Galvangar heroic help

Submitted 2 years, 9 months ago by


I'm trying to beat Galvangar heroic for the equipment. I watched Old Guardian's guides to this encounter.

First he recommends Orcs. But my Orcs are not in a good shape as I crafted Garrosh and Thrall recently. My greens are ok (Rokara and Samuro maxed) but the reds have the skills and the item on 3. Except Thrall's item is on 4. I tried 3 times but did not succeed. Even with good treasures like Warchiefs blessing. OG starts with 30+ attack on his Orcs which I could not achieve. I start with the 3 reds, do I? Do I focus Galvangar or the green add? I tried both, but nothing worked.

The second sugestion of OG for the budget comp does not help me because my own Galvangar is not playable.

Am I doing sth wrong? Is my comp to underleveled? Is there any other comp I could try?

  • aposteljoe's Avatar
    COMMENT_COUNT_600_HS 1170 644 Posts Joined 06/18/2019
    Posted 2 years, 9 months ago


    I'm trying to beat Galvangar heroic for the equipment. I watched Old Guardian's guides to this encounter.

    First he recommends Orcs. But my Orcs are not in a good shape as I crafted Garrosh and Thrall recently. My greens are ok (Rokara and Samuro maxed) but the reds have the skills and the item on 3. Except Thrall's item is on 4. I tried 3 times but did not succeed. Even with good treasures like Warchiefs blessing. OG starts with 30+ attack on his Orcs which I could not achieve. I start with the 3 reds, do I? Do I focus Galvangar or the green add? I tried both, but nothing worked.

    The second sugestion of OG for the budget comp does not help me because my own Galvangar is not playable.

    Am I doing sth wrong? Is my comp to underleveled? Is there any other comp I could try?

  • Avalon's Avatar
    Salty Dog 1550 2105 Posts Joined 06/12/2019
    Posted 2 years, 9 months ago

    I am F2P in Mercs, but I haven't done Galvangar Heroic yet.

    I'll take a look at it later, and will try to come up with a strategy.

    Could you please tell me what are your strongest/favorite Mercs?

    Spice Lord and self-proclaimed Meme Master.

    • You can follow me on Twitter - I am always active and you can tag me to highlight your (or someone else's) 12 wins Duels run or really anything Hearthstone-related!
    • Hearthstone Battletag: beppe946#2807 (EU)
  • aposteljoe's Avatar
    COMMENT_COUNT_600_HS 1170 644 Posts Joined 06/18/2019
    Posted 2 years, 9 months ago

    I have

    • the f2p comp (Cariel, Samuro, Xyrella) maxed
    • the nature brothers (Malfurion, Guff, Brukan) + Anacondta
    • Old school fire (Anton, Rag, Geddon) - don't own Balinda yet
    • the new Dragon climb (Brightwing, Yulon, Sinestra)

    Some other good/maxed Mercs include Tamson, Milhouse, King Krush, Kurtrus and the Murlocs

  • CuddlyCactus's Avatar
    Mankrik's Wife 335 59 Posts Joined 10/04/2020
    Posted 2 years, 9 months ago

    nobody likes to play Mercs. sry. 

  • DragonDraena's Avatar
    640 449 Posts Joined 08/10/2021
    Posted 2 years, 9 months ago

    If you want the equipment, I believe your Galvangar needs to be in the party, so an orc comp makes sense. 

    I just tried it (with Xyrella), and they got their butts kicked by the massive amounts of attack that the bosses rack up so quickly. 

    I think murlocs could work here, but I'd try your nature comp, esp if you have Malfurion and his root ability. You're gonna need root or freeze to stop them from whacking you in the face. 

    Also, ignore that prickly cactus. Plenty of players enjoy some Mercs and there's a whole thread with tips and tricks for beating bounty bosses. 

    Lmk what works for you, I'm still chasing that equipment too! 

  • dapperdog's Avatar
    Dragon Scholar 1890 5610 Posts Joined 07/29/2019
    Posted 2 years, 9 months ago
    Quote From DragonDraena

    If you want the equipment, I believe your Galvangar needs to be in the party, so an orc comp makes sense. 

    I just tried it (with Xyrella), and they got their butts kicked by the massive amounts of attack that the bosses rack up so quickly. 

    I think murlocs could work here, but I'd try your nature comp, esp if you have Malfurion and his root ability. You're gonna need root or freeze to stop them from whacking you in the face. 

    Also, ignore that prickly cactus. Plenty of players enjoy some Mercs and there's a whole thread with tips and tricks for beating bounty bosses. 

    Lmk what works for you, I'm still chasing that equipment too! 

    Galvangar only needs to be part of your 6 man merc team, he doesn't need to feature or do anything, as long as you win it he'll get his equipment.

