Wild meta? Guess we’ll wait and see.
Quick! Someone give me something clever to write here.
Thanks for pointing out the source, but I'm still not convinced that we'll be able to disenchant the golden Basic cards. If you look closely, they are
a) stressing that Classic cards will be craftable and disenchantable - that statement wasn't made when it comes to Basic cards;
b) explicitely telling us that Golden Demon Hunter Initiate cards will be craftable and disenchantable - those cards are otherwise treated the same as Basic cards in this sentence, so logic tells me that Basic cards and regular Demon Hunter Initiate cards can't be disenchanted.
I usually count myself among the optimists, but I really don't expect Blizzard giving away so much dust.
I notice I am confused. Something I believe isn't true. How do I know what I think I know?
Harry James Potter-Evans-Verres,
Nothing is being nerfed and dust refunds came for nerfed cards not cards going out of standard rotation.
As cards that everyone has always gotten for free, Basic cards will not be craftable or disenchantable this year. They have never allowed you to dust free cards. You get all of Basic when you unlock Wild, and they stay in your collection, period.
I guess there is a possibility that next year they may stop giving these cards away and start selling Legacy packs in the shop, but demand would be fairly low, so maybe it's not worthwhile. They would actually lose money if the cards became disenchantable and no one was buying the packs.