Built To Scale - Card Design Competition Discussion Thread
Submitted 3 years, 9 months ago by
Competition Theme: Built To Scale
We're looking for cards that just keep on getting better the more you look at them this time!
- You must create a card with an effect that scales
- Think of cards like Overwhelm, Hagatha's Scheme or Lightspawn
Arkasaur wants us to keep things scaly this week - no, not that way!
As always, I can be reached through Discord or here on the site via PM if you have any issues to report.
Competition Phases
Here are the phases of this card design competition
- Submission Phase: Starts on Mon, May 31 17:00 EDT (GMT -0400). Runs until Sat, Jun 5 17:00 EDT (GMT -0400)
- Voting Phase: Starts on Sat, Jun 5 17:00 EDT (GMT -0400). Runs until Sun, Jun 6 16:00 EDT (GMT -0400)
- Finalist Phase: Starts on Sun, Jun 6 17:00 EDT (GMT -0400). Runs until Mon, Jun 7 17:00 EDT (GMT -0400)
- Winner Selected: After finalist voting concludes and we validate votes.
Discussion Thread Rules
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Competition Theme: Built To Scale
We're looking for cards that just keep on getting better the more you look at them this time!
Arkasaur wants us to keep things scaly this week - no, not that way!
As always, I can be reached through Discord or here on the site via PM if you have any issues to report.
Competition Phases
Here are the phases of this card design competition
Discussion Thread Rules
No thread rules were added to this season. Please populate and manually edit this thread with them.
Welcome to the site!
First two ideas, on opposite ends of the spectrum. The first uses art from one of Dr. Boom, Mad Genius's Hero Powers, the second doesn't really fit Warrior.
First couple of ideas. Not sure if they're balanced, since it's pretty hard to tell with exponential effects.
BTW is Spell Damage still a thing in Shaman? I know they removed Wrath of Air Totem from the Hero Power, so I'm not sure if the first card is fine in terms of class identity.
Spell damage is still a thing in Shaman. There are 2-3 different cards that give spell damage, one of which is in the core set. I personally think these cards are very weak. Spell damage cards do not stay on the board for long enough for you to get enough to take advantage of Maelstrom Harbringer's effect, and the DH archetypes that could take advantage of that card have better cards to slot in
Your face is already dead
Finally I get an opportunity to show you a card I've been sitting on for ages:
It's basically a Meteorologist for your opponent's hand and punishes Control decks. I'm not yet sure if I want it to be able to go face, what do you think?
I've also made a more fun-oriented card with C'Thun 3.0. Rogue would love this and it might also find a place in Wild Battlecry Shaman or that crazy Miracle Priest that discovers itself to death.
I'll add feedback later, when some more cards have been added to the thread.
I notice I am confused. Something I believe isn't true. How do I know what I think I know?
Harry James Potter-Evans-Verres, hpmor.com
Just checking to be sure, there is no penalty for using a well-known anime image and perhaps even the name for my card right? Or does it have to be Hearthstone or WoW specific? As long as I manage to follow this weeks competition theme, it should be okay I think?
Some people might penalize you for blatantly using a non WoW-IP in a place where it doesn't belong, but your card won't be disqualified for it
Took a while to think of something I liked, but I've finally got it. Specifics can still be tweaked, but I'm quite fond of the scaling condition.
Get Ready for the Boom! is a bit strange with Dr. Boom's Scheme in the same set, although the latter is one of the worst cards ever made, so I wouldn't necessarily blame you for refusing to acknowledge its existence, though quite a few people will. I feel like announcing that you're using used art is also a bit counterproductive.
Exponential Explosion is flavorful, though you are right that it doesn't fit Warrior. Not to mention potentially too strong. You can deal 32 damage with this card if your opponent has 6 Bombs in their deck (or 5 Bombs and use both copies of this). You also seem to be forgetting the watermark and rarity, although I can let it slide here given that the card feels more like a proof of concept.