    So you're not forced to run an orc team, but it might still be the best choice at the end of the day.

  • coriolis's Avatar
    380 284 Posts Joined 07/03/2019
    Posted 2 years, 9 months ago

    In general, I would take what Guardian says with a grain of salt -- don't get me wrong, he's one of the best content creators for Mercenaries, but he has a very particular playstyle and approach, and he often makes assumptions based on these that won't work for a lot of other Mercenaries players.

    The biggest hurdle I encountered for all heroic Alterac Valley bounties is evaluating the threat level for the new units in the encounters leading to the final fight. I would routinely lose 2 or 3 party members in the climb, so I was always at least one mercenary down at the end, and that just made some fights impossible to finish. It took me a few runs to properly navigate the bounty maps and reduce the risks to my team.

    For Galvangar in particular, just do the bounty on normal a few times to see how the fight works. You can then evaluate which of your own mercenaries would be best suited for the final fight. In the case of Galvangar, you want mercenaries that physically attack and can gain health without healing; protectors (red) are ideal, with casters (blue) as a second choice. You want to avoid fighters (green) at all costs, as they'll just get slaughtered by Galvangar's bodyguards.

    Once you have your lineup of 3-4 mercenaries for the boss fight, pick complementary members for the climb; that way, even if you lose one reaching the boss, it doesn't cripple you completely. For Galvangar, you would prioritize fighters to round out your party.

    Hope that helps! And remember: there's no time limit for unlocking equipment. If nothing you do seems to work, just go back to other bounties to rank up your team, and try again in a few days.

  • Avalon's Avatar
    Salty Dog 1550 2105 Posts Joined 06/12/2019
    Posted 2 years, 9 months ago

    So, I took a look to the streamers I checked in the past when I had to complete specific Heroic Bounties for equipments - unfortunately, almost all of them go all in on Orcs, so that might be a problem for you.

    As for the strategy, it appears that knocking down Galvangar first seems the best strategy, as it stacks Bleed on your characters and blocks healing, which is a long way for saying that he's going to singlehandedly kill you if left unchecked.

    Xyrella into Samuro seems a solid strategy, but I wonder if the Smite-Cornelius combo can work without healing...

    Spice Lord and self-proclaimed Meme Master.

    • You can follow me on Twitter - I am always active and you can tag me to highlight your (or someone else's) 12 wins Duels run or really anything Hearthstone-related!
    • Hearthstone Battletag: beppe946#2807 (EU)
  • aposteljoe's Avatar
    COMMENT_COUNT_600_HS 1170 644 Posts Joined 06/18/2019
    Posted 2 years, 9 months ago

    Thanks all for your answers. 

    @CuddlyCactus not even your are not adding anything meaningful to the discussion, but you are already proven wrong by the amount of answers ;)

    @coriolis thanks, I know I'm not under pressure and climbing is no problem with the Orc team. I'd like to equip my own Galvangar because heroic Kazakus will be my next project and Orcs are supposed be good there, too.

    @Avalon + dapperdog: yes Orcs might be the the best way. In normal it worked great. I'll try Cornelius/Smite/Rokara at least once. I think that even if Cornelius dies, Smite should be big enough then.

    Maybe if I post my Orc team you can say if it is to weak or if I'm making mistakes.

    Garrosh @Tusks of Mannoroth lvl3
    all skills lvl3 - but I have 250 coins to spend

    Thrall @Ring of Strength lvl4
    all skills lvl 3 - 60 coins

    Saurfang @Serrated Shield lvl3
    Mobilizing Strike 4, others on 3 -71 coins

    Grommash @Halting Sash lvl2
    Blood Fervor 3, Staggering Slam 4, Battlefury 2 - 164 coins

    Samuro @Burning Blade 5

    Galvangar (is not supposed to be used)

    So without any task farming I could upgrade 1 skill or item on Garrosh and 1 skill on Grommash. 

  • Avalon's Avatar
    Salty Dog 1550 2105 Posts Joined 06/12/2019
    Posted 2 years, 9 months ago
    Quote From aposteljoe

    Garrosh @Tusks of Mannoroth lvl3

    all skills lvl3 - but I have 250 coins to spend

    Thrall @Ring of Strength lvl4
    all skills lvl 3 - 60 coins

    Saurfang @Serrated Shield lvl3
    Mobilizing Strike 4, others on 3 -71 coins

    Grommash @Halting Sash lvl2
    Blood Fervor 3, Staggering Slam 4, Battlefury 2 - 164 coins

    Samuro @Burning Blade 5

    Galvangar (is not supposed to be used)

    Garrosh - I would upgrade the "buff" ability, as it bypasses the no heal restriction of the final fight.

