Taunt Warrior - Theorycraft

Submitted 5 years, 4 months ago by



I've been thinking about Taunt Warrior for a while. My biggest concern was about it's ability to win games, but I have a feeling that if the deck can survive the early-phase, it can win by value.

The general gameplan is to buff and play Taunt minions (are you guys shocked?). I believe the deck provides tempo with the buff cards and the mech package (a buffed Bronze Gatekeeper can be decisive). Tomb Warden is also there to win the midgame.

My biggest problem is about the card slots. Currently my deck contains 34 cards, therefore I should cut 4. What do you think, which cards are less necessary than the rest?


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  • kiszelkap's Avatar
    145 9 Posts Joined 03/24/2019
    Posted 5 years, 4 months ago



    I've been thinking about Taunt Warrior for a while. My biggest concern was about it's ability to win games, but I have a feeling that if the deck can survive the early-phase, it can win by value.

    The general gameplan is to buff and play Taunt minions (are you guys shocked?). I believe the deck provides tempo with the buff cards and the mech package (a buffed Bronze Gatekeeper can be decisive). Tomb Warden is also there to win the midgame.

    My biggest problem is about the card slots. Currently my deck contains 34 cards, therefore I should cut 4. What do you think, which cards are less necessary than the rest?


    Deck ID Not Found

  • Grumpy000's Avatar
    1880 1159 Posts Joined 06/06/2019
    Posted 5 years, 4 months ago

    i would remove the two execute and Elysiana

    I am 69 years old and still reach Legend

  • jacob1487's Avatar
    465 218 Posts Joined 03/27/2019
    Posted 5 years, 4 months ago

    And maybe supercollider?

  • kiszelkap's Avatar
    145 9 Posts Joined 03/24/2019
    Posted 5 years, 4 months ago

    Archivist Elysiana is there to have chance against Control Warrior/Shaman. Or any slower decks.

    Why would you guys remove Execute and Supercollider?

  • Painkiller1724's Avatar
    200 132 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 5 years, 4 months ago

    My opinion: you are mixing stuff from the control deck with the taunt (which should be more minion oriented) deck. You'll end up having to kill your minions (with things like brawl, Dyn-o-matic and warpath) which shouldn't be good. I would cut out both brawls (or just leave one like an emergency switch), remove both warpaths, cut one execute and maybe switch the supercollider for another weapon with more attack value, also, you could leave one devastators and also shield slam. Then you'd free some space for more taunt minions, that could be buffed, then leaving your gameplan for a more proactive style (maybe even Elysiana could leave).

    Hope it helps

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