Ride And Die - Card Design Competition Discussion Thread

Submitted 3 years, 2 months ago by

Competition Theme: Ride And Die

It's time to saddle up your trusty steed and charge into battle with them!

  • You must create a spell which buffs a minion and summons another minion when that minion dies

Sinti is looking for the very best mounts this week - make sure you trained yours well!

As always, I can be reached through Discord or here on the site via PM if you have any issues to report.

Competition Phases

Here are the phases of this card design competition

  • Submission Phase: Starts on Mon, Jul 12 17:00 EDT (GMT -0400). Runs until Sat, Jul 17 17:00 EDT (GMT -0400)
  • Voting Phase: Starts on Sat, Jul 17 17:00 EDT (GMT -0400). Runs until Sun, Jul 18 16:00 EDT (GMT -0400)
  • Finalist Phase: Starts on Sun, Jul 18 17:00 EDT (GMT -0400). Runs until Mon, Jul 19 17:00 EDT (GMT -0400)
  • Winner Selected: After finalist voting concludes and we validate votes.

Discussion Thread Rules

No thread rules were added to this season. Please populate and manually edit this thread with them.

  • ShadowsOfSense's Avatar
    1500 1111 Posts Joined 10/23/2018
    Posted 3 years, 2 months ago

    Competition Theme: Ride And Die

    It's time to saddle up your trusty steed and charge into battle with them!

    • You must create a spell which buffs a minion and summons another minion when that minion dies

    Sinti is looking for the very best mounts this week - make sure you trained yours well!

    As always, I can be reached through Discord or here on the site via PM if you have any issues to report.

    Competition Phases

    Here are the phases of this card design competition

    • Submission Phase: Starts on Mon, Jul 12 17:00 EDT (GMT -0400). Runs until Sat, Jul 17 17:00 EDT (GMT -0400)
    • Voting Phase: Starts on Sat, Jul 17 17:00 EDT (GMT -0400). Runs until Sun, Jul 18 16:00 EDT (GMT -0400)
    • Finalist Phase: Starts on Sun, Jul 18 17:00 EDT (GMT -0400). Runs until Mon, Jul 19 17:00 EDT (GMT -0400)
    • Winner Selected: After finalist voting concludes and we validate votes.

    Discussion Thread Rules

    No thread rules were added to this season. Please populate and manually edit this thread with them.

    Welcome to the site!

  • Wailor's Avatar
    Design Champion 640 708 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 3 years, 2 months ago

    Here's my first take. It's probably too basic, though.

    Even if I go with it, I think I'll probably use the same cost & stats as Ramming Mount, since it has better synergy with the effect.

  • linkblade91's Avatar
    Senior Writer Serra Angel 1710 2890 Posts Joined 02/09/2019
    Posted 3 years, 2 months ago

    The rules do not state that the minion has to be friendly, so until Shadows or Sinti shoot me down this is my idea:

    The art could stand to be more Warcraft-y, though. Maybe I'll use a picture of a corrupted Medivh...

    Edit: I could also "upgrade" the card to give +6/+6 for 3-mana and summon an Infernal. That would let me use an existing token, like a callback to Lord Jaraxxus or somethin'. Here's what that would look like, on the right.

  • Hordaki's Avatar
    Dragon Scholar 655 264 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 3 years, 2 months ago

    I know mounts (and pretty much any other cards) don't normally give minion types, but I thought it'd be a fun mechanic as well as interesting flavor and support for Menagerie Warlock. And yes, I'll fix the watermark before I submit so you don't need to point it out.

          -Hordaki (rhymes with Mordecai)

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  • Demonxz95's Avatar
    Senior Writer 2245 2671 Posts Joined 03/19/2019
    Posted 3 years, 2 months ago

    Everyone's first instinct will naturally be to make a Mount card, but the prompt is actually more creatively open than it initially seems.

  • BloodMefist's Avatar
    Old God Fanatic 850 804 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 3 years, 2 months ago

    This is pretty similar to a mount idea, but I dig the flavor of guards surrounding a minion and then dispersing when their buddy is slain. I'm split between the Silver Hand or Adventurer effects since both make sense thematically and fit into Paladin's existing identities. 

