Achievement Hunting: Wailing Caverns edition

Submitted 3 years, 7 months ago by

Since I did it for the expansion I feel like I'm obligated to do it for the mini set as well. At least this one won't take long. Also i'm skipping seperating this into class sections because that just seems redundant.

Tormented Hearts: I haven't attempted this one yet but it sounds like a complete pain in the ass. Since Taintheart Tormenter's effect is so powerful that it can completely lock out spell based decks, they will most likely concede the moment he hits the field, whereas non-spell based decks will most likely just remove it through minions. At best you will get one, maybe two, spellcasts out of your opponent which means it'll take quite a lot of games until this completes. Going into Wild at Bronze rank might help because people play like absolute lunatics and might just bend over backwards to spend extra mana to remove the lad.

Puppy Power: While we have plenty of discounting options in Standard I feel like using Emperor Thaurissan and the multitude of smaller Druid Beasts in Wild will speed up the process considerably. If you have Aviana and Kun (or Omu) you can set up your own achievement OTK using bouncers to play expensive beasts multiple times for 1-mana (If you kept Tyrantus for sentimental purposes you might be winning big here). JUst make sure you actually use Druid beasts and not neutrals.

Poison, Poisoff: Just put Venomous Scorpid into all your decks until it's done. Not worth building a deck around.

Don't Move a Muscle!: Alright, this is probably the most frustrating and bizarre experience. I attempted to build a pure Frost deck to guarantee Frostweave Dungeoneer and managed to create a deck that is literally unable to win, regardless of how well it does at any point. Either way, make sure to get as many elementals out as possible and freeze both face and minions as much as you can. Destroying a minion with a frosty elemental also counts, so don't be shy to value trade. Deep Freeze is unsurprisingly good here.

Friends Like Me: Alright, fuck this one entirely. Getting 3 of the same is quite simple (as a matter of fact I got it the first time I played the spell). Getting 4 is nigh impossible. Someone did the maths and apparently it is below 1% (as opposed to around 12% for 3). Either way, if you really want this achievement you play a Paladin deck with decent draw (Wild is best) as well as Mutanus and Venomous Scorpid (and every other card you need for a different achievement) and try to make the most of the time you will spend. For reference, I got 18 ranked wins today in Wild with a Paladin deck that doesn't even run any win condition....I still never hit 4. If you aren't a completionist I implore you to just forget about this one, it's actually worse than both the Oh My Yogg! one and the Horde Operative.

Even Steven: As easy as it gets. Mad Summoner being a bro again. If you discount both Against All Odds and Wave of Apathy (in case they have a board already) with Palm Reading and you can tutor Summoner with Insight. You don't even need any Wild cards (outside of Summoner ofc) because Priest now has decent draw in Standard.

Hiding in Plain Sight: Run cheap minions and Preparation so you can get both of your Shrouds fast and then concede to move onto the next game. Running spell discovery is unnecessary since you should be able to get 4 procs every game which means you'll only need about 7 to complete this. If you want to go hard you can also just run Swindle and Shroud of Concealment as your only spells to streamline the process.

Spit Hot Fire: Shaman has draw now but it wants you to run Nature spells only so into Wild we go (if you still have draw cards there). If you prefer to stay in Standard, Wandmaker is a really strong option because there are only six 1-mana spells in the pool. Running spell damage and chip damage like Pen Flinger is also important to set up the board. Don't be too greedy because Shaman only has shit healing which means you won't survive until the board is full. Alternatively you can also just run Perpetual Flame in a real deck (Spell Damage Burn Shaman being the best idea probably) and just hope to get it done that way.

Ugh, It's MY Life, Mom: Get this one done fast because it might just get nerfed quit soon because of Wild shenanigans and who knows how hard it will be to complete then. Overall it's probably the easiest to just run a control deck with big cards and stuff like Backfire or The Soularium. It turns out that playing the cards while Immune does  actually advance the achievement so by all means, abuse the fuck out of it in Wild.

Kresh Got Back: Now this one might seem easy but there are a lot of complicated nuances. First of all, Kresh, Lord of Turtling is a 6-cost legendary card, which means you need at least 6-mana to play it and you can only run one copy in your deck. Second of all the weapon comes from his Deathrattle which requires your minion to die before it activates. Afterwards you will have to attack with your weapon 5 times, out of which each attack will count towards the achievement. Yes I just wrote this entire shitpost as a way of telling you that there was no point to explaining anything. Fucking sue me.

Hungry Hungry Murlocs: This one is just a bit of a grind. It's a lot harder to actually find a minion above 4/4 to eat. That being said, this is probably the most fun achievement because playing Mutanus is just really hilarious. I recommend just throwing Mutanus into all of your other achievement decks and iit will eventually complete itself. If you want to rush it, go Rogue with Shadowsteps (inefficient) or play it with Baleful Banker and Zola the Gorgon in Wild.

