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Love the flavor on Diseased Vulture, but it seems pretty slow as a tempo play. Rogue can easily clear with Backstab and Eviscerate or Vendetta. Could be a pretty strong combo with Crystallizer on 5.
There are 95 3-cost minions in Standard right now, not including new minions that have yet to be revealed. One thing to note is that this can summon non-class minions, so the variance is high. You could roll King Mukla or Spring Rocket. Even worse, Voodoo Doll.
Average stats on a 3-cost come in around 2/4, so assuming the combo with Crystallizer, you'd get an average of 6/12 in stats over three bodies on turn 5. That's pretty strong. Another strong tempo play would be to pair this with Spirit Bomb on 5. Worst case scenario is in conjunction with Life Tap on turn 6, in which case you'd end up with an average of 5/9 in stats.
Neferset Ritualist seems unequivocally strong, especially in Arena. I could also see this finding a place in some aggro decks.
From a Arena standpoint this is meta-defining. We have had cards like this in the past where it completely changes how players make decisions and adjust game play simply because that card exists, such as Fungalmancer, Mossy Horror in the past. Neferset Ritualist is one of those cards. Any injured minion or minion that can survive a trade is now a huge threat and potentially game ending if you or your opponent gets a solid hit on this effect. This card is absolutely terrifying. Every Arena game you play it will always be lingering at the back of your head.
Diseased Vulture has a great art and a great text..!!!
The 4/5 summoned when tapping, is that an unrevealed card? I don't recognize it and there are also no 3-mana 4/5 in the card database.
Two good cards, things are heating up a bit.
Diseased Vulture seems really strong - turns every tap into "draw a card, summon a 3 drop" for 2. It's high enough health to hand around after the turn you play it, and has natural synergy with useful Zoo cards like Flame Imp, and to a lesser extent with Demonbolt and Riftcleaver.
That Healer is a stupid strong arena card, like BOI This card is one of those insta-win cards if you are even a tiny bit ahead.
To put this in perspective, think of the [cardGrimestreet Protector.
Vulture seems decent but there aren't too many self-damaging effects as of now, meaning that thing actually has to stick on the board for a turn to really go off and I don't think that's worth
Just Flame Imp isn't enough to justify running this in Zoolock.
Ritualist seems like an Arena card most of the time, but maybe there's some applications in Priesst (although Priest decks that run self-damaging minions usually also want to ressurect them, which this doesn't really work with)
You took standard and Arena modes into equation but not wild mode. I see you dont like facing Big Priests?
Don't forget Crystallizer
Just tapping yourself will work, I guess :P
Diseased Vulture = Vex Crow after a year in Russia.
Slav Crow
Turn 1 Alleycat, turn 2 Neferset Ritualist on curve. Yeah baby.
Man, the average power of the cards so far is pretty high. Even the neutral 2 drop is solid. Decks and meta are going to be all over the place. Which is fine. :P
Also keep in mind that Vivid Nightmare (and Redemption) have decent synergy with Neferset Ritualist. (and Reborn mechanics)
They abandonned the random deck fillers! This is so awesome! Even if those cards aren‘t meta, they invite to think and will be great when randomly generated. Not to mention the arena quality
Neferset Ritualist might be good not only in Combo Priest but also Lucentbark Druid.
Neferset Ritualist will see play. I'm not sure what deck it goes in, but that's a really solid card.
Considering that Hozen Healer was good in arena and this is half the price for double the effect, i feel this will defo see play there if nowhere else
I really liked that they had an English version too on the website, kudos to them