Meta evolution
Submitted 2 years, 10 months ago by
There will be any meta evolution after the miniset launch? I don't see major changes coming ...
Some dragons experiments ... but I cannot imagine major evolution ... Any feeling?
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There will be any meta evolution after the miniset launch? I don't see major changes coming ...
Some dragons experiments ... but I cannot imagine major evolution ... Any feeling?
I am 69 years old and still reach Legend
Probably plenty of people trying out priest and druid to make Kazakusan work.
I can see ramp druid doing better from this midset, maybe a comeback from quest hunter and control priest as well.
Personally I will be trying out a control Warlock that hopes to ruin your day with Tamsin and a couple of 1 mana spells that won't be fun for any of you if it works. Low minions so gonna top it off with Kazakhstan or whatever its name is.
Does anyone know if it works if you have zero minions in deck?
The Only Constructed Deck Worth Playing:
Quest Priest might become a lot better because Duskbreaker 2 allows you to dumpster aggro decks such as Druid and Hunter.
Quest Hunter will probably become a lot better and have an impact because it's a deck that can fight board based decks and still have a lot of burn damage against Combo/Control decks (and thank to Howl it no longer just gasses out after quest completion)
Ramp Druid probably gets better and eventually people will hate it for highrolling all the time, but then we all remember that in about 2 months Overgrowth rotates and the deck falls apart.
I feel like Warrior's gonna become better because hitting stuff very hard is a very easy way to deal with any big threat immediately...also Rush Warrior could make a return if people cared enough to reinvent the archetype (it's honestly not bad in the current landscape...just not very new).
Other than that not much is gonna happen I think. Mage is gonna need a rotation and a new expansion to do anything other than what they're doing now. Rogue doesn't change outside of adding RNG to Quest Rogue. DH does the same as now, Shaman as well (although Quest Shaman is probably a lot stronger now). Warlock got nothing relevant, Paladin is just more of the same.
Low impact set for now, but probably gonna be very influential next year. A lot of the stuff that's outclassed right now is gonna be a needed replacement for something that rotates.
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
Cora confirmed in a tweet that Kazakusan works just fine if you have no minions at all.
Feels like I had the right idea. Quest Hunter feels ultra-broken now. Consistency is now off the charts, you basically have two more Kodobanes + a self-replacing quest progress + lategame burn. It eats aggressive decks for breakfast. I ran into both a Shadow Priest and a Hunter who had Trogg turn 1 and I beat both of them.
It eats minion-based decks alive, it shits on control decks too by just being faster at pushing out damage. Slate makes it so you can come back from just about any bad board state. The only thing that beats it is consistently is burn or really fast ramp into escalating threats.
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
deck code / link please
I am 69 years old and still reach Legend
### out of normal pills
# Class: Hunter
# Format: Standard
# Year of the Gryphon
# 2x (1) Arcane Shot
# 1x (1) Defend the Dwarven District
# 2x (1) Overwhelm
# 2x (1) Tracking
# 2x (1) Wound Prey
# 1x (2) Bloodmage Thalnos
# 2x (2) Bola Shot
# 2x (2) Dragonbane Shot
# 2x (2) Explosive Trap
# 2x (2) Furious Howl
# 2x (2) Manafeeder Panthara
# 2x (2) Quick Shot
# 2x (3) Aimed Shot
# 1x (3) Mankrik
# 1x (3) Professor Slate
# 2x (4) Piercing Shot
# 1x (4) Rinling's Rifle
# 1x (5) Barak Kodobane
# To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
I've enjoyed messing around with Kazakusan Priest, and even climbed a bit with it. If Questline Hunter becomes a top tier meta deck in the next week or so, I could see it being a serious tier 2 deck because of how much healing it has. But unlike Deathrattle Priest it has no armor gain and puts on very little pressure, so it will take a pretty serious beating if any OTK deck survives the mini set meta changes.
Have played 20 games thus far and faced maybe 2 decks with new cards. The rest is the same old toxic crap - Face Hunter, Hero Power Mage, Pirate Warrior, Freeze Shaman, Libram Paladin, and Ramp Druid with zero new cards.
worst community ever
Tks - I will try it
I am 69 years old and still reach Legend
Played 3 games this morning to finish my daily and all 3 games ended with me being destroyed by Locustsssss or other ridiculuous Kazakuson treasures.
Not sure how I feel about it yet... It felt terrible to lose to stuff I have no way of playing around.
