Scabbs Cutterbutter - Mercenary

Scabbs Cutterbutter is a Fighter Mercenary. They were added in the 21.4.0 Mercenaries 1st Public patch which was released on Sept. 16, 2021.

Scabbs Cutterbutter - Mercenary Skins

Alternate skins for Scabbs Cutterbutter can be unlocked in Mercenary card packs.

Scabbs Cutterbutter Card Image Scabbs Cutterbutter Card Image Scabbs Cutterbutter Card Image Scabbs Cutterbutter Card Image

Where Can I Earn Bounty Loot for Scabbs Cutterbutter?

Bounties, the primary PVE component of Mercenaries, allow you to earn loot for your Mercenaries.

These Bounties can contain loot for Scabbs Cutterbutter.

Scabbs Cutterbutter - Mercenary Abilities

These are the abilities Scabbs Cutterbutter unlocks through leveling. Abilities have additional ranks that can be earned through Mercenary card packs or by purchasing with Scabbs Cutterbutter Coins.

Tactical Strike 1 Card Image Wicked Stab 1 Card Image Shadow Blade 1 Card Image

Below you can see all the different tiers of Scabbs Cutterbutter's abilities alongside their costs.

Tactical Strike Tiers
Tactical Strike 1
Attack an enemy. Combo: Deal @ damage to it as well.
Level 1
Speed 4
Tactical Strike 2
Attack an enemy. Combo: Deal @ damage to it as well.
Level 1
Craft for 50 Coins
Speed 4
Tactical Strike 3
Attack an enemy. Combo: Deal @ damage to it as well.
Level 1
Craft for 125 Coins
Speed 4
Tactical Strike 4
Attack an enemy. Combo: Deal @ damage to it as well.
Level 1
Craft for 150 Coins
Speed 4
Tactical Strike {0}
Attack an enemy. Combo: Deal @ damage to it as well.
Level 1
Craft for 150 Coins
Speed 4

Wicked Stab Tiers
Wicked Stab 1
Choose to deal {0}, {1}, or {2} damage. (Casts at different Speeds.)
Level 5
Cooldown 1
Speed 9
Wicked Stab 2
Choose to deal {0}, {1}, or {2} damage. (Casts at different Speeds.)
Level 5
Craft for 50 Coins
Cooldown 1
Speed 9
Wicked Stab 3
Choose to deal {0}, {1}, or {2} damage. (Casts at different Speeds.)
Level 5
Craft for 125 Coins
Cooldown 1
Speed 9
Wicked Stab 4
Choose to deal {0}, {1}, or {2} damage. (Casts at different Speeds.)
Level 5
Craft for 150 Coins
Cooldown 1
Speed 9
Wicked Stab {0}
Choose to deal {0}, {1}, or {2} damage. (Casts at different Speeds.)
Level 5
Craft for 150 Coins
Cooldown 1
Speed 9

Shadow Blade Tiers
Shadow Blade 1
Attack an enemy then gain Stealth
Level 15
Cooldown 1
Speed 6
Shadow Blade 2
Attack an enemy then gain Stealth
Level 15
Craft for 50 Coins
Cooldown 1
Speed 5
Shadow Blade 3
Attack an enemy then gain Stealth
Level 15
Craft for 125 Coins
Cooldown 1
Speed 4
Shadow Blade 4
Attack an enemy then gain Stealth
Level 15
Craft for 150 Coins
Cooldown 1
Speed 3
Shadow Blade {0}
Attack an enemy then gain Stealth
Level 15
Craft for 150 Coins
Cooldown 1
Speed 2

Scabbs Cutterbutter - Mercenary Equipment

This is the equipment you can wear on Scabbs Cutterbutter. Only one piece of equipment can be worn at a time. The first tier of each piece of equipment is obtained by completing achivements and tasks with additional tiers coming from Mercenary Packs or Scabbs Cutterbutter Coins.

