Are former Hall of Fame cards currently obtainable from opening Classic packs?

Submitted 3 years, 5 months ago by

Hi all,

I have a complete former classic collection and I am only missing 4 legendaries from the former Hall of Fame.

I would like to buy the classic bundle.

Will I receive 2 of the 4 missing legendary cards right away? And, the rest, from opening my approx. 60 packs (by chance, of course)?

An official source link/confirmation would be absolutely great :)

I am asking this because I know there have been all kinds of problems in the last few days.

Thx a lot for reading :)

  • Dlianyahoo's Avatar
    140 11 Posts Joined 06/03/2019
    Posted 3 years, 5 months ago

    Hi all,

    I have a complete former classic collection and I am only missing 4 legendaries from the former Hall of Fame.

    I would like to buy the classic bundle.

    Will I receive 2 of the 4 missing legendary cards right away? And, the rest, from opening my approx. 60 packs (by chance, of course)?

    An official source link/confirmation would be absolutely great :)

    I am asking this because I know there have been all kinds of problems in the last few days.

    Thx a lot for reading :)

  • Alfi's Avatar
    Devoted Academic 1790 1375 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 3 years, 5 months ago

    Yes, this is how it works exactly. Let us know the results.


    more here:


  • Dlianyahoo's Avatar
    140 11 Posts Joined 06/03/2019
    Posted 3 years, 5 months ago

    Just purchased the classic bundle and got Ragnaros the Firelord and Sylvanas Windrunner :)) so it works.

    Thank you for your answer!



  • Dlianyahoo's Avatar
    140 11 Posts Joined 06/03/2019
    Posted 3 years, 5 months ago


    As said before, I have a complete former classic collection and I am now only missing 2 legendaries from the former Hall of Fame.

    The missing legendaries are Gelbin Mekkatorque and Elite Tauren Chieftain.

    I opened classic packs and the first legendary I got was not one of the 2 missing ones, but instead a duplicate Alexstrasza.

    Any thoughts? Should I report this to Blizzard?

    Thank you!

  • greenhatjynx78's Avatar
    Birthday Pikachu 405 172 Posts Joined 01/26/2020
    Posted 3 years, 5 months ago

    those two are crafting only if i recall they never  were on packs, but maybe a mod can corfirm for us.

  • Dlianyahoo's Avatar
    140 11 Posts Joined 06/03/2019
    Posted 3 years, 5 months ago

    Ok, found this one:

    Although I agree with the reasoning, I believe this should have been clearly stated as such by Blizzard.

    Also, I know that the 2 above mentioned legendaries were, at their time, obtained through special promotions - this was clearly mentioned in their flavour text, when the cards were part of the HoF set.

    But now the flavour text does not say the "special promotion" thing anymore. Why?

    I find this confusing, especially since I purchased the classic bundle based on the idea that I will eventually be able to get these 2 missing legendary cards.

    I am only saying that Blizzard should have said something like: Gelbin Mekkatorque and Elite Tauren Chieftain will still not drop in classic packs, even after the big changes take place. So players know what they are about to get or not. No harm, no foul, I wouldn't have purchased the classic bundle in that case.

    It is not an issue of fair or not fair, it is an issue of communication not clear enough. 

    What do you guys think?

  • TriMay's Avatar
    430 130 Posts Joined 01/15/2020
    Posted 3 years, 5 months ago

    Those two legendaries were never dropped from packs.

    They used to be part of a separate set called the "Reward" set, which later merged into Hall of Fame

    I think blizzard just assumed that all players, including new, would have somehow "remembered" that

    A reminder would have been nice, yeah, we can agree on that

  • Synnr7's Avatar
    Winter Whisperer 1050 637 Posts Joined 07/19/2019
    Posted 3 years, 5 months ago

    If the flavor text changed to reflect that they were a promo I'm assuming that was a mistake of the move from Hall of Fame and making them legal in Classic format. That should be fixed to avoid confusion if they are not in packs.

    If I remember golden Gelbin was for using the shop in beta. While golden E.T.C was an early blizzcon reward. Those should stay unique. That said the basic versions in packs for completion sake wouldn't be a bad thing. I am assuming they weren't also a promotion. If they were then the promotion tag needs to come back.

    I crafted both of these way back because I like wierd cards so if the info is wrong sorry, been a while.

    Casual Dragon Cardgame enthusiast. 

  • Pandamonium's Avatar
    10 1 Posts Joined 07/08/2021
    Posted 3 years, 2 months ago

    I love how you put in quotations remembered XD

    bc that would be stupid to expect anyone to humanly possibly remember that and i've played since the beginning

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