Adventure is Out There: LIterally completes itself while you attempt to get Friends like Me


That's it, that's all I've got. As per usual, if you figure out any exploits that can speed up the process let everyone know.


  • YourPrivateNightmare's Avatar
    Skeleton 2010 4741 Posts Joined 03/25/2019
    Posted 3 years, 7 months ago

    Since I did it for the expansion I feel like I'm obligated to do it for the mini set as well. At least this one won't take long. Also i'm skipping seperating this into class sections because that just seems redundant.

    Tormented Hearts: I haven't attempted this one yet but it sounds like a complete pain in the ass. Since Taintheart Tormenter's effect is so powerful that it can completely lock out spell based decks, they will most likely concede the moment he hits the field, whereas non-spell based decks will most likely just remove it through minions. At best you will get one, maybe two, spellcasts out of your opponent which means it'll take quite a lot of games until this completes. Going into Wild at Bronze rank might help because people play like absolute lunatics and might just bend over backwards to spend extra mana to remove the lad.

    Puppy Power: While we have plenty of discounting options in Standard I feel like using Emperor Thaurissan and the multitude of smaller Druid Beasts in Wild will speed up the process considerably. If you have Aviana and Kun (or Omu) you can set up your own achievement OTK using bouncers to play expensive beasts multiple times for 1-mana (If you kept Tyrantus for sentimental purposes you might be winning big here). JUst make sure you actually use Druid beasts and not neutrals.

    Poison, Poisoff: Just put Venomous Scorpid into all your decks until it's done. Not worth building a deck around.

    Don't Move a Muscle!: Alright, this is probably the most frustrating and bizarre experience. I attempted to build a pure Frost deck to guarantee Frostweave Dungeoneer and managed to create a deck that is literally unable to win, regardless of how well it does at any point. Either way, make sure to get as many elementals out as possible and freeze both face and minions as much as you can. Destroying a minion with a frosty elemental also counts, so don't be shy to value trade. Deep Freeze is unsurprisingly good here.

    Friends Like Me: Alright, fuck this one entirely. Getting 3 of the same is quite simple (as a matter of fact I got it the first time I played the spell). Getting 4 is nigh impossible. Someone did the maths and apparently it is below 1% (as opposed to around 12% for 3). Either way, if you really want this achievement you play a Paladin deck with decent draw (Wild is best) as well as Mutanus and Venomous Scorpid (and every other card you need for a different achievement) and try to make the most of the time you will spend. For reference, I got 18 ranked wins today in Wild with a Paladin deck that doesn't even run any win condition....I still never hit 4. If you aren't a completionist I implore you to just forget about this one, it's actually worse than both the Oh My Yogg! one and the Horde Operative.

    Even Steven: As easy as it gets. Mad Summoner being a bro again. If you discount both Against All Odds and Wave of Apathy (in case they have a board already) with Palm Reading and you can tutor Summoner with Insight. You don't even need any Wild cards (outside of Summoner ofc) because Priest now has decent draw in Standard.

    Hiding in Plain Sight: Run cheap minions and Preparation so you can get both of your Shrouds fast and then concede to move onto the next game. Running spell discovery is unnecessary since you should be able to get 4 procs every game which means you'll only need about 7 to complete this. If you want to go hard you can also just run Swindle and Shroud of Concealment as your only spells to streamline the process.

    Spit Hot Fire: Shaman has draw now but it wants you to run Nature spells only so into Wild we go (if you still have draw cards there). If you prefer to stay in Standard, Wandmaker is a really strong option because there are only six 1-mana spells in the pool. Running spell damage and chip damage like Pen Flinger is also important to set up the board. Don't be too greedy because Shaman only has shit healing which means you won't survive until the board is full. Alternatively you can also just run Perpetual Flame in a real deck (Spell Damage Burn Shaman being the best idea probably) and just hope to get it done that way.

    Ugh, It's MY Life, Mom: Get this one done fast because it might just get nerfed quit soon because of Wild shenanigans and who knows how hard it will be to complete then. Overall it's probably the easiest to just run a control deck with big cards and stuff like Backfire or The Soularium. It turns out that playing the cards while Immune does  actually advance the achievement so by all means, abuse the fuck out of it in Wild.

    Kresh Got Back: Now this one might seem easy but there are a lot of complicated nuances. First of all, Kresh, Lord of Turtling is a 6-cost legendary card, which means you need at least 6-mana to play it and you can only run one copy in your deck. Second of all the weapon comes from his Deathrattle which requires your minion to die before it activates. Afterwards you will have to attack with your weapon 5 times, out of which each attack will count towards the achievement. Yes I just wrote this entire shitpost as a way of telling you that there was no point to explaining anything. Fucking sue me.

