New Priest Minion - Haunting Nightmare
Submitted 2 years, 1 month ago by
A new Epic Priest Minion, Haunting Nightmare, has been revealed!
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A new Epic Priest Minion, Haunting Nightmare, has been revealed!
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Pretty decent tempo card, isn't it? Slow, but it essentially gives you free stuff later on.
basically it's Silverware Golem in reverse, but instead of benefitting from being randomly discarded it randomly enchants something in your hand that you're hopefully going to play sooner than later.
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
I do like how this card is worded and works, because if the card is in your hand/deck, it is obviously something you intended to play, and having an extra effect on top of its regular usage wouldn't be a bad thing at all, no matter the card; play a haunted removal and also gain a body? Yes please! (3) mana 3/3 is a bit lackluster, but with the extra 3/3, it allows for great value-trade!
Struggle with Heroic Galakrond's Awakening? I got your back :
In aggro shadow priest this card is pretty good. 3 mana for a 3/3 and then another 3/3 for free later on? That's good enough for 3 mana. Slow, but aggro decks need reload, and a 3/3 for 3 is hardly worthless for an aggro deck.
Doesn't exactly tell us what priest's identity for this expansion would be though. Is the 'do a thing when you play a thing' seriously an archetype worth exploring?
I guess this doesn't do a whole lot when played, but I doubt many can complain about an additional 3/3 for free.
That's pretty cute. Actually nice tempo for shadow priest. And you can res this minion with Animate Dead. I'd see this minion getting run in a new type of aggro shadow priest, where most of your minions are small, so you'll play Haunting Nightmare on curve then play the "haunted" minion next turn for the additional 3/3 body.
It's possible and keen to try it out.
TREMBLE before.... the most legendary dragon that ever existed!
Pretty good card. Bit slow as a 3/3 at first, but if this doesn't get silenced it will be very diffucult to remove. Sticky/annoying minions like these have often seen play, so i think this one will as well.
RNG is only fun as long as there is a 50/50 chance of getting something really good or trash level of bad. If RNG always results in something good, then it's not fun.
Seems like decent tempo value (after all it's 2 3/3s for 3) but I'm having trouble picturing the deck that wants this.
Hey, you heard about that Mario guy?
Not sure where this one would fit. I like the concept of the card, but looks more like something Rogue would want.