  • Arkasaur's Avatar
    Design Champion 250 47 Posts Joined 09/12/2020
    Posted 3 years, 2 months ago

    Hi everyone,

    Here's my initial idea this time around:

    Barreling Helboar 

    Barreling Helboar for a tempo-aggro warrior spell. I imagine the warrior's minions attempting to ride this charging helboar into battle! I'm considering if the front half could have Rush on it (the rider steering the boar towards enemies).


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    I think keeping the statline distinct from ramming mount is a good thing, if you still want to adjust, maybe go smaller? 2mana +2/+1 etc. could work


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    I think the 6/6 version is better from a theme perspective. With the huge stats and efficiency at the moment you may have to make it more restrictive like Blessing of Authority. Definitely scary and poossibly too strong at the moment. Maybe restricting it to target demons is a start?


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    An intersting use, though I dont know if you can get the balance right as 5-cost seems to slow and 4-cost seems too good. The "All" tag isnt usually impactful and a keyword etc. might balance it better at 5-cost


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    Seems like a neat idea and balance looks good, though for flavor I'd find some different art as an undead doesnt really fit DH. Illidan has a huge grudge against Arthas/Lich King after all.


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    I really like this idea. Personally i prefer the adventurers as I like their design, but generally i think the silver-hand will have a better response

  • anchorm4n's Avatar
    Oasis Oracle 1905 2492 Posts Joined 03/13/2019
    Posted 3 years, 2 months ago

    First idea for this week. I'll add the token once I've found suitable art, but it's obviously a 2 Mana 3/2 with Stealth and a Beast tag. Flavor is Foxes = sly

    I notice I am confused. Something I believe isn't true. How do I know what I think I know?
    Harry James Potter-Evans-Verres, hpmor.com

  • Wailor's Avatar
    Design Champion 640 708 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 3 years, 2 months ago

    New idea, since the old one was very boring.

    Might change the watermark (and replace Recruit with "summon from your deck").


    I like them a lot. They're a nice twist for the prompt and fit Warlock very well. It's hard to decide between both versions, since the first one has better flavor, but the second one uses a well-known token, which is always nice.

    It's an interesting idea, and the artwork is very good. That said, it doesn't fit Warrior flavor-wise. Also, I'm not sure about the usage of the All tag for a spell, especially since it doesn't have any relation with any spell schools (unlike Amalgams, which have body parts of all minion types)

    Very cool idea. I'm a fan of Rush-related effects, so I love this. The only thing I'm not sure about is the name, since it doesn't seem related to either the name or the artwork.

    I think I prefer the Silver Hand version, but both are nice and flavorful.

    I agree that adding Rush would make the card more interesting, but the text would probably be too crammed.

    Overall, it's a nice card, but a bit basic, IMO.

    It's not bad, but I'm afraid it's a bit basic. Then again, this kind of cards win sometimes, so dunno.

  • R's Avatar
    Design Champion 1000 743 Posts Joined 04/23/2020
    Posted 3 years, 2 months ago

    Simple competition, but my mind is melted. Not sure about Imitation wording btw.

  • AeroJulwin's Avatar
    Fan Creator 305 174 Posts Joined 07/08/2021
    Posted 3 years, 2 months ago

    I'm kind of new to this, so I would like to get some feedback before I submit my card.


  • Demonxz95's Avatar
    Senior Writer 2245 2671 Posts Joined 03/19/2019
    Posted 3 years, 2 months ago

    Off of Arkasaur's feedback, I went and found some different art to use. Perhaps this one better connects everything else together as well for Wailor ;)


    Horse Mount very much looks like a card that we might see in the set. I do actually like it despite being very rudimentary for the prompt. I do think Cycle of Life will likely have a better chance of scoring well.

    As I've already seen both of them on Discord, I think this is a nice way to tackle the prompt. Both cards are very flavorful and something I can expect to see in the real game. My only concern is that such a big drawback can ultimately be negated entirely when used as a finisher, but I suppose that's just the nature of the beast (or, demon rather) when dealing with huge stat-buff cards like this.