    Hungry Hungry Murlocs: This one is just a bit of a grind. It's a lot harder to actually find a minion above 4/4 to eat. That being said, this is probably the most fun achievement because playing Mutanus is just really hilarious. I recommend just throwing Mutanus into all of your other achievement decks and iit will eventually complete itself. If you want to rush it, go Rogue with Shadowsteps (inefficient) or play it with Baleful Banker and Zola the Gorgon in Wild.

    Adventure is Out There: LIterally completes itself while you attempt to get Friends like Me


    That's it, that's all I've got. As per usual, if you figure out any exploits that can speed up the process let everyone know.


    I tried having fun once.

    It was awful.

  • NebuchadnezzarHS's Avatar
    Supporter 2035 1411 Posts Joined 06/14/2019
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago

    Thanks for the guide!

    I can confirm that the last 2 achievements I have yet to complete are not designed properly: Tormented Hearts and Kresh Got Back. There is little to no progress possible with them because they are just too damn difficult. In the previous expansion we had the Greybough achievement which was tedious, but at least there was progress albeit very slow.

    I would also argue that Tormented Hearts is buggy, because the game did not increase the progression count properly. My opponent played 2 spells discounted via Palm Reading whilst I had a Taintheart Tormenter on board and the achievement only went up by 2 points. The discount my opponent got should have nothing to do with my achievement progress but apparently it did which is wrong IMO. By the way, if it does work as intended it means this achievement is even worse to complete.

  • YourPrivateNightmare's Avatar
    Skeleton 2010 4741 Posts Joined 03/25/2019
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago
    Quote From NebuchadnezzarHS

    Thanks for the guide!

    I can confirm that the last 2 achievements I have yet to complete are not designed properly: Tormented Hearts and Kresh Got Back. There is little to no progress possible with them because they are just too damn difficult. In the previous expansion we had the Greybough achievement which was tedious, but at least there was progress albeit very slow.

    I would also argue that Tormented Hearts is buggy, because the game did not increase the progression count properly. My opponent played 2 spells discounted via Palm Reading whilst I had a Taintheart Tormenter on board and the achievement only went up by 2 points. The discount my opponent got should have nothing to do with my achievement progress but apparently it did which is wrong IMO. By the way, if it does work as intended it means this achievement is even worse to complete.

    I suggest you take Tormented Hearts to Wild. I used a Vol'jin Big Demon Hunter with Pit Commander (not essential in case you don't have him) and Priestess of Fury alongside the Tormentor. This usually allows you to get enough pressure going so your opponent doesn't outright delete your Tormentor the moment it comes down.

    Summoning Sigil is really helpful as a setup for Vol'jin. You will usually not get more than one proc per tormentor each game, but if you're playing at low ranks (I'M talking bronze to silver) most people there play just complete meme decks and will often be forced to spend extra mana to deal with your stuff.

    Also I heard there's a bug where it won't count progress if the spell that was used killed your Tormentor, so there's that.

    At the very least the deck is fun to play so you're not wasting your time.


    The Kresh one is a lot more tedious than I thought, but you can do it easily if you play in Wild with both N'zoths (and a decent contrrol package). H[Hearthstone Card (oard Pillager) Not Found] also works as a backup. Just stack armor and hope you're queueing into a control deck where you can just get out the turtle and then keep attaacking with your weapon only to keep them alive as long as possible while being generally unkillable. Wild is also better because you have better draw and armor options.

    I tried having fun once.

    It was awful.

  • FrostyFeet's Avatar
    Senior Writer Derpcorn 2170 1449 Posts Joined 10/20/2018
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago

    Puppy Power tip for those that do not want to go Wild with shenanigans: Umbral Owl. Yes, it works. Didn't take too long to get that one.

    I also find the Kresh one not that hard but I'm a horrible person and actually enjoy Control Warrior grinds. Throw in N'Zoth, God of the Deep and Overlord Saurfang and you can get a lot of work done if you hit a control mirror, for example.

  • Pezman's Avatar
    Staff Writer 2235 2285 Posts Joined 06/03/2019
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago

    One option is to throw a bunch of target cards into one deck and work on multiple achievements at once. I've been playing Demon Hunter in wild (where I don't currently care about my rank). My deck has Sigils, Kurtrus, Hog Ranchers, adventurer-summoning cards, Burning Blade Acolyte, etc. It's a war of attrition: eventually they'll all get there, and I even win a game sometimes!

    "Be excellent to each other." -Bill and Ted

  • NebuchadnezzarHS's Avatar
    Supporter 2035 1411 Posts Joined 06/14/2019
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago

    Thanks again!

    I just completed Tormented Hearts in Wild using your suggestions. Now, I will start grinding for the last achievement Kresh Got Back in Wild also. Hopefully, getting the 60 ticks does not take too long.

