It appears that Tian Ding, Hearthstone Data Scientist, really enjoyed the response they received the last time they published data regarding the best performing decks on ladder, so here we are with another batch of archetypes you should definitely play if your goal is climbing all the way to the top.
Unlike last time, we did not receive any confirmation about the criteria used to obtain the data, but we think it is reasonable to assume it is the same - the top 1% of MMR active players in ranked Standard.
We've taken the original image and converted it into a table.
Cluster Name | Win % |
Aggro Hunter | 54.0% |
Aggro Druid | 54.0% |
Aggro-Shadow Priest | 53.8% |
Questline-Big Warlock | 53.6% |
Fel Demon Hunter | 52.6% |
Secret Paladin | 51.5% |
Poison Rogue | 51.3% |
Questline Shaman | 51.3% |
Elemental Shaman | 50.4% |
Rush Warrior | 50.1% |
Got Lists?
Tian provided us with the top three lists, we've filled in the rest using lists from
Blizzard Verified Best Standard Decks
HSReplay Best Standard Decks
Along with the last patch, there is a new secret achievement:
"Get to turn 6 without being *turned into a beautiful butterfly*"
Mod edit: removed profanity. -Sinti
I kind of dislike how Team 5 has been pushing decks and archetypes instead of letting a meta evolve naturally. They push it by releasing cards that make a archetype really strong (All the elemental cards that dropped the past few sets and self damage cards for warlock are good examples) then they have to balance around it which creates metas people find unfun.
Now show Wild lol
I never believed all the comments about Rogue being trash-tier. It's nice to see some data confirming my suspicions.
The only reason that rogue deck has a positive winrate is because it beats warlock, which is extremely popular at the 1% bracket. The deck hard loses to nearly everything else and is extremely polarizing.
Sorry to burst your bubble but rogue really isn't in a good spot right now. Although the nerfs might make questline rogue viable again.
Rogue haves 2 tier 2 decks so you talking nonsese
Tier 3 at best at most rank brackets, according to the data. Poison Rogue is only tier-2 at brackets with lots of Warlock and Mage. Check out the matchup spreads in the latest Vicious Syndicate report or the matchup spreads of Quest Rogue and Poison Rogue on HSReplay if you doubt--Quest loses to every playable meta deck except Handbuff Paladin, Fel DH, and the Warrior decks; and Poison loses HARD to every deck that tries to develop a board by the midgame.
Warlock and Mage are popular in all brackets. The two of them combined make up at least 25% of the meta at every level. Try as you might, you cannot cherry-pick data that contradicts that.
A deck that beats the meta is a good deck. It doesn't matter if you think it's weak in a vacuum. This game isn't played in a vacuum.
It's interesting to me that the D6 version of Questlock isn't on that list somewhere. I know it's a lot harder to pilot than other versions, but if we're assuming top 1% MMR players then it stands to reason that wouldn't be a major factor, and a lot of streamers have highlighted it as one of the most powerful decks in the metagame. It's also called out as a very popular version of Questlock at high legend play (based on the latest Vicious Syndicate report)
the Vicious Syndicate report clearly states that the deck isn't actually very good and only really performs at the very top of Legend.
The data here includes the 1%, which is far from top Legend.
Yes, and I attempted to allude to that by calling out the piloting difficulties - I suppose I could have been more straightforward. To be clear, I'm not saying I expect it to be high on the list. I'm just surprised it doesn't make any appearance because it's a counter to two very popular decks that are on the list.