With the news that Blizzard was going to revert the upcoming nerfs to Bluegill Warrior and Stonetusk Boar, we were told that two new cards would replace them. Today, we get to see their replacements!
Bluegill and Stonetusk will go sit in wild with their beautiful original Charge keyword and we'll see our two new friends with their Rush fun in Standard.
Fairwell Bluegill, Welcome Redgill
Also trading Stonetusk for Emerald Burdo
So much colorful changes
I like the meta flavor text on Redgill Razorjaw:
Hope ya got a good nap or two in, Flux! You and your crew did an amazing job as always with the reveal season. Thank you!CardID or NameBADCARDNAME
I must be color blind, because that Redgill Razorjaw is not red to me. Perhaps its because lorewise murlocs can't actually see red.
It's probably because it uses TCG art.
Love the changes, love the art, love the fact that the old cards get to live on in Wild.
Given the board-focused nature of Barrens, I think some people might be surprised at how relevant these cards will be. Not necessarily top-tier cards, but perfectly adequate for the Core set.
These cards will never see play though
2-mana deal 3 to a minion isn't bad.
1-mana deal 2 is a bit worse but it's a Beast so who knows
They won't see play.
Dont be so narrow. There have been plenty of cards where what you said was said about them and all it took was support thrown their way and they become 1-2 tier. Have faith in the team.
It's just core set filler. Like River Crocolisk
Way to completely ignore what I said.
That was 7 hours ago who cares?
Obviously you since you responded.
I know YOU care but not I
Maybe not competitive play, but new/free players could do a lot worse. That's what Core is for.
Those are two very good arts, especially Redgill Razorjaw.
Man that murloc is creepy looking.
It's hard to spot any red in the artwork of Redgill Razorjaw.
That's because they released the Snyder cut.