A Norse God expansion would be cool. Here are some ideas.

Submitted 2 years, 1 month ago by

  • Pele's Avatar
    Pikachu 155 60 Posts Joined 03/24/2022
    Posted 2 years, 1 month ago

    Time Wizard Card Image

  • AngryShuckie's Avatar
    1705 1735 Posts Joined 06/03/2019
    Posted 2 years, 1 month ago

    The flavour is pretty good all-round, which is impressive given it stays within normal HS mechanics. Loki is a bit weird mechanically, but that makes perfect sense for the character.

    You might consider nerfing many of them into a state that would be plausible for current HS designs. Fenrir, for example, is way stronger than the (recently buffed) Darius Crowley and Odin... well he's got 2x Flamestrike, +10 armour, plus a 7/7 body with 2x 2/1 rushers, all for the same cost as a single Flamestrike. Those are certainly not the only ones that would raise concerns about balance, though some of them may be OK (e.g. Loki and Skadi).

    I appreciate people often design cards purely for flavour and assume balance would be sorted if they were ever actually printed - I'm sure the initial design team does that a lot too - but you should attempt to make the cards look half-balanced. I'd be interested to hear how you chose the numbers on some of them, when to me they are so clearly overtuned I'd never even consider them when designing a card.

  • Pele's Avatar
    Pikachu 155 60 Posts Joined 03/24/2022
    Posted 2 years, 1 month ago
    Quote From AngryShuckie

    The flavour is pretty good all-round, which is impressive given it stays within normal HS mechanics. Loki is a bit weird mechanically, but that makes perfect sense for the character.

    You might consider nerfing many of them into a state that would be plausible for current HS designs. Fenrir, for example, is way stronger than the (recently buffed) Darius Crowley and Odin... well he's got 2x Flamestrike, +10 armour, plus a 7/7 body with 2x 2/1 rushers, all for the same cost as a single Flamestrike. Those are certainly not the only ones that would raise concerns about balance, though some of them may be OK (e.g. Loki and Skadi).

    I appreciate people often design cards purely for flavour and assume balance would be sorted if they were ever actually printed - I'm sure the initial design team does that a lot too - but you should attempt to make the cards look half-balanced. I'd be interested to hear how you chose the numbers on some of them, when to me they are so clearly overtuned I'd never even consider them when designing a card.

    I was just thinking about Colossals. Colossals have some crazy stats but I guess some of my cards are even crazier than colossals.

    Big minions usually get destroyed by some cheap spell anyways so I thought Fenrir was fine. Reducing him to a 5/5  and increasing the cost to 6 might be good.

    Jormungand is a 10 mana class card so I gave it crazy stats to fit. Especially since it destroys your own minions.

    Heimdall is probably too cheap and should be more like 7 mana.

    Loki is basically it can only be destroyed with aoe it has a good effect to make up for the bad stats+cost. Like the Reno hero card you make a minion disappear from existence.

    Freyja could reduce the cost by 2 instead of reducing the cost drastically to 1

    I don't think Odin is that strong its basically a better more expensive brawl. To balance him I would make him 8 or 9 mana. As a sometimes better Twister Nether.

    I think Hel is fine

    Skadi is fine

    Ratatoskr might have too much high roll and may need increased mana cost. Also reducing a beast to 1 mana instead of 0.

    Thor is fine I actually thought he might be too weak or basic.

    Ymir is better than Druid Death Knight so reducing his stats to 5/5 or Increasing the cost to 8 or 9 mana could balance him.

    (Yeah I can see why these cards would be too strong kinda hard to be creative and balance simultaneously though.)



    Time Wizard Card Image

  • AngryShuckie's Avatar
    1705 1735 Posts Joined 06/03/2019
    Posted 2 years, 1 month ago

    Some of your revisions get there, but I do think you are underestimating some of your cards. Odin's AoE is 1-sided and does so much damage that it practically says 'destroy all enemy minions'. Add in the +10 armour, which will keep you alive for quite a while, and significant board presence, and he's a lot more powerful than a "sometimes better Twisting Nether".

    For Freyja, there are lots of cards you can use as reference points. Most of them are in rogue, e.g. Vilespine Slayer, Flik Skyshiv, Bootstrap Sunkeneer, but warlock also has Keli'dan the Breaker. Other than some situational cases with Flik, all of these are significantly weaker than your Freyja, even before the discover effect is included. Furthermore, this is an effect that rogue is designed to be the best class at, so a warlock card really shouldn't be pushing the power level that far.

    On the class design side, DH is meant to be pretty bad at dealing with big minions too. Jormungand being 10 mana might stop it seeing play in practice so it becomes a non-issue, but I'd still be hesitant to put destroy effects in that class if it wants to feel like a DH card. This is something tricky for card design: you simultaneously want cards to do something new, while feeling consistent with the old cards in that class.

    Ratatoskr is pretty cool, but yes, it would need a mana increase. I'd guess to 3-5 if we want to avoid him being too much of a high-roll. Design-wise its biggest problem is that he's a bit too complicated. If it only had one of the 3 effects (whichever one best fits the messenger flavour) then I could absolutely believe its a real HS card.

    I'm not sure where I stand on Thor, though certainly I don't think a Consecration + bigger Cariel Roame is too weak at 6 mana. If he feels too basic, you might consider switching out the AoE for an effect giving you Mjolnir? That could mean something simple like how Tirion Fordring works, but with Mjolnir itself having some fancy lightning-based effect? That could just add extra steps to what already exists, but at least it would feel more interesting.

    Finally, as a slow rogue player, I approve wholeheartedly of your Loki design! The flavour, stats and mechanics fit rogue design perfectly. That said, it might suffer from being too slow to be worth much against aggro, and has too little health to survive any AoE against control. If so, it's in an awkward spot where it's basically never as useful as it looks. Given it's really slow in a class that is anything but slow, I wonder if you could get away with buffing his return to hand effect to a deathrattle? I.e. card text:  "Stealth. After this attacks a minion it vanishes. Deathrattle: return this to your hand." Control would hate it, of course, but rogue has a long history of ruining control's day so that might be fine.

    Anyway, I've been nitpicking balance but I want to reiterate the designs are cool!

  • Daowen's Avatar
    Hero of Warcraft 1000 252 Posts Joined 03/19/2019
    Posted 2 years, 1 month ago

    Vikings The Game

    Cool !! :)

    I'm not online       cat          it's just your imagination


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