  • YourPrivateNightmare's Avatar
    Skeleton 2010 4741 Posts Joined 03/25/2019
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago
    Quote From NebuchadnezzarHS

    Thanks again!

    I just completed Tormented Hearts in Wild using your suggestions. Now, I will start grinding for the last achievement Kresh Got Back in Wild also. Hopefully, getting the 60 ticks does not take too long.

    If you get lucky like me you'll run into another honorable Turtle Warrior who will gladly partake in 40 turns of Spike-sparring

    I tried having fun once.

    It was awful.

  • NebuchadnezzarHS's Avatar
    Supporter 2035 1411 Posts Joined 06/14/2019
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago

    I finally completed Krush Got Back using a Highlander Warrior deck. The last game was a long attrition match involving infinite Greyboughs which helped drag the game into fatigue and I even managed to win it in the end.

    As for the other games, I mostly ran into various versions of the new Combo Warlock deck which is just plain stupid. None of the builds seem very good, but the fact that so many sheeple are playing it now has warped the Wild meta. Winning or losing with the combo is not enjoyable at all. I would rather prefer losing against Tickatus instead. Blizzard should nerf Stealer of Souls one way or another soon™.

  • h0lysatan's Avatar
    Zombie 1065 790 Posts Joined 12/03/2019
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago

    If anyone got any tips to complete Friends Like Me achievement aside from ridiculous hope from RNG, I'm up for it.
    I've played like 50-60 Party Up! and never got 4 of them. I think I gave up already. (Even playing 200 sigils seems easy enough)

    Knowledge is Power

  • AngryShuckie's Avatar
    1705 1735 Posts Joined 06/03/2019
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago
    Quote From h0lysatan

    If anyone got any tips to complete Friends Like Me achievement aside from ridiculous hope from RNG, I'm up for it.
    I've played like 50-60 Party Up! and never got 4 of them. I think I gave up already. (Even playing 200 sigils seems easy enough)

    There's not a whole lot you can do except play Party Up! until you get there. It has about 0.85% chance of happening each time, so people will have to play it 117 times on average. Statistics can be cruel though, and even playing it 117 times still only gives you 1-(116/117)^117 = 63.4% chance of it having happened, so you might not want to bother (especially as your 50-60 plays so far wouldn't contribute...).

    I only did it myself because I got lucky and it happened on about the 10th try. Otherwise I would have respected my time enough to give up.


  • NebuchadnezzarHS's Avatar
    Supporter 2035 1411 Posts Joined 06/14/2019
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago

    I do not remember exactly how many attempts I took me to complete this XP achievement nor did I keep track of it, but it was approximately between 30 and 40 tries. I played Party Up! in a Standard Hand Buff Paladin deck and even won most of my games, so I did not mind at all that it took awhile. Especially since I was progressing a few other XP achievements simultaneously anyways.

  • Bersak's Avatar
    Magma Rager 720 432 Posts Joined 06/12/2019
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago

    I almost completed Kresh by casually playing N’Zoth control warrior. The deck is definitely entertaining so I don’t mind taking the slow approach.

    I don’t see myself complete the demonhunter ones soon though, it’s just a long tedious losing streak.. 

    Ps: I completed the Druid achievement with 5 cards that cost 8 or more earlier today with a bunch of giants + celestial alignment. Super fun and pretty powerful tbh

    Winner winner chicken dinner

  • frostee's Avatar
    Supporter 145 5 Posts Joined 10/22/2020
    Posted 3 years, 5 months ago


    Can you suggest some decks for all of these achievs?

    I've just standard cards and i'm not goona craft wild cards just for achs..

    This guy:
    helped me a lot with standard deck with previous achs, but seems he stopped with new ones...

    Any help will be appreciated


    This was completed thanks to a Wild Spreading Plague and some cheap ODD attack minions like Armor Vendor, Venomous Scorpid and 2 mana Ooze (from my hand\deck)

  • YourPrivateNightmare's Avatar
    Skeleton 2010 4741 Posts Joined 03/25/2019
    Posted 3 years, 5 months ago
    Quote From frostee


    Can you suggest some decks for all of these achievs?

    I've just standard cards and i'm not goona craft wild cards just for achs..

    This guy:
    helped me a lot with standard deck with previous achs, but seems he stopped with new ones...

    Any help will be appreciated


    This was completed thanks to a Wild Spreading Plague and some cheap ODD attack minions like Armor Vendor, Venomous Scorpid and 2 mana Ooze (from my hand\deck)

    I mean, I can try but you'd have to specifc which achievements in particular you have issues with because I'M not gonna come up with Standard-only decks for all of these right off the bat (even though I'll keep it in mind for the next set)

    I tried having fun once.

    It was awful.

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