SI:7 Contract 1 Card Image Paring Knife 1 Card Image Honing Rod 1 Card Image
SI:7 Contract 1 Tiers
SI:7 Contract 1
Tactical Strike's Combo effect deals @ more damage.
SI:7 Contract 2
Tactical Strike's Combo effect deals @ more damage.
Craft for 100 Coins
SI:7 Contract 3
Tactical Strike's Combo effect deals @ more damage.
Craft for 150 Coins
SI:7 Contract {0}
Tactical Strike's Combo effect deals @ more damage.
Craft for 175 Coins

Paring Knife 1 Tiers
Paring Knife 1
Wicked Stab deals @ more damage.
Paring Knife 2
Wicked Stab deals 3 more damage.
Craft for 100 Coins
Paring Knife 3
Wicked Stab deals 4 more damage.
Craft for 150 Coins
Paring Knife {0}
Wicked Stab deals {0} more damage.
Craft for 175 Coins

Honing Rod 1 Tiers
Honing Rod 1
Shadow Blade gives +@ Attack first.
Honing Rod 2
Shadow Blade gives +@ Attack first.
Craft for 100 Coins
Honing Rod 3
Shadow Blade gives +@ Attack first.
Craft for 150 Coins
Honing Rod {0}
Shadow Blade gives +@ Attack first.
Craft for 175 Coins

Scabbs Cutterbutter - Mercenary Level Stats

Click to Expand
Level Attack Health
1 1 10
2 1 12
3 1 14
4 2 16
5 2 19
6 2 21
7 3 23
8 3 25
9 4 28
10 4 30
11 4 32
12 5 35
13 5 37
14 5 39
15 6 41
16 6 44
17 7 46
18 7 48
19 7 50
20 8 53
21 8 55
22 8 57
23 9 60
24 9 62
25 10 64
26 10 66
27 10 69
28 11 71
29 11 73
30 12 76


  • ScrotieMcB's Avatar
    65 7 Posts Joined 10/15/2021
    Posted 3 years, 4 months ago

    Because I didn't see it mentioned above: the three speeds for Wicked Stab are 3, 6, and 9.

  • CrossOnline's Avatar
    35 6 Posts Joined 10/06/2021
    Posted 3 years, 5 months ago

    Scabbs has cheese. Scabbs comes off the bench with Shadow Blade (speed 2) to hit and stealth. 2nd turn, while in stealth, he plays the his longest cast Wicked Stab in order to be last to act (trying to remain in stealth) with big damage. Rinse and repeat. 2 speed stealth with big last turn hit. I do not think it will be a game breaker but it does capture the feeling of vanilla wow rogue. I think he should go Honing Rod but not certain. I see him having some use in PvE and cropping up in some F2P decks. 


    • ScrotieMcB's Avatar
      65 7 Posts Joined 10/15/2021
      Posted 3 years, 4 months ago
      Quote From CrossOnline

      Scabbs has cheese. 

      Couldn't have said it better myself.

  • Poghy's Avatar
    70 56 Posts Joined 10/06/2021
    Posted 3 years, 5 months ago

    Murlocs = bad.

    Oh, wait, wrong topic. Or is it? I dont think that Scabbs is any better than any murloc, so I have put him in the same category.

    Actually he is worse than the murlocs. He is a gnome, he doesnt use any spell school, he doesnt have any synergy.

    Possibly the worst mercenary.

    • ScrotieMcB's Avatar
      65 7 Posts Joined 10/15/2021
      Posted 3 years, 4 months ago
      Quote From Poghy

      Actually he is worse than the murlocs. He is a gnome, he doesnt use any spell school, he doesnt have any synergy.

      Possibly the worst mercenary.

      Doesn't have any synergy? His Tactical Strike combos off Xyrella, then starting on turn 2 he always has access to at least one Speed 3 damaging move to combo with Samuro.

  • FortyDust's Avatar
    Pumpkin 1205 1912 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago

    I really love the way Wicked Stab works. it opens up a ton of possibilities with various support units.

    Stealth could be amazing with a good healer in the party.

  • StormKnightSera's Avatar
    Senior Writer Serra Angel 1720 2938 Posts Joined 02/09/2019
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago

    Scabbs may lack in utility or disruption, but his damage output has some flexibility to it. The varying Speed of Wicked Stab could be the key to setting up combos, and the Stealth from Shadow Blade will always be appreciated. Honing Rod provides a means for him to ramp, as well, so he can compete with the other Fighters.

    All-in-all, Scabbs is a neat character. He's basically focused on damage, with just a hint of survivability that could make him appealing.


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