Starting an Arena and letting it expire after 2 losses

Submitted 4 years, 10 months ago by

Someone told me that if you start an arena run right, stop at 2 losses then when it expires cause of new rotation you will get a free arena pass? That true ? 

  • tcipps's Avatar
    170 31 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 10 months ago

    Someone told me that if you start an arena run right, stop at 2 losses then when it expires cause of new rotation you will get a free arena pass? That true ? 

  • gamegeekky's Avatar
    40 1 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 4 years, 10 months ago

    yes, i've done it multiple times

    And you get the key for however many wins you got.


  • PopeNeia's Avatar
    Darkmaster 640 841 Posts Joined 07/06/2019
    Posted 4 years, 10 months ago

    You get a free arena ticket when the expansion drops IF you have an arena run active at the time.

    I don’t know how this is going to work this time, because the Arena was updated way too early.

    This ain't no place for a hero

  • Thonson's Avatar
    HearthStationeer 1740 1733 Posts Joined 03/24/2019
    Posted 4 years, 10 months ago

    Maybe that was their way of disrupting the pattern.  By making the change to Arena happen sooner than the expansion.  However, it was most likely just a mistake.  Blizzard isn’t THAT clever!

    Quick!  Someone give me something clever to write here.

  • Almaniarra's Avatar
    HearthStationeer 950 1483 Posts Joined 03/21/2019
    Posted 4 years, 10 months ago

    I had a warning from hearthstone yesterday as "You have an active arena run and 4 days left to complete it." even though Arena has been rotated. I had that warning before so much times and whenever I got this warning, I always got ticket so maybe I am not who to confirm but I'm %100 sure we will get an arena ticket.

    Unpopular Opinion Incarnate

  • RavenSunHS's Avatar
    Refreshment Vendor 880 1487 Posts Joined 03/27/2019
    Posted 4 years, 10 months ago

    It would be weird to change their ticket policy without a proper announcement.

    They know the procedure of leaving one run open is established, it would be extremely rude and superficial on their customers to change that without any proper notification.

  • sinti's Avatar
    Senior Writer Chocolate Cake 2070 2779 Posts Joined 10/20/2018
    Posted 4 years, 10 months ago

    There should be another arena reset despite the recent fuck up, since they will add Saviors of Uldum to the mix. Rotation happened August 1, but without SoU, so there should be another reset. It is a bit of a mystery due to the fuck up, but i believe there will be a proper reset tomorrow.

    So yes, start your arena run and either leave it be or play it until 2 losses to maximize your rewards. When the reset happens, your arena run will be retired and you will receive rewards for the current number of wins you got, plus an Arena Ticket to redeem as a free entry to play another arena run.

    So why we do this, you pay 150g > you get a free ticket (so you get your 150g back) > your net worth is the rewards from the retired run, which is a pack plus some gold/dust.

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  • Bersak's Avatar
    Magma Rager 720 432 Posts Joined 06/12/2019
    Posted 4 years, 10 months ago

    Is there any possible strategy to maximise the profit? Is a 2-2 run better to be saved for the reset then a 7-2 for example? Both have Pros and cons... 

    Probably not worth the thought but how do you approach it? 

    I tried to mathematicly solve this but it‘s more complexe then i thought. Guessed winrate, average profit per win and stuff

    Winner winner chicken dinner

  • RavenSunHS's Avatar
    Refreshment Vendor 880 1487 Posts Joined 03/27/2019
    Posted 4 years, 10 months ago
    Quote From Bersak

    Is there any possible strategy to maximise the profit? Is a 2-2 run better to be saved for the reset then a 7-2 for example? Both have Pros and cons... 

    Probably not worth the thought but how do you approach it? 

    I tried to mathematicly solve this but it‘s more complexe then i thought. Guessed winrate, average profit per win and stuff

    It's easier than you think.

    The only definitive factor towards the choice of risking beyond x-2 is your knowledge of your average Arena skills, compared with the value of x.