I suppose I just need to play hyper aggro decks that will win before Kazakus comes down?
Locusts really needs a nerf. There's no reason for it to have Twinspell. It's pretty much a guaranteed 28 damage that can't be played around outside of exactly Snowfall Guardian. And I'm saying that as someone who has yet to have Locusts played against them; just playing it feels so dirty.
Otherwise, Kazakusan is probably fine. He's an 8 mana do-nothing that sets up to win in a few turns. There are faster and safer win conditions in Standard already.
A man is lying on the street, some punks chopped off his head
I'm the only one who stops to see if he's dead.
Hmm. Turns out he's dead.
Hi, what rank is the minimum required in order to start facing new cards? Do I need to pilot an old aggro face deck to legend in order to start seeing a different meta?
no joke, no exaggeration, somewhere between 80 and 100% of what I'm facing is old decks with no new cards.
this is a legitimate question, please don't downvote me.
worst community ever
How often do you expect to see new cards when each class only got 3 cards, and 34 neutral cards were released? It would be a real issue if every old deck suddenly became invalidated because of 30 something neutral cards.
Your face is already dead
At least some of the time. I don't expect there to be an entirely new meta, just one that isn't 100% the old meta. Based on responses I'm getting here and elsewhere where I've tried to bring this up, it seems a lot of people are queuing into new cards and living in some wonderful world where control is somewhat viable, and I'm just wondering how high up the ranks I need to climb in order to get there.
worst community ever
You can just... play control decks. I piloted a Quest Priest to Diamond 4 or something in January (that sounds unimpressive, but I play like four or five games of ranked a session max and I rarely play every day). You're not gonna have the bestest winrate evar, but like, tier 2/off-meta decks usually still have a high enough winrate to climb.
You can be the new meta. I've seen Kazakusan played 10+ times over the last two days, and I was every single one of them.
A man is lying on the street, some punks chopped off his head
I'm the only one who stops to see if he's dead.
Hmm. Turns out he's dead.
I have just seen three Kazakusan decks. All ramp druid. Two win and one loss ... depending which cards they were able to find
I am 69 years old and still reach Legend
Guys please don't downvote me. I am asking legitimate questions here. I am frustrated that I'm not experiencing the same meta that everyone else is and I'm asking legitimate questions. If I'm breaking forum rules somehow, please let me know instead of downvoting. If you have beef with me for some reason and that's why you're downvoting, message me.
I'm not seeing anything but old decks, I don't know what to tell you.
worst community ever
Not everyone buys the miniset on Day 1 and with the cards that were released (namely the two big Dragons) I don't blame people for playing the consistent old aggro decks.
I have played a handful of games and at least half have been against Kazakuson Druid. It's annoying AF to play against, so maybe count yourself lucky. It no longer feels like hearthstone when I'm getting my face beat in by QuelDelar and taking another 14 damage from Locustsss. These cards were created and balanced for Duels, where you have higher life totals and larger decks.
When Druid ramps out Kazakus on your Turn 4/5 they now have a 20-60% chance to draw a particular Duels treasure next turn that will just end the game. You can't really play around any of them.
I would honestly rather play against endless Kazakusan Druids than Pirate Warrior, Face Hunter, Libram Paladin, HP Mage, and Freeze Shaman.
worst community ever
Well this post aged poorly XD
Now it's just all Kazakuzan
This ain't no place for a hero
I feel like the meta was in a decent spot after the Thief Rogue nerfs too. They couldn't help themselves lol.
Today I have face a pretty wide variety of:
* Questline Raza/Anduin Hunter
* Questline Raza/Anduin Hunter
* Questline Raza/Anduin Hunter
* Questline Infinite Value For Free Pirate Warrior
* Thief Rogue
* Questline Rogue
* Hero Power Mage
* Freeze Shaman
ft. "Zero New Cards". I would shell out real world money to queue into nothing but Kazakstan Druids all day.
worst community ever
Is it okay if I ask what rank you are? and the highest you have been to?
Your face is already dead
current - gold 5 platinum 5
highest - legend
i play for fun mostly. the times i hit legend wasn't an accident, but was because i actually tried to climb.
edit: this is a response to the above question, please don't downvote it for no reason.
worst community ever
Honestly, I think you ought to climb to D5. That is where the average player is experimenting I would think. I am trying hard to make quest DH work and am coming across a lot of control priests, big mages, but mostly druids. I imagine I tanked my MMR experimenting myself though.
