New Neutral Minion - Blood Guard
Submitted 3 years, 1 month ago by
A new Common Neutral Minion, Blood Guard, has been revealed!
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A new Common Neutral Minion, Blood Guard, has been revealed!
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So...I'm just gonna not attack it then.
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
Lots of stats for 5 mana, but relies on minions on board. Also it seems too slow for aggro decks i.m.o. Probably a great arena card though.
RNG is only fun as long as there is a 50/50 chance of getting something really good or trash level of bad. If RNG always results in something good, then it's not fun.
Arena card only.
Not even good in Arena. Way too expensive and slow to be useful, and the benefit of the card is miniscule.
One word: Meh
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lol indeed! Why would one want to damage it ... sill
Struggle with Heroic Galakrond's Awakening? I got your back :
To get value, you need a board. And then you need your opponent to either ignore your board or not be able to deal with this minion first. And this doesn't have taunt.
So many things need to happen, and this being a fairly vanilla minion to begin with. In other words, just play something else.
Way too slow to be useful, the only way it could be good is if you could damage it yourself a bunch and then charge something at your opponent's face, but that seems like too much effort for too little pay-off.
Filler card, I do not see it slotted in any existing minion heavy deck. Not even good enough for Arena I think.
It's a pack filler, but...... look at this hair, is beautiful lol
If this was cheaper at like 3 mana, then it'd be good in an aggro/token deck. At 5 mana, you'd rather play game ending cards like Arbor Up. It's also more of a warrior card as it wants to take damage. Don't really see the deck this will be used in, but I'm sure the wild pros will try make an OTK with this card.
TREMBLE before.... the most legendary dragon that ever existed!
Well, Slam is a thing. Not sure if that makes this good. Maybe just less bad.
Dropping this on 5 feels bad. Maybe your opponent attacks it, but more likely you're getting no impact from it up front and your opponent will just trade into your board to limit its impact before you can pick up any buffs. It does buff itself, so that's kind of interesting, and it pairs well with Rocket Augmerchant to create a decent 6-mana AOE buff if you're trying to push for lethal with an aggro deck that lacks that kind of finishing power, but most decks that want that kind of buff (e.g. Token Druid) already have better class options. Maybe there's a Warrior deck that could proc this a bunch without a ton of effort? Probably won't see much play.
Fine arena card and another HK:Blood Guard joke.
Good for arena, but other than that it may need a lot more set up than it's worth
Without rush, this becomes difficult to benefit from. Your opponent will surely get to dictate how the damage is applied to it and make it advantageous for them. I don't see this working out very often. Of course it does require immediate answer so that you don't get the opportunity to decide how to damage it. Maybe warrior with their whirlwind effects is the place for it.
Unfortunately, common sense isn't as common as it should be.
Gives itself Attack too, which is... something.
I want there to be something here with Warrior's self-damage cards, but I'm not sure you can create a wide enough board that sticks around through a few AoEs as you trigger this ability.
Welcome to the site!
Pen Flinger shenanigans, Warrior Whirlwind stuff, there's a few ways to trigger his buff ability. The biggest issue is that it costs 5, which makes it a lot clunkier to trigger in a tempo-positive way. Maybe we'll see it in an OTK deck.
I don't want to cure cancer; I want to turn people into dinosaurs.
Feels like the kind of card that only gets to snowball in Arena and nowhere else.
Hey, you heard about that Mario guy?
At first glance it looks good, but given that a board is needed and it costs 5 by itself, I don't think it'll see any play outside the arena.
In Arena it holds up pretty well.
To be great is to be misunderstood