Spell Damage is absolutely still a thing in Shaman. There are lots of Shaman cards that are related to Spell Damage in some way. The reason Wrath of Air Totem was removed was to allow them to make Spell Damage synergies in Shaman without making it a highroll and because according to Blizzard, it's by far the worst Totem in some Shaman decks, and by far the best Totem in some other Shaman decks. Though I argue that since Searing Totem is always the worst Totem in every circumstance, we should remove that too and keep Wrath of Air Totem.
While specific stat balancing might use some tweaking (as I agree with HuntardHuntard that both of these cards are fairly weak), the concept behind them is quite solid. I personally prefer Maelstorm Harbinger myself.
I quite like Pyrotechnician! I don't particularly mind which version you go with myself since they are both pretty solid cards. The version able to hit face might be a bit too powerful if you're playing against a Control deck with a large hand and an empty board, though such situation may be niche enough to balance the card.
C'Thun, the Insatiable is actually C'Thun 4.0 (Mecha'thun cries in the corner). I think the proper wording of the card is "For each card you've played this game, deal 1 damage randomly split among all enemies.". Certain decks do have the potential to scale this up pretty high and pretty quickly, although I don't think that'll be a problem.
I personally prefer Pyrotechnician myself.
In that case, I would participate with a handicap, hmm... best not do that if I want to win then. Better safe than sorry I guess.
By the way, I wonder how to precisely define whether or not something belongs to Hearthstone or WoW. To take a brief sidestep looking at MTG, I was kind of surprised when they decided to release the Kamigawa expansion way back when which included lots of Japanese folklore. Something similar could happen in WoW (or perhaps already did happen), I am not really familiar with the complete WoW lore besides bits and pieces ported into Hearthstone. The anime image and name I intended to use is related to Naruto and also references Japanese folklore quite a lot (the main protagonist is a freaking ninja anyways), but since it was popularized in the anime, some people might not know about its true origin.
Still deciding which stat line should I go with my cards. I was thinking about 4/4/4 for the Stitched Monstrosity, to make it more combinable with other cards and make a slight callback to Abomination. Not sure about the Maelstrom Harbringer (which I'll probably go with), however. 3/5 maybe? 3/6 seems too much.
Anyway, early feedback while I decide what to do.
Hello, hello, hello!
I'm not sure this counts as a scaleable effect? It does get better the more beasts you control.
I also have this, which I think definitely fits the prompt.
By default you draw 1 card, as the enemy drew 1 at the start of their turn.
I'll boop you
It originally said "during your opponent's last turn", to avoid any potential abuse from your own current turn, but I don't know if that's too much of a problem. I could always up it to 6 or something; this iteration uses less words.
Hi everyone,
I think I'll just stick to providing feedback this week.
Get ready for the boom - might create a fairly unfun experience – bomb warrior wasn’t exactly the most engaging thing to play against, but at least you could rush them down, and this would make that option a fair bit less reliable if they consistently get 3+ bombs into your deck. Maybe having it scale linearly with the number of bombs might be alright, but might be too weak that way.
Exponential Explosion – Damaging spells that can hit the enemy hero isn’t really something that warrior does right now, so I’d probably limit this to a minion-only target and rework the cost.
Thanks for all your feedback so far! I'll go with Pyrotechnician, but I'm still debating if it should go face or not. It is meant to punish Control or Combo decks that accumulate a lot of cards in their hand, so it is an Aggro card by definition and that's a strong point for potential face damage. Nevertheless, I see that playing this on curve on an empty board is a very strong play. Maybe raising the Cost would be a solution, but I don't feel comfortable with that right now.
Here's some feedback for y'all while I'm trying to make up my mind:
I notice I am confused. Something I believe isn't true. How do I know what I think I know?
Harry James Potter-Evans-Verres, hpmor.com
Significantly less complicated, but I'm worried it might be too boring (and maybe it should cost 3?):
I'll have feedback up later today, hopefully.