    I'm going to point out the watermark anyway. XD

    I quite like the idea and the flavor of the card, though I do agree with Wailor in that the All type doesn't seem fitting for a spell both mechanically and flavorfully. I'm not sure if you meant to make the card for Warlock or Warrior since you specify the former in your card description, but you use the latter as the class of the card at the moment. In any case, I'm thinking maybe MatDF would be a good set to put it in to fit the "darkness" approach of the set as well as the Menagerie archetypes.

    Hey, nice job on the cards. I personally like the Adventurers version better because I think it's just more interesting than another SHR synergy card, though I think the SHR version would make more sense for the game unless we end up getting Adventurer synergy later down the line.

    I do agree that adding Rush would be a good idea. Otherwise, the card just seems like a worse Ramming Mount.

    Huge problem with this card: The ability to give any minion in the game pseudo-permanent Stealth (and even comes with a Health boost too to make it less susceptible to AoE). Stealth for only a single turn might not fit the flavor of the card as much, but it's a compromise that will result in better gameplay.


    Congrats on that win! I look forward to whatever competition you have for us.

    Ancient Spirit is my favorite of the three cards. It's very simple, but it's also a very charming type of simple that makes it stand out against other cards of the same simplicity level. The only issue with the card I see is that it has used art. This art is already taken by the Big Wisps option of Wisps of the Old Gods.

    Imitation is a funny card flavorwise, but it seems on average to be a worse Ancestral Spirit.

    System Update is another funny card, though I find its ability to target any minion (as opposed to just Mechs) to be a little bit strange and bringing back Zilliax is something that not everyone will likely be happy with it. I think "summon a Zilliax" should also be changed to just "summon Zilliax". Zilliax isn't just a random unimportant mob that you find somewhere. It's a named Legendary character with proper Hearthstone lore.


    Welcome aboard! It's always nice to see some new people getting involved with card creation. You will likely have some questions to ask and we are available here to answer them.

    This idea of choosing a form to give a minion and then summoning that form of minion is an idea that I tried to do for the comp, but I couldn't get good wording for it, so I am glad that you seemed to have gotten it. The wording is a bit unconventional, but it does communicate what the card does pretty well.

    The biggest problem I see with your card is that all 3 pieces of it use existing art. Kodo Mount uses the artwork of Getaway Kodo, Distressed Kodo uses the artwork of Stampeding Kodo, and Anxious Kodo uses the artwork of Thickhide Kodo. Finding good art for all of these pieces is probably going to be difficult, but it'll be worth it if you can.

    A smaller problem is the use of the Classic watermark as the card doesn't belong in Classic due to using the Rush mechanic which was introduced in The Witchwood. This is a mistake that I see new people to this hobby make a lot, so you shouldn't feel too bad about it. The card feels like a Mount card in the new Stormwind set down to a tee, so it probably makes the most sense to use that watermark.

    Hope to see you around for more. *thumbs up*

  • anchorm4n's Avatar
    Oasis Oracle 1905 2492 Posts Joined 03/13/2019
    Posted 3 years, 2 months ago

    The fox is just too boring and Demon is right, the Stealth part might get dangerous. I came up with something a bit more flavorful instead:

    I'll add feedback in about 12 hours from now.

    I notice I am confused. Something I believe isn't true. How do I know what I think I know?
    Harry James Potter-Evans-Verres, hpmor.com

  • linkblade91's Avatar
    Senior Writer Serra Angel 1710 2890 Posts Joined 02/09/2019
    Posted 3 years, 2 months ago

    ^ Well, you made the choice for me: I'm going with Heart of Felfire. Don't need Take Possession and Demonic Possession in the same comp lol :P

  • anchorm4n's Avatar
    Oasis Oracle 1905 2492 Posts Joined 03/13/2019
    Posted 3 years, 2 months ago

    I just messaged you on Discord to say that I'll drop Take Possession if you think we're too close. Plenty of time to come up with something else :) 

    I notice I am confused. Something I believe isn't true. How do I know what I think I know?
    Harry James Potter-Evans-Verres, hpmor.com

  • linkblade91's Avatar
    Senior Writer Serra Angel 1710 2890 Posts Joined 02/09/2019
    Posted 3 years, 2 months ago

    Ah: I'm at work, so I can't see Discord lol. Shouldnt even be on my phone. You're good to go with Take Possession; I prefer Heart of Felfire anyway. I was just being difficult :P

  • Nirast's Avatar
    Senior Editor Snow-Covered 915 941 Posts Joined 04/01/2019
    Posted 3 years, 2 months ago

    Been a while since we've had a crab card, decided to make a versatile spell (not 100% on the cost and expansion):

    Feedback, from oldest to newest:

    Nice flavor! Balance seems ok, as well. You can also target an enemy minion, if there's one hiding behind a taunt.

