Why don't let us fight in Naxx with classic decks?

Submitted 2 years, 1 month ago by

Hi to all!

I don't known if I'm doin' things right (it's my first forum thread here), but just give a read to this.

Some days ago diamond Loatheb was added to the game, so I've think it was time to play old adventures for getting the set cards without crafting them and in the end that sweet diamond version.

But since this adventure is the first, i noticed is extra easy if played with deck made with all the pool of cards we have now, so i was looking to the internet if there were information about the actual card pool of that time, i wasn't able to find exactly the list of the cards, but it was clear were just basic and classic cards.

And this bring me to the question in the title of the thread: why we can't just play this adventure in the ol' fashioned way? I think it would be a cool and/or a challenging experience! Also 'cause it's hard to make a deck like those old times in wild because nerfs, buffs, replaced cards ecc...

What do you think Out of Cards community?

(The best community imho)

  • GreatTichu's Avatar
    Crossroads Historian 370 234 Posts Joined 03/06/2021
    Posted 2 years, 1 month ago

    Hi to all!

    I don't known if I'm doin' things right (it's my first forum thread here), but just give a read to this.

    Some days ago diamond Loatheb was added to the game, so I've think it was time to play old adventures for getting the set cards without crafting them and in the end that sweet diamond version.

    But since this adventure is the first, i noticed is extra easy if played with deck made with all the pool of cards we have now, so i was looking to the internet if there were information about the actual card pool of that time, i wasn't able to find exactly the list of the cards, but it was clear were just basic and classic cards.

    And this bring me to the question in the title of the thread: why we can't just play this adventure in the ol' fashioned way? I think it would be a cool and/or a challenging experience! Also 'cause it's hard to make a deck like those old times in wild because nerfs, buffs, replaced cards ecc...

    What do you think Out of Cards community?

    (The best community imho)

    For The HORDE!

  • AngryShuckie's Avatar
    1705 1735 Posts Joined 06/03/2019
    Posted 2 years, 1 month ago

    It's a nice idea, and makes me wonder why Classic decks are blocked from Naxx (and other Adventures). Presumably when the Standard-Wild split occurred they coded it to search for Wild decks and never changed it. Maybe the HS code doesn't actually have the means to simultaneously allow both Wild and Classic and it isn't as easy as it sounds to change it? It sounds silly, but I know from experience that you often code something that makes good sense at the time, then regret needing to change an awful lot just to generalise it a bit.

    I know Classic saw a lot of nerfs over the years, but I wonder how much that really limits you in Heroic Naxx if you want to make a pseudo-Classic deck out of Legacy cards. From what I recall, the most useful cards were often janky things that weren't ever nerf targets. So you can still give it a go forcing that constraint on yourself, perhaps allowing Naxx cards too.

  • GreatTichu's Avatar
    Crossroads Historian 370 234 Posts Joined 03/06/2021
    Posted 2 years, 1 month ago

    Thanks for your reply,

    I don't think classic should be playable in other adventures except Naxx. On classic there are combos quite strong, like the druid one, and in that case it was actually possible use them when the adventure was released, right?

    Probably the coding problems you mentioned were right, and for sure developers can't (or won't) care about wild solo content issues.

    For me i would play the game like it was when it was released, 'cause i want the real challenge (or not much of a challenge) the game was.

    For The HORDE!

  • GreatTichu's Avatar
    Crossroads Historian 370 234 Posts Joined 03/06/2021
    Posted 2 years, 1 month ago


    Anyone have suggestion to how to deckbuilding like when it was just released? Is still possible or too many cards have been changed?

    For The HORDE!

  • AngryShuckie's Avatar
    1705 1735 Posts Joined 06/03/2019
    Posted 2 years, 1 month ago

    Hello again. I just looked through the Naxx and Legacy sets to gauge how much is different from August 2014. The good news is Naxx is completely unchanged after Undertaker's nerf was reverted.

    For the Legacy set, Druid got hit pretty hard, so you might struggle to replicate OG Naxx experiences with that class. It's not all nerfs, as there have been a couple of buffs and a couple of nerfs were reverted (Nourish and Ancient of Lore), but I feel like 3 mana Wild Growth, Innervate for 1 mana crystal, and a completely different Force of Nature will undermine any authenticity there.

    The other classes are probably close enough to where they were back then, with only Fiery War Axe feeling like a massive hit when I went through it. They're mostly a mix of nerfs, buffs, and partially reverted nerfs that put the overall power pretty close to 2014. If anything it's weaker, so the changes won't have removed the challenge. Most importantly, the tools available still essentially the same, so the problem solving aspect is unchanged.

    So I'd suggest just building decks out of Naxx and Legacy cards only, and seeing how it goes. If you kept track of which cards were Hall of Fame replacements (and hence not around in 2014) then exclude them, but they're all tame enough that it won't matter much.

    Good luck, and happy hunting :)

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