We've got an update from Blizzard on the known issues in Patch 20.2.
Quote From Kerfluffle Hey everyone,
As is expected of any major patch, we’ve had some bugs pop up because of the most recent 20.2 update. We’re aware of the bugs below and hope to have a fix for each of them in or before our next major patch. We’re aware of:
- An issue where borrowing decks while challenging a friend is not working.
- An issue where Glaivebound Adept can be missing from the Collection.
- An issue where the Tavern Regular achievement correctly tracks prior progress but incorrectly marks the achievement as claimed if you’re over the completion threshold.
- Display issues related to in-game shop pricing.
- An issue where Battle-Ready Decks won’t open in the shop if Dame Hazelbark was opened first.
- A Battlegrounds issue where Tough Tusk’s Divine Shield can persist after a player is defeated.
- A Battlegrounds issue where Vol’jin’s Hero Power Spirit Swap can cause Goldgrubber’s stats to reset every turn.
I wish they speed up animations for blood gems and cards that generate them. It's a little bit frustrating to play on mobile when your turns are cut down to 30 seconds and you can't even fully utilize them when your hand is cluttered by blood gems.
This has to in the top 5 strangest bugs in the client to ever rear it's ugly head. Gotta love these coders =/= decoders. I know I do.
How hard must it be to stare at funky syntax and discern the error? Hard I say!@!
Seems like they fixed the Tavern Regular achievement bug already, I just claimed my Garosh skin.
Unfortunately, you can only pick one single hero portrait now even when you have met the requirements of picking two.
EDIT: Seems like they are aware of the issue and it will be fixed in waves apparently.
If you can't get to the Battle-Ready decks through the app/client, you are able to do so on Blizzard's website. Speaking of which, can someone try and see what would happen if you purchased two decks at the same time? I tried to buy another through the website after I bought one in the game and it wouldn't let me.
The bug picking the T2 armor skin just gives me more time to decide which one I want.
That dragon stalker Rexxar skin would've been sweet during DoD when dragon hunter was around, just for the thematic match