    Looks ok, but, as you pointed out on Discord, the fact that it's the same minion might not qualify.

    Looks good flavor-wise, not sure about balance, since Rush is valued more than Taunt. You will also want to find new art for each of them, since all the pieces here are already in the game.

    Not really a fan of any of them, though I will admit, I thought of making a Zilliax card. Ancient Spirit is probably the best of the bunch, though it should cost 1.

    That's interesting, but I don't really see connection between the buff and the minion summoned. Maybe if it was "Give a minion stats equal to those of a Beast from your deck that costs (3) or less. When it dies, summon that Beast from your deck.", but that's probably too clunky.

    Neat idea, and good flavor.

    I like the SHR version better, and I like it quite a bit!

    Nice flavor, probably a bit expensive, might go to 4 (though it's hard to judge these mount cards).

    Really nice ideas! I'd go for the Infernal option, though I think 4 mana would be better.

  • Lundy's Avatar
    Little Devil Teemo 1555 707 Posts Joined 06/21/2019
    Posted 3 years, 2 months ago



    I like the Hawkstrider much more. Kept the naming convention Blizzard was using for the new expansion, but might rename the minions to look less awkward. Also, either of these might be okay at 1-mana.


    EDIT: Would making Rogue "+1/+1 and Deathrattle: Return this to your hand." be overpowered? In addition to bounce synergy, it effectively gives you a permanent 1/1 as it retains the Deathrattle of returning to your hand, which would be a great combo activator card. Rush is better suited to Warrior anyways.

  • anchorm4n's Avatar
    Oasis Oracle 1905 2492 Posts Joined 03/13/2019
    Posted 3 years, 2 months ago

    Feedback, as promised:

    I do agree with you that the Mage card is way better. I like the flavor as well as the art and the effect is fitting. I do not agree with your thoughts about the cost though. From the cards we have seen so far (Elekk Mount and Ramming Mount), the spell is supposed to have the Cost of the token +1. In your case, the spell should cost 3 Mana if you keep the token at 2. Since Tainted Zealot has Divine Shield I think you could get away with reducing the token's cost to 1 and keep the spell at 2.

    I like your general idea, but maybe Hunter isn't the right class for it. Rexxar isn't supposed to have targeted removal in terms of "Destroy" with very few exceptions that have a randomizing or otherwise restring factor (Deadly Shot, Crushing Walls). Maybe Rogue (because of the Pirate vibes) or Priest (if you make it 3 or less Attack instead of Cost) would be better. I'm also a bit confused about the token being a neutral card, shouldn't it be of the same class as the spell? Since the token isn't a card of its own, I'd also add the statline to the spell ("… summon a 3/4 Crab") if you manage to find the space for that.

    As I have already let you know on Discord, I don't think your latest version qualifies because we're supposed to make a card that summons another minion after the buffed one dies. I like your general idea though, even if resurrection isn't much of a Demon Hunter theme.

    Welcome! It's always nice to see new people around here :-) Your general idea is pretty cool and I really like the art on your spell. I do think you need to adjust the text though. If I've understood your intent correctly, you want to be able to choose if the buffed minion gets Rush or Taunt. If that's the case, you should start the card text with Choose One. I'm no expert in Choose One cards, but I think it should work like this: "Choose One: Give a minion +3/+3 and Rush; or Taunt. When it dies, summon a Kodo." You should also change the watermark on your spell and aply it to the tokens as well. Finally, you'll lose some points for using art that is already in the game (Getaway Kodo, Stampeding Kodo and Thickhide Kodo), so maybe try to find somethin else. Again, it's a very nice idea overall, I especially like how you brought Choose One to the able.

