Hell, it's about time.
We have confirmation that this is the week we will finally hear about the mini-set. We aren't sure if that means this is an announcement of the announcement of an announcement or if perhaps this just the announcement of an announcement. It could go either way, or if we're really unlucky we could see further announcementception. Anyway, we're looking forward to hearing about the much-desired mini-set, Deadmines.
What are you hoping to see out of the Stormwind Mini-Set?
Quote From @PlayHearthstone Mini-set, you say? We’ll be announcing more about that later this week!
I was starting to think that one of these days I'd just see the mini-set in the shop, no announcement, no hype.
Literally everyone, including Blizzard, would be better off if they chose to play it that way.
People would literally complain that Blizzard didn't announce it and that they aren't communicating with people.
That would still be better than the actively bad communication we've been getting lately.
I wonder what class legendaries we will see. I think rogue is fitting and they really only got one with the inclusion of maestra the memelord.
My bet is on an "SI7:" legendary.
The nostalgia hit from the word "Deadmines" is real.
inb4 it isn't Deadmines
If it isn't Deadmines, Avalon will eat a shoe.
All datamining has pointed to a Deadmines theme though, and it makes a ton of sense since Stormwind's set was originally going to take place in Westfall but blizzard decided not to because of a lack of character variance. Yeah, not much going on in Westfall that would make for a ton of fresh characters.
The Stockades would make way more sense story-wise, considering Varden and Scabbs are escaping from there. I still hope it's that, otherwise the story's about to take a weird hard right.
Also I want a new Hogger card.
Oh noooo .. not again ^^
Dont forget about the Horatio-Caine guy. He put up his sunglasses at the end of a questline.
I mean there's mud pies, there's buzzards, what's not to like? Don't forget angry pigs.
I'm holding out for some more harvesters. Harvest Golem needs some friends!