My Packs

Submitted 3 years, 3 months ago by

I don't even know why I bother opening them anymore. All they do is bring me sorrow. I remember back when opening packs was an exciting process and I would actually open good stuff.


Now it's 40 dust every time or an epic every so often. Golden cards? I'm actually a huge enthusiast and remember getting them at a decent rate every 5-10 packs. I can't remember the last one I opened.


As for Legendaries each and every time it countdowns to 35-40 packs. I recall a time when I would open up an L not long after I just had thinking, oh wow cool so soon. Now it's so far I'm pretty much angry when I finally get one.


I even used to open up golden legendaries. Not often of course, but maybe one every few months and I'd cherish it. I'm a daily player and it has to have been a year since I've found one.


Just wanting to see if anyone else is having this issue. I can't help but feel that since all the big changes they've implemented that they have lowered the drop rate on premium cards. More likely it's just my own bad luck.

  • Live4vrRdieTryn's Avatar
    500 931 Posts Joined 07/14/2019
    Posted 3 years, 3 months ago

    I don't even know why I bother opening them anymore. All they do is bring me sorrow. I remember back when opening packs was an exciting process and I would actually open good stuff.


    Now it's 40 dust every time or an epic every so often. Golden cards? I'm actually a huge enthusiast and remember getting them at a decent rate every 5-10 packs. I can't remember the last one I opened.


    As for Legendaries each and every time it countdowns to 35-40 packs. I recall a time when I would open up an L not long after I just had thinking, oh wow cool so soon. Now it's so far I'm pretty much angry when I finally get one.


    I even used to open up golden legendaries. Not often of course, but maybe one every few months and I'd cherish it. I'm a daily player and it has to have been a year since I've found one.


    Just wanting to see if anyone else is having this issue. I can't help but feel that since all the big changes they've implemented that they have lowered the drop rate on premium cards. More likely it's just my own bad luck.

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