    Ancient Spirit is simple, but flavorful. 0 Cost spells always make me nervous, so maybe you'd like to explain what could be done with this. First things that come to mind are cycling with Auctioneer and activating Kael'thas. Then it probably should cost 1 anyways since the formula seems to be "Cost of the spell = Cost of the token +1". Imitation is too complicated for my taste and I doubt that it qualifies because we're supposed to create a card that summons another minion when the buffed one dies (Demon had the same problem and checked with Shadows: their card is allowed, so yours is probably fine, too). System Update is my favorite of the bunch. It's flavorful and strong and a nice call back to that great card Zlliax. I would use a custom watermark though, since Zilliax isn't in Standard anymore and you shouldn't be able to summon a specific card that has rotated out. Since Zilliax is a named legendary card, you should also cut the "a" in the card text (Dinotamer Brann).

    Nice one! I like how it fits into Kobolds mechanically and in flavor. Balance is hard because you'd want to run it in Kathrena decks with King Krush and Charged Devilsaurs, but I think you're fine at 5. Well done!

    I like it. You should indeed add Rush to the card if it fits in the text box and try to find a second piece of art to be able to create a token, but other than that, you should be good to go. I'd personally use the spells art for the token and look for something with a rider (easier said than done, I know).

    Cool idea flavor-wise. The one thing I'm not happy with is the watermark on the Adventurer version. I think the Adventurers were a Wailing Caverns exclusive thing so I'd use the Barrens Miniset watermark for that card. It's a close call but I think I prefer the Silver Hand Recruit card because that is an archetype we've seen in Darkmoon Faire which is tied to Paladin and your card fits in nicely. The Adventurers weren't Paladin exclusive which isn't problematic in itself, but it's just something the other card has as a plus but this one hasn't. Does that make any sense?

    I really like the pun and the Spell School tag. I don't get much Warrior vibes, but that's only a very small issue imho. What does confuse me a bit is the token. Will the buffed minion summon a Circus Amalgam? That's the only Amalgam we have in Standard right now. If so, you should write out its whole name. If not, you should add a token to make things a little more clear.

    I'm really sorry for stepping on your toes with the Possession theme and for what it's worth I promise I didn't try to imitate or capture your card's flavor but came up with the idea of demonic possession as a special form of riding a mount by myself. That said, Heart of Felfire is a nice idea. Nothing to criticize from my side.

    I notice I am confused. Something I believe isn't true. How do I know what I think I know?
    Harry James Potter-Evans-Verres, hpmor.com

  • Cheese's Avatar
    275 163 Posts Joined 05/30/2019
    Posted 3 years, 2 months ago

    I feel like posting.

  • linkblade91's Avatar
    Senior Writer Serra Angel 1710 2890 Posts Joined 02/09/2019
    Posted 3 years, 2 months ago

    Feedback time:

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    Cheese - I think I like Peculiar Pilots the most. Summoning a random Legendary is a huge variance and not really tied to the Warrior, while the other two are simply okay. Peculiar Pilots plays into Mech Hunter, while also being a sort-of callback to Piloted Shredder.

    Lundy - I prefer the Hawkstrider. I don't like the art on the Mechanostrider, and it just feels bland. Conversely, the art for the Hawkstrider cards are perfect and Spell Damage adds a different dimension. The only thing you're missing is a watermark on the Strider minion.

    Nirast - I mentioned it in Discord, but you should replace the Big Crab art so they're not the same and make it a Hunter minion.

    anchorm4n - I believe you submitted already, but at any rate I'd say you're good to go with Take Possession.

    Demonxz95 - That art is much better.

    AeroJulwin - Hello! Welcome to OutofCards, and to our side of things :D For being new to this, you did a pretty good job overall; I like it a lot. A few things to consider: the watermark on the Kodo Mount card is for Classic/Legacy, so that should be changed, and the art for the Kodos is already being used by Stampeding Kodo and Thickhide Kodo, so those should be swapped out as well. Beyond that, I think you're good to go!