    Grommash - Staggering Slam is very strong: I'd upgrade this ability.

    Spice Lord and self-proclaimed Meme Master.

    • You can follow me on Twitter - I am always active and you can tag me to highlight your (or someone else's) 12 wins Duels run or really anything Hearthstone-related!
    • Hearthstone Battletag: beppe946#2807 (EU)
  • dapperdog's Avatar
    Dragon Scholar 1890 5610 Posts Joined 07/29/2019
    Posted 2 years, 9 months ago
    Quote From aposteljoe

    Maybe if I post my Orc team you can say if it is to weak or if I'm making mistakes.

    Garrosh @Tusks of Mannoroth lvl3
    all skills lvl3 - but I have 250 coins to spend

    Thrall @Ring of Strength lvl4
    all skills lvl 3 - 60 coins

    Saurfang @Serrated Shield lvl3
    Mobilizing Strike 4, others on 3 -71 coins

    Grommash @Halting Sash lvl2
    Blood Fervor 3, Staggering Slam 4, Battlefury 2 - 164 coins

    Samuro @Burning Blade 5

    Galvangar (is not supposed to be used)

    So without any task farming I could upgrade 1 skill or item on Garrosh and 1 skill on Grommash. 

    I'd go rokara instead of samuro to be honest. If there's no one activating samuro then he's not worth it, just dies off way too quick. Rokara can at very least grant some extra health to your other orcs if needed, and one of her equipment pushes her health to a default 90+.

    Through your fight towards the boss, I'd say to be very careful with your saurfang, because usually every enemy will target him, for some reason. I'd avoid putting teams out that'll allow the AI to snipe off someone on turn 2, that's just the easiest way you'd lose your mercs before the boss.


    Another thing you can try is to scout out the map before proceeding. If you have to fight off a heroic merc on your way to the boss, just reroll the map. Its not worth it to lose mercs along the way because of a cheesy map.

  • aposteljoe's Avatar
    COMMENT_COUNT_600_HS 1170 644 Posts Joined 06/18/2019
    Posted 2 years, 9 months ago
    Quote From dapperdog
    Quote From aposteljoe

    Maybe if I post my Orc team you can say if it is to weak or if I'm making mistakes.

    Garrosh @Tusks of Mannoroth lvl3
    all skills lvl3 - but I have 250 coins to spend

    Thrall @Ring of Strength lvl4
    all skills lvl 3 - 60 coins

    Saurfang @Serrated Shield lvl3
    Mobilizing Strike 4, others on 3 -71 coins

    Grommash @Halting Sash lvl2
    Blood Fervor 3, Staggering Slam 4, Battlefury 2 - 164 coins

    Samuro @Burning Blade 5

    Galvangar (is not supposed to be used)

    So without any task farming I could upgrade 1 skill or item on Garrosh and 1 skill on Grommash. 

    I'd go rokara instead of samuro to be honest. If there's no one activating samuro then he's not worth it, just dies off way too quick. Rokara can at very least grant some extra health to your other orcs if needed, and one of her equipment pushes her health to a default 90+.

    Through your fight towards the boss, I'd say to be very careful with your saurfang, because usually every enemy will target him, for some reason. I'd avoid putting teams out that'll allow the AI to snipe off someone on turn 2, that's just the easiest way you'd lose your mercs before the boss.


    Another thing you can try is to scout out the map before proceeding. If you have to fight off a heroic merc on your way to the boss, just reroll the map. Its not worth it to lose mercs along the way because of a cheesy map.

    Ok, I'll try Rokara. next time. Grommash would be my Samuro activator otherwise. 

    The climbing is no problem and I always reach the boss with a full team. I already do the things you are suggesting (reroll the map, no greens vs mono-blue Mercs encounters). I even finished the Chi-Ji event, so I'm no total noob.

    During the climb only the Frozen Mammoth can be critical as it gets to 30-40 attack after turn 1, but I've been always able to manage this with Garrosh's taunt (btw: did you know that 2 Mammoths wake up as soon as you kill the 3rd minion. I thought that "no other minions" would include the second Mammoth as well). I'm only struggeling with the boss fight. Perhaps I'm misplaying during the "cooldown skill" turn?

    What do you guys think of Niuzao with the divine shield equipment? I tried Mr. Smite yesterday but he was killed t1.

  • aposteljoe's Avatar
    COMMENT_COUNT_600_HS 1170 644 Posts Joined 06/18/2019
    Posted 2 years, 9 months ago

    Yeah friends, I did it! I used the Orc comp but got nice treasures this time, like an passive +10/+20 after an elite or so, Actaually, Galvangar died last because the red add drew some skills of mine and the Saurfang Orc with 50 attack did good work.

    So we see next time in the Kazakus heroic thread...

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