New Shaman Minion - Overlord Drakuru
Submitted 2 years, 1 month ago by
A new Legendary Shaman Minion, Overlord Drakuru, has been revealed!
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A new Legendary Shaman Minion, Overlord Drakuru, has been revealed!
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I really like the effect, similar to Frostmourne but very expensive. Can be used in conjunction with From De Other Side but still very slow and Shaman doesn't have much stall aside from Snowfall Guardian.
TREMBLE before.... the most legendary dragon that ever existed!
Mind Control Shsman lite
There's so many problems with this card. The first would be obviously its incredible mana cost of 9, which means its unlikely to make an appearance never mind win the game.
And secondly, the effect is doubtless powerful, but is also impractical against all other classes except for maybe hunter and paladin. Because if this doesn't kill a taunt at least youre really in trouble. And the fact is that it only has 6 attack with 8 health, so its actually possible that your targets are around the 5-6 mana range and unlikely to make much impact even if they are resummoned on your side.
Only way this card can redeem itself is that you cheat it out, which may not be as impossible as it seems. We've only seen 4 cards so far and Im fairly certain team5 would have easily guessed that the archetype is shit if nothing is cheated out.
That's massive, slow and gimmicky... Not too sure if this can be reliable and/or even valuable , but it makes me want to try and play some Big Shammy. Is this fun? Possibly! Is this going to be meta defining? Probably not!
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There isn't a lot with more than 12 health. Plenty of late-game minions with 8 attack or more though. I don't know if it will be trash, but the windfury gives you the flexibility to steal two minions with less than 6 health, or one minion with more. Hopefully you don't have to use an attack from this to pop a divine shield.
Very slow, but still quite a powerfull board swing. Obviously BIG Shaman will run this card, but i feel like Control shaman might run this as well. It's a pretty good way to clear a few minions, if it survives the trades it becomes a must-kill card for your opponent AND it fuels Sire Denathrius thanks to the summoning stuff. I think this card might be surprisingly good. Not meta-defining or anything, just a solid inclusion.
RNG is only fun as long as there is a 50/50 chance of getting something really good or trash level of bad. If RNG always results in something good, then it's not fun.
Man this is going to be good when Insatiable Devourer rotates out- OH WAIT
Hey, you heard about that Mario guy?
Seems like a cool concept for a card, but far too expensive. Doubt it'll see much play.