New Priest Minion - Grandmummy
Submitted 5 years, 7 months ago by
A new Rare Priest Minion, Grandmummy, has been revealed!
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A new Rare Priest Minion, Grandmummy, has been revealed!
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I like this one a lot, Although, based on Paladin's quest and the fact that we've seen so few quality Paladin reborn minions, I'd expected this to be a Paladin minion.
Interesting card in a zoo priest deck (if it could exist one day). For two mana you get a 1/2 and a 1/1 bodies and a +2/+2 buff split between one or two other minions. The stats and the potential are there, but is the support though? I remember the time, when this archtype was somewhat popular in standard thanks to Shadow Ascendant, but I don't think, that this deck will appear in wild just because people can do crazier things than just buffing their minions slightly.
in total there's 4:5 stats in this card. reborn makes cloning it okay if clone decks ever becomes a thing. Also has some synergy with recurring villain.
Should be decent in some decks, hard to tell if it's competitive yet.
Don't Read This Sentence.
You Rebel. I like you.
pretty garbage 2-drop, as per usual with Priest.
worst community ever
I think this might be pretty good. 4/5 bundled into something that only costs 2 mana without any restrictions isn't something we've seen before. They've been trying to push the idea of Zoo Priest for a long time now, and Spiteful got there once.
This is also an early game sticky minion for Extra Arms.
It does have restrictions though really - you need another minion on board, which might be tough in the early game. I think it has the same drawbacks as the other deathrattle buffs - they'll clear out your other minions before killing it. Slightly better as it's sticky, but how often are you really getting the whole 4/5 stats?
...I'm assuming the Deathrattle triggers before the Reborn, so it can't buff itself? Right?
If you don't get any value from the deathrattle, this is similar to Cloakscale Chemist. How often will the buff hit?
That argument can be made about almost every card - "If X is stopped, it is bad."
(For my old school YGO people, BTH > BLS.)
In reality, the effect should proc often enough, if you build your deck for it. You aren't just throwing this into some random deck that doesn't have reasonable 1 and 2 drops to go with it.
Priest still has one of the only broken 1 drops left in the game. And this card only makes Cleric better.
You also don't need to get the max 4/5 out of this. Getting 1 proc from the buff (which should virtually be assured since you will be able to play a minion then pop this one off) is probably enough.
I think people are thinking too hard about this card.
For all you downvoting, the chances this buffs two minions is almost zero. When is the last time we got excited about Zoo Priest and were right?
worst community ever
Whether or not this is playable depends on the overall playability of aggro/zoo Priest, and so far I'm not entirely convinced priest is cheating enough with the cards in its arsenal. Mind Blast getting HoFed really hurt the archetype and I'm not seeing cheap, grossly overstatted minions with upsides to make up for it.
In Grandmummy's case, they could've printed it as a 2/2 and I'd still evaluate it as fair. And things that are merely "fair" typically don't result in top tier decks.
That was my point above - it doesn't need to buff twice. Buffing once still makes this card 3/4 stats on turn 2 because the 2nd buff is almost guaranteed.
You get to the real issue in your second sentence - what is this deck?
I'd argue that the current iteration of DS/IF priest is basically a "zoo" that uses DS/IF as it's burst finish. This card can go into something like that. And the new legendary further pushes this idea out there.
it's not though. it's a control deck that hopes to stick a high health minion in the late game. zoo priest has never existed. the only non control/combo priest decks we've ever seen are dragon priest and keleseth spiteful priest.
worst community ever
None of that says control. Highest cost card is Zilliax, and it doesn't run AOE.
Not a card that will win games on its own. But potentially 4/5 total stats for 2 mana is value. (1/2+1/1+1/1+1/1).
Good catch. I thought we were discussing ladder viable decks. One sec, I haven't uploaded my Beast Pirate Priest deck, we need to talk about how Grandmummy impacts that.
worst community ever
Shut the fuck up dude and take your shit somewhere else. If VS isn't good enough for you, I guess you're too good a player for this site.
I like VS and use it frequently but let's not pretend it's something it isn't. It lists decks based on winrate, based on the players who have opted in to submitting data. Look at the facts. Mech Priest is nowhere on their ranking list, which means its worse than a T4 deck. If it was good enough, people would play it and it would be seen on the rankings, but it isn't. I just want to make sure we're on the same page and talking about the same things. Mech Priest is not a ladder deck. We've had two instances of a tempo-ish Priest since GvG (when I started playing and have mostly been a Priest main ever since), Dragon Priest in the Drakonid OPerative meta, and Keleseth Spiteful Priest. Zoo Priest is not a thing, not in competitve Hearthstone anyways.
worst community ever
You're intentionally misconstruing arguments to make yourself look smart. It's obviously fucking bad but it's still the only good priest deck in the format. I'm done with you.
I mean....I'll give you that VS doesn't showcase off-meta homebrew decks, so if you have stats and proof of hitting R5 with Mech Zoo Priest, I'll gladly admit being wrong.
worst community ever
Let’s just fondly remember that you were the prodigy that thought gallery priest was better without gallery.
then you lost a shit ton. Asked for help. Got help. Was too embarrassed about how fucking terrible you were. And then you asked for the thread to be closed.
This is a huge goalpost shift. Obviously we're discussing *future* ladder viable decks, so referring to an off-meta deck that exists but is *presently* underpowered is totally valid when discussing a card that's about to be released.
I've run into plenty of IF priest variants even recently. I've yet to see a Beast Pirate priest. Come on dude.
agree to disagree then.
let's refer back to this in a month when i'm proven right.
worst community ever
Can the two ppl who are clearly having a heated discussion pls focus on stuff that might be relevant for all of us? This is getting slightly embarassing.
Unless you're saying that Beast Pirate Priest is going to break the SoU meta, you *can't* be proven right. Even if Inner Fire decks remain too weak to compete they're still going to enjoy infinite times more representation than Beast Pirate Priest, because your point of reference is a thing that doesn't exist.
For someone who's constantly whining about getting downvoted, have you considered it might have something to do with your refusal to concede a point?
I refuse to concede that Zoo Priest will be a thing until it is. Every new expansion where Priest gets a good early drop we get excited about Zoo Priest, and it's never come to fruition.
I will gladly admit to being wrong when I'm proven wrong. Until then, a deck that is - at best - worse than a 44% winrate is not a deck that is relevant to discussion.
worst community ever
A sticker Shadow Ascendant and more total stats. And Shadow Ascendant already saw some play in more tempo/aggressive priest decks.
So if that becomes a thing, again, and hopefully it will, this card will be a great addition to it.