I've already submited my card with a 3/5 statline. Thanks to everyone, especially to anchorm4n for the ortography tip (I've been writing Harbringer my whole life, hopefully I'll remember the correct spelling from now on).
Anyways, more feedback.
Time for more feedback.
Nathanos is a very creative way to interpret "scaling" to say the least. If it were up to me, I would say that it would count. But it's not up to me, and I'm not sure what the official judgement is. I think the effect is pretty interesting though.
Shadow Illusions is cool in theory, but it can become extremely powerful fairly easily.
I feel the need to point this out since this is the second competition in a row to feature a card called Scale Up! and use the artwork from Anyfin Can Happen.
Now, I get it. Not everyone has an encyclopedic knowledge of every artwork in the game that is used, but do avoid using artwork for your cards that is already featured on cards accessible via collectable cards. The general rule of thumb is that artwork found on cards that can only be seen outside of Ranked mode is fair game, but artwork that can be found on cards accessible in Ranked mode isn't.
This is late, so I'm sorry about that. I didn't look to see if anyone submitted; just going off what's in here:
BasilAnguis - I like it. I wonder if it's too good at 2-mana, but it might be crap at 3 mana.
grumpymonk - I guess Nathanos counts? Either-way I would go with Shadow Illusions, but nerf the card.
Demonxz95 - I think the condition is excellent, but damaging all enemies with this could be nuts. And what happens if you've played a card three or more times, via Discover or random acquisition? Does it count once, or multiple times?
anchorm4n - I think C'Thun 3.0 is too easy: C'Thuns 1 and 2 have required more work than simply "play whatever". Pyrotechnician is kind of like Dark Skies but enemies-only and with a body; seems strong. I would not let it go face.
Wailor - I also agree with the others, and prefer Maelstrom Harbinger. Make it a 3/5 maybe and you're good to go.
Nirast - I would definitely go with the first one, because as you said the second does not go in Warrior. However I do think this could be a frustrating combination to deal with, Bombs and a heavy Armor gain, because the key to beating Bomb Warrior is to win before the Bombs kill you. This would make that exponentially more difficult.
@Wailor I wonder if for the Maelstrom Harbinger, this might be an interesting opportunity to riff off the "improved by Spell Damage" templating found on Ras Frostwhisper and a couple of other Mage cards. Perhaps combining it with Lightspawn's templating to make "This minion's Attack is improved by Spell Damage." I think that reads a bit more naturally than "each Spell Damage you have"; the word "each" implies more than one thing, but you really just have one cumulative Spell Damage number.
You've got less than 8 hours to submit!
Almost forgot to submit this week, but got it in under the wire. Looks like everyone's submitted already so I'll try to be remember to come early to give feedback for the next comp.
-Hordaki (rhymes with Mordecai)
Check out the Tactician custom class!
Interesting idea, but isn't it missing the amount of damage it deals? Like "1 damage for..."? Or is it meant to do something else, like if you dealt 3 damage with a Frostbolt, your card does 3 damage randomly split again?
I notice I am confused. Something I believe isn't true. How do I know what I think I know?
Harry James Potter-Evans-Verres, hpmor.com
Good luck to everyone in the voting!
Shameless advertising: my card would be of tremendous help against that abomination that is Stealer Warlock in Wild!
Good luck everyone :)
I notice I am confused. Something I believe isn't true. How do I know what I think I know?
Harry James Potter-Evans-Verres, hpmor.com
Funny how Wailor and grumpymonk has more votes than views.
Congratulations to MathU! Pretty sure I ain't the top winner anymore lel.
On a more personal note, another instance where I was the first-place finalist, but lost. Kind of frustrating :(
Congrats to MathU!
I feel you there, linkblade. Finals have become a source of frustration for me, too, mainly because of the staggering amount of 1 and 2 star ratings. Even if you set a higher bar in the finals, I usually don't rate anything below 3. Downvoting other contestants to make your favorite win is childish.
I notice I am confused. Something I believe isn't true. How do I know what I think I know?
Harry James Potter-Evans-Verres, hpmor.com