New Demon Hunter Location - Relic Vault
Submitted 2 years, 5 months ago by
A new Rare Demon Hunter Location, Relic Vault, has been revealed!
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A new Rare Demon Hunter Location, Relic Vault, has been revealed!
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This is just dumb for the sake of the Theme Deck in the works with Relics. The idea of casting Relic of Dimensions twice in a turn around T4 is ridiculous. ESPECIALLY if you have been able to upgrade it a few times already.
Now that we know what the dang Relics do, this is pretty good card with Relic of Dimensions or Relic of Phantasms. I'm having a little issue picturing the whole deck that the Relic package goes in, but overall it seems solid enough consider building around.
Hey, you heard about that Mario guy?
This is probably good, since the relics look like they are probably good.
Ok card i guess of course depending on how good all the relics are. Not sure about this Relic Demon Hunter thing ....
Challenge me ... when you're ready to duel a god!
Relic of Dimensions alone makes this card viable. Being able to draw 4 with discount is pre-nerf Skull of Gul'dan levels of power so there's no doubt in my mind this card would see play.
Its downside is of course that you need to skip a turn, but probably worth it if the effect is powerful enough. Might be the one card that makes the otherwise useless Demolition Renovator part of the meta.
LMAO, they better do Relic support in further expansions, like Locations.
Now with all the Relics revealed this could actually be nuts. Drawing two cards that get reduced by like 2 or 3-mana. And then doing it once more with an even ebtter discount is kinda crazy.
But it's still gonna be a slow plan so it might just fall apart in the first 5 turns.
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
So the best relic without a doubt is Relic of Dimensions but would you really want to wait till turn 5 to use a charge of Relic Vault? If yes and it's actually playable, then this Relic DH archetype looks quite slow, which is nice for a change. But I guess it would be 5 mana to draw 4 cards and probably with a 2 or higher mana discount.
In short: Relic Vault will see play if the whole Relic archetype sees play.
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Seems pretty good, especially with Relic of Dimensions. Lots of card draw to be had!
must-include for any relic deck, will see play in nearly if not every relic deck.
RNG is only fun as long as there is a 50/50 chance of getting something really good or trash level of bad. If RNG always results in something good, then it's not fun.
The best relic to make use of it is Relic of Dimensions in order to draw 4 cards and making some discounts