    R - Imitation is weird: I think I know what you mean by "this minion", but I shouldn't have to guess or puzzle it out. System Update is a bit heavy-handed, so by the process of elimination I would say go with Ancient Spirit: it may be simple, but it's still a very effective card for Token Druid. It might have to cost 1, given it buffs, summons a body, and is Nature for Guff Runetotem.

    Wailor - Cycle of Life is a cool card, but it should probably not be a K&C card. Recruit has a connotation that doesn't connect with the flavor of the card itself.

    Arkasaur - I like it; not much to add, really, 'cause it seems ready to submit.

    BloodMefist - I like Silver Hand Recruits more than the Adventurers, but the Adventurers appear to be the Flavor of the Month so maybe go with them? Hard to say. The SHR version is definitely the more "dangerous" one, given how much synergy exists for them.

    Hordaki - I think you mean Menagerie Warrior :P I like the card, and its intended use-case; N'Zoth, God of the Deep is a favorite of mine. That being said, it doesn't seem like giving a minion all-types is really that effective, as we lack cards like Houndmaster or Fire Breather in Warrior. Ringmaster's Baton and Ringmaster Whatley exist, but the minion you're buffing won't benefit from including those in your deck.

  • Wailor's Avatar
    Design Champion 640 708 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 3 years, 2 months ago

    Some more feedback:

    I agree with others that Ancient Spirit is your coolest card. Besides changing the artwork as others suggested, I'd also change its watermark to something else, since it's a bit weird to have a card which is mechanically identical to Mounts but has a different flavor.

    Very cool card for a first try! It took me a while to not make overly complicated cards, so your card is quite impressive. As others pointed out all artworks in your cards are already being used by existing cards, so I'd try to fix that.

    A change for the better, for sure. It also ties much better with the name :)

    The destroy based on cost looks like a Priest or Warlock effect more than a Hunter one. Also, the text is a bit too crammed for my taste.

    Hawkstrider Mount is probably my favorite cards amongst the ones that try to replicate Stormwind Mounts. I wouldn't change the name of the token, btw, since it fits the existing convention.

    Mechanostrider Mount, on the other hand, doesn't have such a neat effect (Rogue isn't known for using Rush) and has an awful art.

    I really like Repair Bots, it might be my favorite card so far. The flavor is off-the-charts.

    Also, I wouldn't go with Wooden Steed, since Shaman+Rogue wasn't a class combination in Scholomance.

  • Nirast's Avatar
    Senior Editor Snow-Covered 915 941 Posts Joined 04/01/2019
    Posted 3 years, 2 months ago

    Updated my cards:

    More feedback:

    Neither are super interesting, but I think the Mage one is better.

    Famous Pilots is the most interesting of the bunch, and it basically turns your Mech into a Sneed's Old Shredder. The problem is that amount of stats is pretty huge. I think Peculiar Pilots is more balanced.

  • anchorm4n's Avatar
    Oasis Oracle 1905 2492 Posts Joined 03/13/2019
    Posted 3 years, 2 months ago

    Remember to force apply the watermark to your token cards if you have any. They don't have a rarity gem, but they do have a watermark (Xyrella's Elekk). Only 1 of the 6 currently submitted cards with a token thought of that and they used an exisiting token from an old set. (You do that by selecting "Custom" in the watermark drop down field [even if you're using the watermark from an existing expansion] and tick the box "Force Apply Emblem").

    Cheese: I have to agree with Wailor, Repair Bots might be the card with the coolest flavor so far. Great idea!

    Nirast: It's a bit too creative for my taste. Please correct me if I'm wrong, but I can't think of a card that uses a choice between two options outside of "Choose One".

    Really great ideas overall! So far I have voted seven times 4 stars and one time 5 stars (might have been more without the watermark problem mentioned above) out of 16 cards. Crazy!

    I notice I am confused. Something I believe isn't true. How do I know what I think I know?
    Harry James Potter-Evans-Verres, hpmor.com

  • AeroJulwin's Avatar
    Fan Creator 305 174 Posts Joined 07/08/2021
    Posted 3 years, 2 months ago

    Quote From anchorm4n
    Nirast: It's a bit too creative for my taste. Please correct me if I'm wrong, but I can't think of a card that uses a choice between two options outside of "Choose One".