Your face is already dead
Plat 5 is unclimbable without aggro face decks, and I guess since I refuse to stoop to that level of mindlessness, here I will be stuck until rotation.
just gonna concede before the matches start i suppose. raza anduin on curve, otk demon hunter, whats the point of playing ladder right now? i wish i was exaggerating, just look at the VS rankings, literally every deck at t1 and t2 for my spot on ladder is aggro. no thanks.
worst community ever
Somehow, I think card games are not for you.
Your face is already dead
because I don't like playing aggro?
worst community ever
Because you're incapable of countering decks and instead come to these forums to whinge about it non stop.
Hurt durr all I face is aggro should I play a control deck to counter it or just complain about it instead?
To out of cards we go!
non stop eh? I haven't posted here in months. i was not exaggerating anything here, I was facing mostly old decks with no new cards for two days straight. and no, current control decks do not counter aggro.
worst community ever
Yeah, that has been an experience of few other ppl as well, when the mini-set dropped. Kinda sad, but at the same time, i guess it would take some time for ppl to start experimenting en masse with new cards, or netdeck. Guess neither scenario is a good one, if we think about it, but could explain what was happening.
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I asked a couple people after the match and was hearing a lot of similar comments, mainly that VS hadn't released a new meta snapshot tierlist yet. Seems folks would rather autopilot than be creative.
worst community ever
Non stop in the fact that every time you do post, they're all similar to this.
Non stop in the sense that I have not seen you post anything positive once.
Current control decks absolutely do counter aggro, what? Libram paladin, quest shaman, fel demon hunter. All of them have an extremely easy time against priests, hunters and warriors that you've been whining about.
most of what i"ve posted here has been in the salt thread. what of it?
idk about fel demon hunter but libram pally and quest shaman are NOT control decks. quest shaman is a tempo deck (arguably aggro, just not hyper aggro kill you on 5), and libram paladin is also a tempo deck.
worst community ever
And every other post of yours that isn't in the salt thread, might as well belong there too. That of it.
Ah yes, the good old 'control is only 30 removal card decks'. Fine, have it your way. My point still stands. All of those decks completely stomp the field you described to be in, and none of them classify as aggro, which you seem to be allergic to for some reason.
Learn to pick the right decks or git gud. That's all.
If you feel like I've done something to violate the rules of this forum, then please report it. If you think I should be banned for some reason, don't make salty whiny posts here, report it.
Libram Paladin is tempo. Quest Shaman is aggro/burn. idk what to tell you. Neither is a control deck.
worst community ever
Nobody thinks you should be banned. The dislike button doesn't mean "ban this", it - and hold here, because this will be very shocking - it means "I dislike this."
I dislike whiny, pretentious, nihilistic, posts that are looking to complain instead of actually improve and use "Oh don't diswike poow old meee, I'm just giving my opinion!" as if that's a shield against all criticism.
A man is lying on the street, some punks chopped off his head
I'm the only one who stops to see if he's dead.
Hmm. Turns out he's dead.
This thread was about the meta. I posted my experience of the meta, which was not inflated or exaggerated or "whiny, pretentious, nihilistic,' but actual fact of what I was facing.
If that's not allowed here, please let me know what rule I'm breaking.
Current meta, AS I AM EXPERIENCING IT, is all old aggro/combo decks, and "I drew Kazakusan first, I win" Druids. Not really facing much else. Kazkausan seems to be the only card from the mini set that mattered.
Stay classy guys.
worst community ever
R5 Diamond is ~50% Druid for me right now. All the aggro is way more fun since there's a decent chance to beat it. T5 2x Cenarion Ward shenanigans is even worse (and more consistently reliable) than T5 Kazakusan bullshit. Once again ramp druid proves there's nothing less fun than mana cheating.
Now you kids are probably saying to yourselves, "Hey Matt, how can we get back on the right track?"![](
Quest Shaman is not aggro. If you think it is, I would like to know SPECIFICALLY where you are learning your terminology.
If it were aggro, it would send a lot more damage toward face in the early game. It does not do that. It uses some damage to control the board, and it freezes what it cannot efficiently kill until it can achieve inevitability (often in the form of burst damage). These are hallmarks of a control deck. It's quite literally the definition of control.
An aggro deck would never use a card like Perpetual Flame.