    But there is no final maths of a better bet, simply because variance is too great for the single case.

  • sinti's Avatar
    Senior Writer Chocolate Cake 2070 2779 Posts Joined 10/20/2018
    Posted 4 years, 10 months ago
    Quote From Bersak

    Is there any possible strategy to maximise the profit? Is a 2-2 run better to be saved for the reset then a 7-2 for example? Both have Pros and cons... 

    Probably not worth the thought but how do you approach it? 

    I tried to mathematicly solve this but it‘s more complexe then i thought. Guessed winrate, average profit per win and stuff

    The most important factor is time investment. Everything else is secondary.

    Then it kinda depends on how well you do in arena on average, if you are casual player and average 3 wins, staying at 2-2 is probably a good bet, since you dont want to end up 2-3 and having to pay for another run ... unless you would play that next run anyway.

    If you average higher and you know the deck you have is pretty decent but you just had some bad luck, iv had many 12-2 that started as 0-2s or 2-2s for example, so then it might be worth playing it out a bit more.

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  • Dakarian's Avatar
    140 97 Posts Joined 03/26/2019
    Posted 4 years, 10 months ago
    Quote From Bersak

    Is there any possible strategy to maximise the profit? Is a 2-2 run better to be saved for the reset then a 7-2 for example? Both have Pros and cons... 

    Probably not worth the thought but how do you approach it? 

    I tried to mathematicly solve this but it‘s more complexe then i thought. Guessed winrate, average profit per win and stuff

    Honestly there's no real point to forcing yourself to 'hold' to a spot.  If you want to keep playing when you are at 2 losses that's fine.  If you lose, just start another run.

    The only serious requirement is this: to have an active arena run when the reset happens.  I've literally had times when the only literal thing I had literal time for is to open the program, start a run, pick random cards, then close the program.  It was literally 0-0.  Literally.  Note that this isn't an issue since I start a new set spamming arena anyway.

    Basically, unless you litera(ok I'll stop) never play arena, it's a benefit to have SOMETHING up.

    Even if you go 0-0, let it reset, then run the free ticket and retire at 0-0, and get the worst reward at each time, you get 2 packs, and 2 common cards.  10 dust and 200 gold worth of packs for 150 gold. You're 50 gold and 10 dust ahead without playing a single game.  


    If you really REALLY want to min max it, I can see ONE way to lose out: every arena run that ends in 3 losses is just that, a normal arena run. And any time you get less than 50 gold/dust you technically lose out.  That happens at 2/3 or less and sometimes happens at 3/3 (4 wins guarantees at least 50 gold).  So playing at 1/2, 2/2, or 3/2 risks you getting a third loss and losing out.  Again, a reset arena run, even at 0/0 is always an advantage.  

    So if you really REALLY want to min-max things I would go with this:

    Start an arena run. Play it to 2 losses.  If you are 4 wins or more at that point, play the whole thing out, then start a new run.  

    If you are 3 wins or less when you hit 2 losses, STOP and let that one sit for a reset.  

    And, of course, if you run out of time, just stop where you are.  No point forcing 2 losses just to 'be at 2 losses'.  If you don't have a run going, you can leave it at 0/0 before you close.

    Then after reset, play as normal.



    But really this is nitpicking.  So honestly if you want my advice, I'll TL;DR it for you:




    TL:DR Summary


    1. JUST #()$#)( play.    

    2.  There IS a min-maxed exact way to maximize this thing, but I'm playing the Snob card here:  If you aren't interested in reading more than this summary then sacrificing some enjoyment of the game to make sure you don't accidentally lose 20 gold isn't that important.  So again.

    Play Arena like you normally do, a lot, nothing at all, I don't care.

    Do NOT close the game without an Arena run open, even if it's 0/0 with random cards picked.  

    Reset happens.  play the run.  Even if you go 0/3 you won.  Enjoy.



    Why trade with minions when you can face for...billions? 


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