    I don't think it's unheard of, just not phrased this way. I think it should be something along the lines of:

    "Give a minion +3/+4. If it's an enemy minion with 3 or less Attack, destroy it instead. When the target dies, summon a Crab."

    Tried it in HearthCards. Sadly it takes up to much space on the card. Edit: Nevermind, if you cut it between "When" and "the target" it fits on four lines.

  • Nirast's Avatar
    Senior Editor Snow-Covered 915 941 Posts Joined 04/01/2019
    Posted 3 years, 2 months ago
    Quote From anchorm4n

    Nirast: It's a bit too creative for my taste. Please correct me if I'm wrong, but I can't think of a card that uses a choice between two options outside of "Choose One".

    Really great ideas overall! So far I have voted seven times 4 stars and one time 5 stars (might have been more without the watermark problem mentioned above) out of 16 cards. Crazy!

    Death Coil

  • anchorm4n's Avatar
    Oasis Oracle 1905 2492 Posts Joined 03/13/2019
    Posted 3 years, 2 months ago

    True, thanks for helping me out :)

    I notice I am confused. Something I believe isn't true. How do I know what I think I know?
    Harry James Potter-Evans-Verres, hpmor.com

  • Demonxz95's Avatar
    Senior Writer 2245 2671 Posts Joined 03/19/2019
    Posted 3 years, 2 months ago

    There are actually more than there initially seems like there would be. Off the top of my head, Guess the Weight and Sphere of Sapience provide two options. As as aforementioned even though it doesn't work like a traditional choice card, Death Coil could also fit into that category as well. Actually if Death Coil counts, then Demonfire and Demonheart would also count.

    In the realm of more than two options, then you expand this even further. I've always felt that Choose One shouldn't have been a Druid-specific keyword since in addition to opening lots of design spaces for other classes, modal effects are just a main staple for a lot of card games.

  • Nirast's Avatar
    Senior Editor Snow-Covered 915 941 Posts Joined 04/01/2019
    Posted 3 years, 2 months ago

    I was mostly thinking of cards that are worded "Do this, or do that", but your examples are also good, Demon.

    I agree Choose One shouldn't be exclusive to Druid, and I would argue neither should Combo.

  • Demonxz95's Avatar
    Senior Writer 2245 2671 Posts Joined 03/19/2019
    Posted 3 years, 2 months ago

    Quick feedback! Only got one day left!


    The only one of these four I don't like particularly much is Wooden Steed. I feel like just playing Animated Broomstick is generally better. The fact that it uses a non-existant pairing of classes also bothers me. It would be completely fine with a custom watermark, but not in Scholomance (though that would then put you in a problem of generating a card which would be Wild-only at the time which not everyone may be fond of).

    I like the simplicity of Repair Bots, though the first Peculiar Pilots will likely get a better score since it's more flashy.

    I think the card is okay. Mechanically it fits Priest pretty nicely, but unfortunately it doesn't fit the class flavorfully unless it was put into an extremely specific context.

  • Lundy's Avatar
    Little Devil Teemo 1555 707 Posts Joined 06/21/2019
    Posted 3 years, 2 months ago

    Good luck to everyone in the finals!

  • linkblade91's Avatar
    Senior Writer Serra Angel 1710 2890 Posts Joined 02/09/2019
    Posted 3 years, 2 months ago

    If I had known that Take Possession would be a finalist and my card would not, I would have made a bigger stink and got anchorm4n to make a new card lol jk :P

    Good luck to the finalists.

  • linkblade91's Avatar
    Senior Writer Serra Angel 1710 2890 Posts Joined 02/09/2019
    Posted 3 years, 2 months ago

    *gives anchorm4n the evil eye* ...Congratulations, ya bastard lol

  • anchorm4n's Avatar
    Oasis Oracle 1905 2492 Posts Joined 03/13/2019
    Posted 3 years, 2 months ago

    thank you! I'll take care to do something completely different than you for the rest of the season :D

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    Harry James Potter-Evans-Verres, hpmor.com

  • Wailor's Avatar
    Design Champion 640 708 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 3 years, 2 months ago

    Congrats, anchorm4n!

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