New Duels Hero - Twisted Cornelius
Submitted 2 years, 10 months ago by
Hello everyone. Inspired by one of my favorite storyline and encounter of the Book of Hero, I have made a new Duel hero, Twisted Cornelius, a Paladin / Warlock dual class hero!
Hero Power:
- Legion Recruit: A great Hero Power that benefit an aggressive playstyle. The Demon created by the Hero Power also benefit from Silver Hand Recruit synergy.
- Twisted Arts: A flexible Hero Power that goes great with any deck, from control / combo deck to trade off their combo pieces / removal / board clear for more situationally suitable cards to aggressive deck to smooth out their curve. If the spell doesn't have a school, the Hero Power will draw a random spell with no school. The dual class nature of the Cornelius means that you will get access to Holy, Shadow and Fel spells
- Twisted Memory: A Hero Power for the more control / combo / midrange oriented decks that allow you to tutor out your midrange threat or combo pieces while also contest the board with a 2/1 Rush minion.
- Unholy Wrath: A Treasure that allow for great removal / burst and recovery for Aggressive deck using Silver Hand Recruit / Demon synergy. The name and effect is based on the Paladin card Holy Wrath
- Blessing of Father: A Treasure that allow for great buff from the 2nd Hero Power while searchable by the 3rd Hero Power. Note that if it is discarded you do not have control over which friendly minion that will be buffed. The name and effect is based on the Paladin spell Blessing of Kings
- Tamsin's Perfume: A great Treasure that allow for early / mid game tempo that will get better with more cards you collect during run. This card can be searched with the second and third Hero Power.
- Zealous Inquisitor: A great tempo card that will swing the board in your favor and offer great Health recovery. The name, stats and effect is a combination of Lightforged Zealot and Felsoul Inquisitor.
- Corrupted Ashbringer: A card that allow you to swing your tempo as well as discount the spells you hold in your hand that you drew due to your 2nd Hero Power.
- Sister Rivalry: A spell that reward aggressive board flood playstyle using Silver Hand Recruit and Demons. The Disguised will get buffed twice, meaning that each of them will have +3/+2.
How the two classes synergize with each other:
- Paladin has a difficult time with board clear and board swarming. Warlock card pool would substantially help with that
- Warlock has a hard time with health recovery, something Paladin excel at. They also has a hard time buffing up their minions out of removal and board clear range, something Paladin will help them with.
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Hello everyone. Inspired by one of my favorite storyline and encounter of the Book of Hero, I have made a new Duel hero, Twisted Cornelius, a Paladin / Warlock dual class hero!
Hero Power:
How the two classes synergize with each other: