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Well, you can just play Bloodbloom into Mecha'thun, likewise with Time Warp.
But this is a great card, I really like it.
Nice card. destroying minions is always useful.
also, I think it is cool that this is basically a Deadly Shot, a 3 mana card, on a secret, a 2 mana card.
I like the theme of hunter secrets being 3 mana cards as 2 mana secrets.
you have Bear Trap, Cat Trick, Snake Trap, Venomstrike Trap, and Wandering Monster. all of which are 3 mana cards on 2 mana secrets
It doesn't actually work exactly like Deadly Shot. One could play around it by simply playing the spell first, and then the minion they want. My first thought was "Oh snap a hard counter to Conjurer Mage", but then I realised it said AFTER your opponent casts a spell. If your against Mecha'thun Warlock in wild, all they have to do is to play Bloodbloom before playing Mecha'thun. This offers counterplay for your opponent, but forces them into a suboptimal play. It also has the downside of activating on your opponent's turn, potentially causing it to miss. For example, if your opponent has a large Edwin VanCleef and a Spirit of the Shark on the board, Deadly Shot would give you a 50% chance to hit the Edwin. However, this secret makes it so that your opponent can flood the board, perhaps Backstab into EVIL Miscreant into two Lackeys and THEN plays a spell, your 50% chance goes down to a 20% chance. Your opponent could also just not play any spells, which means you whiff entirely and just tanked a giant Edwin to your face.
So yes it's a 3 mana effect on a 2 mana secret, but not only is it conditional, but it's a secret, creating counterplay. It does force your opponent to make a worse play sometimes, but it's equally as likely to backfire.
Well, backstab is a spell so it would trigger it, but your point still stands. It does offer counterplay.
I think this is still strong. It still does very well against conjurer mage. Say on six mana you go giant + conj, you just paid six mana for one giant, which is a lot easier to remove than two giants. Other than mirror image which is the perfect "tester" for this card, mage doesn't have a lot of minions to just throw away.
This just makes hunter secrets in general harder to play around. Rat trap becomes harder to play around, snipe becomes a little spookier, secret plan becomes better because you don't know what you're playing around.
I love card reveal season, or as it always ends up, cringeLOL season
That video was, err, interesting! :)
Pathra can sing AND play HS.
Zalae can play HS :P
I see what you did there :D
This is not just a new hunter card, this is one of the first 'think before you act' hunter cards. It's all about timing to not become useless in the proces. I like giving the hunters something to think about as they normally think: "SMOrc? SMOrc right? Shall i...SMOrc? Oh, whait i'll just go face then."
Edit: On hearthpwn this comment got downvoted so quickly that it was funny, do any of you see the pun and point in my comment or is it as bad as they think it is? - Point taken, i'll shut it then ^^
Its a good one however there are ppl out there that play only hunter. I know its crazy since its a shitty class but lots of ppl like it so u got downvoted and probably so will i. When that class has a smorc hero power u either accept that hunter is an aggro class or live in denial otherwise
I agree with you in that timing of this card against some decks could be key to winning the game.
Hunter can now be finely nuanced and tricky to pilot to it's full potential as opposed to some of the face decks from the past. That's a good thing :)
That was the point i was trying to make, i really wish i would've left that SMOrc part out!
The joke wasn’t really funny the first 20 times I saw it, it isn’t that funny here either
Thanks for the headsup, besides a post once in a while i'm not over all the boards so I wouldn't know. Strange how some silly comment triggers some people though. I think the pun overruled my point then sorry guys don't mean to be toxic or anything.
It's the same triggered as being triggered by something that is wrong. When any comment has the slightest hint of not being correct on this website or Hearthpwn it will attract downvoters and furious answers. In this case the SMOrc part, or what is associated with it (brainless going face without any regard for board state). Made some sense in the Face/Hybrid, Undertaker and now in the Mech Hunter era, but is just wrong in so many cases.
In your case it was just hard to see the irony or the joke behind it, because that can be hard to spot in written form. Don't worry about it though, the true 200iq Hunters out there appreciate the misconceptions and use them to their advantage. Please keep mulliganing/playing for hyper aggressive Hunters, while we abuse that. :p
I agree with your comment btw, it actually is not always a secret to just play out whenever you draw. Very interesting card.
Sorry for the toxic people, your comment is just fine, just hard to see sometimes what people mean on the internet. :)
At last we see a new secret. Seems good.
It’s a good counter to Mechathun decks
Nope. It‘s more like a last resort for some decks. You simply play Mecha‘thun with one spell left in your hand. The spell triggers the Secret and you win
Yes and no. Since the card description states "after", if you cast only one spell and manage to kill Mecha'thun with it, his deathrattle will trigger before the secret comes into play. In wild you could potentially counter Mecha'thun warlocks with it, but only if they aren't careful. If they play the 10-drop, followed by Bloodbloom, the mech would be vulnerable to the destruction effect. If however the warlock plays BB first and then follows up with Mecha'thun and Cataclysm, the game is over for you.
Regardless, props for noticing this interaction.
Well I was mostly thinking Druid in wild. But yeah against warlock it’s a little bit more tricky to pull of
Hmm, I honestly forgot about Mecha'thun Druid. I admit this spell has the potential to counter that deck, but if the druid player wants to be safe against the secret, he could include a 0-cost minion and play it on the final turn, so that the weakling could die in favour for the 10-drop. In other words you would do something in the lines of - summon the 0-drop, cast an Innervate/Floop's Glorious Gloop, summon Mecha'thun, cast the second Innervate and finally kill the legendary with Naturalize.